Route East Coast Main Line - Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by DTG-Chris, Sep 13, 2023.

  1. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    Retford (the top part) has 2 platforms - the down is 255.3m, and the up is 253m. The 801/2 is 233.7m long. Your picture shows platform 1 I believe? That is the up platform. So it seems like a possible place.

    Therefore I found a cab ride video -

    The stop marker is approx in the right place (beyond the fence). However:
    1. IRL it is attached to the fence, and not on a separate post
    2. IRL, the fence appears to be longer - or just with more posts.


    Screenshot 2024-12-18 at 19.25.38.png
  2. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    DTG Alex DTG Harry DTG JD

    I've put in various threads over the past few months that the Azuma coach lettering is incorrect. I was wondering if this is something the team is aware of and working on please?

    For example, on the 9 car Coach M IRL is lettered Coach A in game.

    The correct coach lettering can be found here

    I was wondering if you could please pass this over to the team to fix? I travel on these trains a lot so it is really quite immersion breaking.

    Thank you!
  3. jack#9468

    jack#9468 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
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    The AI at Doncaster platform 3 stops in the wrong place for LNER services.

    The stopping point for 80x class is at this pylon (2nd image) but where they are set to stop is further up, blocking the junction between platforms 3a and 3b, and the signal at platform 3b.
    b7e0144b-fe57-4dc9-84e0-78ee1417ece0.png 8fb49bfb-be8f-4243-ab80-fe509282c106.png
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  4. devadatta357

    devadatta357 Active Member

    Jul 10, 2024
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    Friends, I'm experiencing the same problem again on the ECML (schedule 1D15 London Kings Cross - Leeds). This time the alarm did not stop me in the video (but the emergency stop worked in the previous attempt, I have already recorded the second one in the video). However, before the red traffic signal during the stop I automatically activated the brake hold. What is the reason for this? Maybe I don't understand something and made a mistake somewhere?
    I wrote about this problem back in November, but nobody responded, there is a video on MEGA, if you need, I can upload it to YouTube.
  5. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    Can you please share the timestamp in the YouTube video where the issue occurs?

    And if you want me to look at the other video, please do upload this to YouTube and embed it like you did with this one.

    It is a bit difficult to help though, as the pop ups are not in English so I don't understand what they are saying.

    However, to me, it looks like the timestamp is around 2 mins? And it looks like you put the train in emergency brake? And then are you asking why it isn't moving on again? If you were able to change the in game language to English and then capture the issue again, I'd be able to understand better and could hopefully help more.
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  6. devadatta357

    devadatta357 Active Member

    Jul 10, 2024
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    No, the video did not show an emergency stop, but an automatic brake hold occurred. I will reupload the previous YouTube video and post.
    Thank you for your patience.
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  7. devadatta357

    devadatta357 Active Member

    Jul 10, 2024
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    Hello again!
    I have recorded a video with English interface. I am forcibly stopped after the 2nd yellow light, I tried to drive slower, but at some speeds the alarm still “catches” me and stops me. In the previous video I was driving very slowly and there was no emergency stop.
    At the end I could not reset the error, but then I pressed SPAD and it disappeared, however the brakes are still held and I cannot start driving.
    Where am I making a mistake here?
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  8. samuelpower2001

    samuelpower2001 Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2020
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    It looks as if it's tpws at play.. because you are going at quite a high speed before the red signal.

    I had this a few months back and you need to be at no more than 20 or so.
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  9. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    At 00:56 you are being penalty braked due to being ‘overspeed’ (this is the noise you’ll hear). You braked very late, really you should be at no more than 90 passing double yellows, and 40-60 at single yellows, and then 35 over TPWS Grids and 20 over AWS grids (when in a block with a red signal) - though I could not see a grid just before you stopping but it could just be due to the resolution.

    The penalty brake lasts one minute after stopping, and it can be reset after this by pressing the AWS Button (AFAICR).

    I agree with samuelpower2001 on this - try to follow the limits I’ve mentioned above, really you need to be braking around 2.8 miles before the station at min brake, and then controlling appropriately for signals, then hopefully it should be ok :)
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  10. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    Not sure if this is a core issue or an issue with Just Trains. Yesterday I fired up ECML as fancied giving the 87 a blast from Peterborough to Doncaster on freeroam. Came up with something like "No room on Scenario" and wouldn't let me load the 87. I know there have been issues with Rivet stock loading up on certain routes but this is the first time I've encountered an issue with JT stock.

