Who cares, no one is going to fix it anyway. We have a dirty-yellow signal light that is actually red. We have plenty of light-pink tail lights. We even have white tail lights (screenshot). 255 230 230 is a red color to you, DTG? We don't have RED lights in this game!
It's not necessarily as far from reality as you might think, if you take a close look on how the individual leds look like: But in reality, when you get further away, the overglow tends to get smaller and smaller and the intended color eventually prevails. It's just this optical distortion that's not simulated correctly. Unreal engine is probably well capable of that, you just have to set it up correctly...
Okay. The left one(TSW) is 255 231 207. The right one(IRL) is 255 255 190. BUT the right one has a glow which is 255 5 0. This makes me think that someone at DTG tried to create a similar color, but didn't take into account the small fact that the real signal has a glow. Same to the tail lights I guess. So Noir is right, the problem not in the color itself, but in realisation. Which still doesn't change the fact that the red light in TSW is implemented very poorly (not everywhere) and need to be fixed.
Gotta admit that colors are sometimes hard to distinguish. I realize that may be realistic, but perhaps it wouldn't hurt to deviate a bit from realism if it benefits gameplay and accessability.
Don't know why an option for that didn't exist in the first place. Sure, it's a simulator. But it's also a game.