Dovetail Games Tsc Screenshot Contest - January Contest 2025

Discussion in 'Creation Centre' started by DTG Jamie, Jan 13, 2025.

  1. DTG Jamie

    DTG Jamie Community Manager Staff Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Welcome back to the Train Simulator Screenshot Contest!

    This week's theme is: Germany, Austria and Switzerland

    Follow us on Instagram ( to see your screenshots featured on our feed!

    How does it work?
    You can submit your screenshot to the thread, and every Month we will choose which screenshots will go to the loading screens. Shortly after, we will open a new thread and announce the winners. Each Month has its own theme which is voted for by the community.

    Competition Rules:
    • Limit is 2 screenshots per person; 1 screenshot per post.
    • Include in your post the route the screenshot was taken on as well as the name of the train (if applicable).
    • Screenshots must be in a 16:9 resolution, at least 1920x1080 pixels.
    • Screenshots must fit the theme of the Month, as stated at the beginning of this post.
    • In order to qualify for the competition, screenshots must be taken from products published by Dovetail Games that are currently on sale.
    Other Rules:
    • Official content only. Please make sure anything that is not available on the Steam Store or Dovetail Store is not shown in the screenshot. - This means no reshade, repaint mods, track upgrades or workshop routes.
    • Your entry may be disqualified if it is deemed to not follow these rules. Please limit chat to only when absolutely necessary.
    • Competition closes at mid-day Monday (UK time). The winner will be chosen once a Month on a Monday.
    • Winner's Prize: The winning screenshot will appear in the game as a loading screen for 1 month!

    Please refer the terms and conditions for this competition here:

    Note that by submitting an entry to this contest, you are consenting to us using your screenshot as a loading screen and showing it on our social media channels (such as Instagram)
  2. DTG Jamie

    DTG Jamie Community Manager Staff Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Please Note! Contest has now changed to Monthly now gives the chance for more people to enter.
  3. IronBladder

    IronBladder Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2017
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    DTG Jamie will the closing day be the last Monday in the month, or the first in the next month? I.e. for this month is it the 27th Jan or 3rd Feb?
  4. DTG Jamie

    DTG Jamie Community Manager Staff Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    3rd of Feb :)
  5. unionpacificfan

    unionpacificfan Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2022
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    I do not think this is going to work once a month contest.

    I think the problem is/was that the winningthemes were voted by people who never join the contest because many there were hardly any contest pictures.
    Just my thoughts.
  6. IronBladder

    IronBladder Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Some German heritage steam. A DB BR 18 loco on the Wutachtalbahn Route
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  7. unionpacificfan

    unionpacificfan Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2022
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    BR99.23-24 on Brocken Railway with a passengertrain

    Screenshot_[WW] Brocken Railway_51.81664-10.72629_10-44-36.jpg
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  8. unionpacificfan

    unionpacificfan Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2022
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    Probably winning picture but has to wait 3 more weeks to find out.
  9. triznya.andras

    triznya.andras Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    Aside from people gone from the unofficial contest as well...
    ... I think DTG doesn't entirely understand why and how people play the game, especially in 2025. People play official content only sometimes but usually there is something forbidden. Workshop route, scenario, shaders, skies, something. Even I am contemplating skies for when revisiting ancient content and I'm probably the most strict-stubborn about it.

    Btw, not sure how I'll handle this as I still post my Sunday stuff but it's possible people will totally forget about it.

    Also pictures on these forums cannot be viewed without registration so it's not even a good place to browse for joy as an outsider.
    Sharing content on Steam still has reach but there are essentially no reactions here, so.
    If a tree falls but nobody is around, does it make a sound?
  10. Craigie-C

    Craigie-C Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2020
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    And if it does win you will be seeing it on your loading screen for the next 4 months, really ?????
    DTG Jamie is there any chance of having the option of an alternate loading screen to maybe show a slide show of my own screenshots or those that I would prefer to see, as opposed to being forced to see the same images regurgitated over and over again on a 4 month cycle?
    I genuinely believe that this latest decision is the start of hammering the first nail into the Official Screenshot Competition coffin.
    I personally no longer compete purely for the fact, that the set in concrete deadline of, announcement of winner, uploading of the winning shot all used to happen on the Monday of each week.
    I used to race home from work and await with baited breath to see if I had been successful and to see my winning shot on the loading screen that same night . That used to be the excitement and reason why i contributed to the nailed on format that used to be the the norm of this comp.
    Unfortunately that scenario has of late become a lottery, you maybe announced as the winner on Monday, but not have your winning shot go live till possibly the Thursday / Friday and only after having to nudge your good self.
    I appreciate you are given other deadlines with other projects to adhere to and this little comp is probably bottom of the pile when it comes to prioritisation, however if not run in a timely and constructive manner it is destined for failure.
    To me this latest statement is the first step towards just that.
    Please can you revisit this wonderful thread with a new injection of enthusiasm and maybe restore it to it's former glory.
    (Just for comparison, at time of writing this thread has 2x images from 2x contributors & 4 likes,
    the unofficial thread currently has 9x images from 5x contributors & 29 likes with no real prize on offer, maybe food for thought?)
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
  11. DeadlyDorito

    DeadlyDorito Active Member

    Mar 3, 2018
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    well put. But let’s be honest, it’s been years since DTG have had any real sense of what makes people play their own game. This competition change emphasises that entirely. No wonder nearly all their content has been replaced by far superior third party stuff recently.
  12. IronBladder

    IronBladder Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2017
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    The unelectrified yard at Salzburg station being worked by an ÖBB 2016 while an aging ÖBB 1042 sits abandoned in a siding. Salzburg - Wels route.
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  13. tommydee

    tommydee Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2020
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    Route: Surselva Line
    Loco: GE 4/4 ii RhB
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
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  14. tommydee

    tommydee Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2020
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    Locos: ÖBB 1116 & ÖBB 4746
    Route: Payerbach - Wien Hbf
    • Like Like x 2
  15. DTG Jamie

    DTG Jamie Community Manager Staff Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    • Like Like x 2
  16. Craigie-C

    Craigie-C Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2020
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    Congratulations IronBladder on a genuinely really stunning screenshot, a really worthy winner if ever I saw one.

    DTG Jamie after deciding to extend the deadline to once a month you have still only had 5 contributions from 3 contributors.
    Is there any chance of revisiting this thread with a rethink and maybe get back to where we used to be?
    This thread historically used to be a hive of amazing images from many a contributor, which used to be a joy to see, and the excitement of whether you had been successful or not for me used to be the Monday evening announcement.
    The Idea of 1 image rotating across the screens for 4 months means we only get to see 1 new shot once every 4 weeks with the other three being a case of "Bored, Bored Bored"
    I personally believe the main reason myself and many others who have given up with this thread is purely down to the lacklustre, whenever, approach to announcing the winner and actually making it happen have been the main barrier.
    As previously stated, I understand you personally have many other deadlines to adhere to and this one is bottom of the pile.
    A genuine explanation from your good self as to why this thread is being run as it is would be much appreciated.
    Best Wishes
  17. IronBladder

    IronBladder Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Craigie-C Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad to have won.

    DTG Jamie can answer for himself, but I think the competition is always going to be limited to DTG published products, which will restrict it to those who don't have AP's popular weather and track enhancements installed. I can understand that, as DTG will only want to promote DLC that makes money for them. They may also be concerned that if they promote something that isn't standard TSC, they'll be accused of misleading advertising.

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