The Class 390 EMU DLC is a separate (old) loco pack that doesn't come bundled with a route. Check your list of DLC in your Steam TSC Library and if it's there check it's installed. If it's not there you don't own it.
It should be installed here - \RailWorks\Assets\S9BL\Class390Addon If i remember correctly it has scenarios for WCML North?
You are correct thx. I have found them. Wanting to do Locoswap with missing Virgin Train. Will use Silver/Red. It is kind of frustrating that some of the key legacy routes require TS2017 and TS2018. It can be a huge headache modifying everything to get them working
I have it. I am trying to get [CB] (ML 1) 1U37 13:46 London Euston - Crewe on WCML: Midlands & Northwest (missing link) operational. I have been fixing missing assets and have been replacing missing NorthWalesCoast with NWC-CreweCaergybi. The scenario starts fine (I have run other scenarios on this DLC already) yet I seem to have issues when the Class 390 starts and TSC crashes. 1A45 crashes at exactly 6 seconds after it is programmed to start (departs its origin at 15:34:37 and the instance of TSC crashes at 15:34:43) and I get no error code even with Logmate. This is not the prime train the operator will be driving. Any ideas what to check? I checked the asset exists in the editor physically. Thx. All loft and track items are present.
Do a run with the S9BL Pendolino - although you might have a bin file for each of the coaches the train might not work. I just did a trail of a Virgin set on WCML TV and it sort of ran ok but the Pantograph would not raise.
There's a possibility that it's the scenario that's at fault, not the 390. Have you tried watching the scenario run in the 2D view from the scenario build menu? No guarantee, but you might be able to spot something. Is the Pendo set straddling a junction at all when it starts?
You do realise that those two packs are not an original and updated version of the same thing don't you?
I saw it move on the 2D view. Will take a closer look at the model. Was hoping I would at least get a fault code. Most likely a fault with the scenario and my current asset set. Route looks fine.
A general tip for the future with locating the assets folders of Steam Store sold DLC you can easily find it using SteamDB which has a lot more of the data related stuff for Steam products listed; you can even view old delisted products sold for TSC in the past which is quite interesting. For example here is the SteamDB page for the Class 390: Should look something like this. The page itself for the product you are looking at won't tell you the file directory but if you simple change the "app" portion of the URL to "depot" it will come up with a list of file directories which tell you wherever it's resources are installed to that I can't find a way to access through that page's features so I edit the URL manually. For example: should become: and should something like this where it lays out the locations of the files it installs into the Railworks folder! Works the same for routes too; it will show you both the content and asset location folder of said routes. I've found it very useful primarily for when I want to find route asset folders to modify its files to swap weather or vegetation with what I prefer.
That is very helpful - I was looking for the path of something else recently and this tells me how to find it. Thanks Blazin EDIT - It does not seem to find what is inside an assets.ap folder?
No problem. It doesn’t find the path of what is actually located inside an .ap file since it’s just that, a file which just condenses other files in it. As you would know it’s just a compressed folder that can run faster in a program or videogame such as TSC when read as one file. And all the installation is seeing itself is doing is installing just the .ap file; it doesn’t see itself as installing whatever else is in it because isn’t actually concerned with what the file itself contains if that makes sense. If you want to know the specifics of what an .ap file is containing once you’ve found its install path you can simply use programs like 7zip to either extract all the contents out right there, or if you don’t want a mess you can copy the .ap file and extract it in a quick backup location to delete afterwards. To simply just see what is within the .ap file without extracting it all if you don't want to do that (which is often the case for me when all I may be concerned with is the name of weather files for weather file replacements) you can use 7zip to "Open Archive" with opens the 7zip interface and you can browse what is within the .ap file without actually needing to extract it. For 7zip I'll give a visual example: As you can see after opening the 7zip program options you can either Open Archive or Extract Here, or somewhere else if you would rather put in a different directory than simply just copying the .ap file to that different directory and using Extract Here in the alternate location. If I use Open Archive as you can see I now am able to view the contents of what is stored within the .ap file and browse through it to my desire. As you can see here I can enter the TimeOfDay folder to see what the the weather file names are for my own replacement purposes without having to bother extracting the entire or a part of the file somewhere:
I'm used to extract *.ap files - sometimes just to get the Route Information file out. The problem I was having was with a loco trying to work out which folder it was in. I have downloaded the AP-Enhanced EMC Romanian Class 56. It repaints the IHH Class 56 that came in the East Midlands Coal addon I don't have the East Midlands Coal route and I don't want it. Could somebody who has the addon tell me the location of the Class 56? It will be in Assets/CreativeRail/EastMidlandsCoal but I don't know what comes after? I have the loco from IHH and wondered if I could create some folders to fool the installer for the version above. Unlike the S9BL Class 390 it does not say on the SteamDB info.
I checked the 390 out on other routes. That was fine. I also ran some other scenarios on the Route so that points to the specific scenario Looks like a gap in the route for the train. How do I fix this? Thx
It looks to be a problem with the track where the line from Stone joins the Up Fast at Norton Bridge. Strange the red line is complete on both sides - maybe a problem with the points?
..\Assets\CreativeRail\EastMidlandsCoal\RailVehicles\Diesel\Class_56\Default\Engine for the default loco. Crewe Large Logo, Red Stripe and Sector are the other livery folders that also contain Engine folders
You don't in this case; what you're seeing as a break are the movable rails in a junction which never show as red. You'd get a derailment, not a crash if the points were set incorrectly. Make a backup copy of the scenario so you can get back to a known state, and then edit the copy in the game by removing the instructions for the suspect train. Then try it. If it falls over after 6 seconds without the Pendo moving then the fault lies elsewhere.
OK so I cloned the scenario and then deleted the suspect train. The scenario still crashed without any error.
So the Pendo's not at fault after all. All you can really do is hope somebody comes along who's had it working, or get on to Cranky Bot about it.