So we've finally gotten the Leven livery for the 158, however I can't be the only one perplexed that we can't actually drive it on any services to Leven. There was absolutely no mention of the promised updated Fife Circle timetable in the update notes, and there hasn't been for a while. I finally bought Fife Circle on the understanding that it would eventually have a more varied timetable, so I'm getting very concerned. To be brutally honest, I couldn't care less about the extra 158 services on Edinburgh Glasgow. I wish it wasn't there to begin with- I don't like how weird it makes the route feel time period wise. However I really like the other new layers they added so it's still gonna have to be the one I play.
One of Skyhook posted in another thread that work is still being done on the FC timetable updates but it’s proving problematic. Agree though it’s a bit of a ridiculous situation that the 158 which was presumably done with FC in mind has a couple of scenarios and nothing else.
It also appears that the Leven Rail Link 158 is only avaliable in free roam as well. It would not really suit the E-G Timetable, but it would have been nice to be able to choose it.
Yeah, I’m pleased with all the extra layers and timetabled services / AI and just overall TLC that Skyhook are putting into EDI-GLA, and it sounds like the latest update is going to be great, but been holding off playing Fife Circle until all the updates are published and it’s the best experience… shame it’s been a bit delayed, but hopefully will also arrive with fleshed out AI layers and static stock etc…
Oh nice. I’ve been waiting for the Livery. And apparently the 158 now has an announcer ??. That’s cool.
You are slowly getting all the features you want and more... and still complain? Patience, grasshopper.
I'm still really hopeful Skyhook will implement a brand new timetable for Fife Circle with the Class 158, but i hear they ran into some unique and unusual problems that seemed to arise from the way Fife Circle was built in the first place. I seem to remember the Haymarket depot area was exceptionally complex compared to how all other similar areas were designed. I just hope Skyhook will keep working on this and not abandon their attempt to implement a new timetable for Fife Circle, as it desperately, desperately needs this.. the work Skyhook have done on the E-G timetable is a massive improvement on what was originally offered from Rivet. In fairness Fife Circle is in a better state than on release, but the timetable is incredibly poor still. If Skyhook can provide an enhanced timetable just like they have on E-G it would for me bring Fife Circle to a standard we all hoped for when it was originally released. so if anyone from Skyhook reads this, i know you're having difficulties but please don't give up, a lot of us are eagerly anticipating your new Class 158 Fife Circle timetable!
I was hoping a solid release and update for the Skyhook 158 would encourage them to continue and make more like it for those routes such as a Class 68. Once you figure out the routes to do it once, the second and third times should be much easier since you already know the obstacles involved on the implementation side. It builds a core of knowledge in a specific area (like Just Trains has with 80s routes in the western area) that is very valuable. I still think they've done a nice job thus far and are keeping at it, not dropping it like some others have in the past.
There is a very good community timetable by FAWX for FCL, I wonder what troubles Skyhook are hwving. The standard timetable is still fairly poor. The route itself has improved.
I wonder if it’s how Rivet are setting up their TT’s, Liam mentioned having issues with the WCMLS one too. In any case the new one for E2G looks good, that route is shaping out to be a nice little racetrack for the Scotrail fleet. Particularly the 380 which really needed somewhere to stretch its legs.
Had a quick go on the new timetable at lunch. Feels so much more alive on E2G, really enhances the route. Took a 801 up to Polmont - realise this would be an 800 IRL but think it’s a reasonable creative liberty to take. One downer though, presumably a core issue, was getting low memory blurred textures by the time I got into Polmont - never had that issue previously on E2G.
That's my suspicion too. I have to say i was as confused as OP when i read the patch notes. Why not just hold the release until the whole package is ready? In any case i guess i'll have to give E-G another try- maybe i'll enjoy it more with the 380 lol.
Is the 380 and 158 realistic on the EDI-GLA line? I thought that all Express services are run by 385, I can get over 380 substitute tough. Do they appear at Waverley from time to time? However diesel 158 on a modern electrified line seems obsolete to me... P.S.: Although I get to Waverley few times a year, I´m not a regular commuter on that line.
Agreed, can't wait to get the 380 up to a decent speed. E-G always was a bit boring, but this adds some necessary variety.
Is that list up to date? Do 158s still occasionally run all the way from Edinburgh or Glasgow to Inverness? I was under the impression it was solely the domain of HSTs, with 170s filling in where necessary. As for the 380s, I spent a week in Edinburgh earlier this year and not once did I see a 380 there, either going out to Glasgow or North Berwick. Was the 380 really an appropriate layer for this route? The 158s already break the immersion for me.
Fair play to Skyhook on giving Edinburgh to Glasgow some well needed TLC... I sincerely commend them on that. As frustrating as it is with the implementing the 158 on the FCL, it must be a fault on the developers on the route rather then Skyhook. Skyhook probably want to release it on the FCL with plenty of game play but the base route is most likely causing the issues so you can't blame them their... I know from previous posts that Haymarket depot was proving to be an issue. So it might be that as well as other small issues in the base route causing the problems. Hopefully it'll be sorted in a few weeks though. Hats off to Skyhook though, Edinburgh to Glasgow always had potential and you're giving it that love it needs.