    On PS5
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2024
  11. phillip.good

    phillip.good Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2020
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    I was getting that with the 170 on east coast way as well as the 08 on Isle of Wight and suspected it was a rivet compatibility issue but maybe it’s core.

    When I posted on here I was told that it was probably just a ‘console user’ issue!
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  12. devadatta357

    devadatta357 Active Member

    Jul 10, 2024
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    Thanks, I had a hunch that there was some speeding going on when I tried passing at a slower speed and it didn't stop me. I don't remember the training talking about these limits, now I'll know!
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  13. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    I learnt it from a guide someone on the forum made - I will try and find the link for you :)
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  14. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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  15. devadatta357

    devadatta357 Active Member

    Jul 10, 2024
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    Thanks, now I'll be driving more properly (probably:D).
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  16. vendys#6021

    vendys#6021 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    PS5 console

    I installed the Midland Main Line map which adds a lot of Static Layers to Doncaster and then also a Relief HST EMT service.

    While examining the parked cars in Doncaster I noticed that the windows of the MK3 cars turn white when you zoom in and the textures of the light by the doors, which indicates that they are I investigated further and even in the Relief HST set the cars marked A behave the same.

    Upon further investigation I found that the HST EMT set from the Midland Mail Line map is not taken, but that it is modified for the layers in ECML, as the car marked A is there with a wheel compartment and each car has its own lettering...which is different in the ECML layers, and the car marked A is repeated there.

    Anyway, it seems that when you approach the model, probably due to LOD, the texture of the window glass and then probably the signal light by the door will fall out. I have to say that this is very unfortunate and very disturbing

    Nothing like this happens with the original HST EMT train in the Midland Main Line map, and it doesn't happen when I spawn them in the ECML map either.
    There must be a bug with the modified "A" car for the EMT layers in the ECML
  17. MJCKP

    MJCKP Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2023
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    Some bugs I found while making a mod for the Class 801:
    • On the cab cars, the front passenger door open and close buttons can't be used because they are blocked by the collision mesh.
    • On the cab cars, the fuses in the fuse box can't be used because they are blocked by the collision mesh.
    • On every coach the back right interior close door button is broken - PassengerDoorBR_Close_Interior in the RVV is incorrectly linked to PassengerDoorFL_Close_Interior.
    • On every coach the right side Guard Door Control Panel is animated to swing the wrong way, and clips through the wall.
    • On every coach the door close buttons on the right side guard panels don't work (DoorClose_Interlock_R).
    • On coach 7, all the Guard Door Control Panels are broken and don't open when you click on them.
    • On coach 2 (MeS), the fuel caps can't be interacted with.
    • The passenger doors can be opened while the train is moving.
    • Fix the right side guard panels and add official guard mode support.
    • Allow the fuel caps on the MeS coach to be used.
    • Allow the traction interlock switch in the cab to be used.
    • Adjust the collision mesh so it doesn't block interaction with some components.
    • Change the coupler ID so it can couple to the Class 395, I believe they are both part of the Hitachi A-train family.
    • Controllable saloon lights (I assume in RL it would be done using the TMS screen, so in game it could just be bound to the saloon lights hotkey).
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2025
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  18. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Still one of the best in house DTG routes.

    Arriving at Peterborough you really do wish this had formed part of an ongoing project to do a greater ECML and push on to Kings Cross, or north to York and Newcastle.
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  19. Nick Y

    Nick Y Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2020
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    Had a game crash on this route on PS5 earlier today just approaching P'boro (full timetable).
    It was the early morning service from Newark and I was literally 350yds away from stopping at the marker.
  20. jack#9468

    jack#9468 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
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    The following configuration should be applied for units working in multiple:

    1. In the leading unit, headlights should be on at the front. The rear lights should be off.
    2. In the trailing unit, tail lights should be on at the rear. The front lights should be off.
    3. The lights in the middle (ie rear of the leading and front of the trailing unit) should not be turned on when working in multiple.

    Point 3 applies to the 801/1.

    Upon entering the cabs of both units, the Headlight Control Switch (this controls the headlights and taillights) is set to off, but upon inspection, this is clearly not the case.

    This is an issue affecting AI and player controlled services where the 801/1 runs in multiple. It is unique to the 801/1, as the 801/2 doesn't run in multiple with any other units.

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