LucaZone has mentioned this on my server for the Edinburgh Glasgow timetable. For the E2G timetable the Leven livery isnt implemented into a player service. It has been assigned a Leven diagram so can only be observed operating north from Edinburgh. Appearing on route at 0605, 0905, 1205, 1505, 1805 and 2105. Departing Edinburgh at 0623, 0923, 1223, 1523, 1823 and 2123. Cheers Hentis
The Class 380's did operate on the Edinburgh - Glasgow via Falkirk High route when the line was first electrified before the Class 385's were available for service. I can't recall if they operated on the route at the same time as the 385's but it's definitely a reasonable layer to add given they have run services on the route: Whether it's regularly a 158 or not I don't know but it was one today
Get it on sale if you can, but I didn’t - and finding it good value nonetheless - azuma layer is fantastic.
Just done a run in the 380 from Glasgow to Edinburgh. Hats off the Skyhook you've brought a once dead route, and given it some life, immersion and depth. Can not thank your team enough! Thank you for implementing other stock in the timetable outside of the 158. Very thoughtful and considerate of your team. So nice to actually see the route brought to life.
agree with this, Skyhook in recent times have gone above and beyond in enhanching timetables, i really think they don't get the credit they deserve for that.. andi just can't help but think if they can do this with E-G, i cannot wait to see what they'll produce for Fife Circle!
It is good to see improvments to edinburgh glasgow and fife circle, but these were rivet routes, you would have thought they would have done it. But no, am glad skyhook are doing proper timetables, makes the routes so much better. Shame in rivet. Tut tut
Yeah 158’s still run pretty regularly between Edinburgh/Glasgow to Inverness/Aberdeen. The HST’s are only on certain services which show on ScotRail timetable with I7C at the top. I do agree on the immersion with the 158s on the Edi - Glasgow route though. Although can understand the reasoning behind it and why others like it.
This is the trouble with TSW. Because others don't mind fantasy timetables, which is completely fair of course, those of us who want to see realism then have to put up with something unrealistic. The selectable layers haven't helped that much depending how they are set up. I haven't looked at the Edinburgh to Glasgow timetable so I imagine it's easy to deselect the 158, although a lot of services would then disappear. I can get rid of the class 40 on BPO but can't on Shap without removing lots of services I want to see. When I've got time and more hard drive space I might take a look at making timetables.
I never intimated they did. I don't have any statistics though, I am clearly not the only one but likely in the minority which I accept. I am just expressing an opinion like everyone else.
I didn't say it was "bad." I simply said you didn't like that other TSW players like different "less realistic" timetables. Isn't that what you did say summarized? Yes it's your opinion. And that's their opinion to disagree with you. You called it a "problem" though, suggesting it had to be "fixed." The "problem" would be following timetables "too realistically" because people would then complain there wasn't enough in them and they weren't allowing them to have as much fun. As others have said, it's less a "sim" and more a "game" aimed at mostly console players who want a wide experience, not a deep dive. If you start getting into that much detail on 158s, then most of the layers and substitutions would have to be thrown out, along with a good chunk of all the timetables that are "rare, seldom and fictional." It's not as easy as "well I'd like this".... it's a matter of balancing what that gains with what it loses. If you make a handful of purists happy but piss off much of player base, then it's not a good trade off for a company that wants more people playing. If a casual wants to drive a 158 that isn't in the right livery or doesn't "regularly" go to that doesn't harm you. You can just not play that part of the "incorrect" timetable. There is no actual "gain" for you since you can choose to stick to the "correct" portions (in your view.) However, on the other hand by deleting those parts you don't like (that you aren't even playing) then for no gain you are denying other people the fun of using them, even if they aren't strictly accurate. It's all loss, no gain for the game as a whole. You can HAVE that opinion, even if it's not a good one. However, I can point out it's not a good idea too.
I never said it needed to be fixed, it is a problem for me. It isn't just about the player services it is about seeing unrealistic AI. For me the beauty of a train simulator is to be able to represent something real and do something I can't in real life, i.e. drive trains. In particular the more historic routes where I have a great interest and want to see what has gone before recreated. So yes for me, seeing a class 40 on the Shap route is unrealistic and something I would rather not see, however it isn't bad enough for me to not play Shap or uninstall TSW. I don't expect anything to be done about it and I don't need to be patronised either and I don't require your permission to have an opinion. I haven't expressed it in an angry or hyperbolic way.
Is it 801 or the speed at which an 801 travels? I find that any "fast" train tends to outrun it's rendering in TSW.
Wow, 90% of that you just made up to get angry about it seems. I never said you had to leave the game....just that your opinion wasn't realistic. You are blowing it way out of proportion, but then again that was the original post too. If you like drama then that's fine. Lots of people love extra drama.
I'm really not one for perpetuating and argument but I think you are the one reading things incorrectly. I was merely pointing out that what ever my irritations were with the realism or not of timetables it wasn't enough to cause me to stop playing TSW. I never implied you said I should. My opinions may be unrealistic as are many opinions. They are still my opinions. And I don't get angry. If I started getting angry at words written on a forum then I know that it is time to log off and do something more useful.
So, i have to say E-G is a much better drive with the 380 than the 385 imo. Kudos to Skyhook for their good work on the E-G timetable. Hopefully it won't be too long of a wait for the FCL timetable.