Steam Current List Of Spotted Bugs In Version 1.0.1

Discussion in 'Player Feedback & Troubleshooting' started by J.T., Jan 28, 2025.

  1. J.T.

    J.T. Active Member

    Apr 11, 2021
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    The overall brightness at night time is way too low as for urban conditions. There are large patches of darkness between the lanterns. This causes an unpleasant stroboscopic effect when driving at night.

    And the darkest places in Tramau are large street intersections which is exactly the opposite of the reality where intersections are best lit.

    In some places, for example in the area of the Wasserturm tram stop, there are no streetlights at all.

    Reported in beta. Not fixed.

    Repair proposals:
    a) Double the illumination radius of each lantern.
    b) Add lanterns in the area of intersections.
    c) Increase overall brightness
    d) Add in options for gamma correction

    Complete lack of lighting at tram stops:
    Webertheater, Friedlandstrasse, Igor-Yurkevic-Platz, Wasserturm, Am Schlosspark, Johan-Friedrich-Gasse...

    Total lack of visibility at night.
    No possibility to see passengers getting on and off in the mirrors

    Reported in beta. Not fixed.

    Repair proposals:
    a) Add lanterns to illuminate the tram stop
    b) Increase overall brightness
    c) Add in options for gamma correction

    No clattering sound of passing through the turnouts at the track junction near the stops:
    Friedlandstrasse, Wasserturm, at intersection between Stadtgraben and Eglundsdorf...

    Present in beta. Not reported. Not fixed.

    Repair proposals:
    a) Add the missing clattering sound of passing through turnouts at track crossings :)

    [added 31.01.2025)]
    E1 and GT8N trams controlled by the AI get stuck in random places on the map and block other trams.
    Removing a blocked tram (by colliding with it) does not help much, as it immediately gets stuck elsewhere on the map after respawning. This problem doesn't occur in other types of trams or is extremely rare.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
  2. devadatta357

    devadatta357 Active Member

    Jul 10, 2024
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    How's the ‘crash’ situation? In Discord they write that all EA's problems remain. As I was worried, the developers apparently added a depot and changed the version number from 0.4.1 to 1.0:(.
  3. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Really think it’s quite incredulous they moved this out of early access to full 1.0 release when apparent to anyone the game is far from ready.

    Another DTG crash grab, it seems.

    And word to the wise for those new to DTG, look up what happened with Flight Sim World. A sorry tale of early access, less than sterling coding pushed to full release then promptly dropped. Okay CTS is the work of a third party but again one with a less than stellar history so caveat emptor.
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  4. devadatta357

    devadatta357 Active Member

    Jul 10, 2024
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    Seen a lot of reports that there are constant crashes on PlayStation, players are very dissatisfied. Now there is nothing to do and we can only watch the situation. If critical bugs are not fixed, I will make a conclusion and think twice about future purchases from DTG.
    Still in my opinion the CTS has good potential, but the realisation leaves a lot to be desired:(... For myself, I weighed the pros and cons and was willing to take that risk. I am disappointed not from losing money, but rather from the fact that a potentially interesting project can fail due to the negligence of developers.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2025
  5. dtg_jan

    dtg_jan Community Manager Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    Hello there,

    first of all, thank you for the very detailled list of reports, I will make sure to send this to the ViewApp development team. They are currently working on further improvements, as soon as those are ready to release, we will share the news with you.

    Regarding the crashes on PlayStation 5, a patch fixing this issue was released late last night. Should you still run into crashes or other issues, please do not hesitate to let us know.
    Alternatively, you can also communicate with ViewApp directly, using their Discord server, which also features a dedicated ticketing system.

    All the best,
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  6. rshifflet#2142

    rshifflet#2142 Active Member

    Aug 24, 2023
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    PS5 CTS just crashed on me. So much for that patch. The bugs are too many for me to report more ... 66$ CDN and then Crash !
  7. devadatta357

    devadatta357 Active Member

    Jul 10, 2024
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    I would suggest sending a ticket to Discord, but in my opinion the problem is not in the platform, but in the game itself, so I'm not sure if support will be able to help.
  8. swift19

    swift19 Active Member

    Sep 26, 2021
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    Nothing on the track monitor part of the hud on PS5. Just your location. No markers for points or stations.
  9. devadatta357

    devadatta357 Active Member

    Jul 10, 2024
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    On my PC version they are shown, but sometimes incorrectly: sometimes they show a turn that is not there, or oncoming stops that are irrelevant for my direction, when approaching these markers disappear.
  10. J.T.

    J.T. Active Member

    Apr 11, 2021
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    Unfortunately on Discord server each user is only allowed to send one bug report to ViewApp. So if I found dozens of bugs (and I keep coming up with more) then I can only report them on this forum and hope that somehow you will forward them to the ViewApp developers.
  11. parder#4923

    parder#4923 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2024
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    List of issues I've encountered on PS5 from playing in career mode:
    - Sometimes you will be sent the wrong way (resolved by closing the game and loading it up again)
    - As mentioned previously, the game will sometimes say you have hit a tram or pedestrian that isn't there. EDIT: In some cases pedestrian hits are due to one of them walking into the side of your vehicle as you move. Eglundsdorf seems to be problematic for this at busy times.
    - If a signal changes to stop *after* the front of your tram has passed it the game will say you have ignored the signal which isn't realistic if it was clear when the driver could see it.
    - There is a an occasional mismatch in the timing of AI cars with traffic lights where they will stop when the light is still green before the lights then turn red which again hurts the realism of the sim.

    No crashes so far but I can hear the fan going harder at times than it does playing hardware intensive routes on TSW so it seems like it's a resource heavy game.

    I've mostly enjoyed playing so far, but I hope the team keep working on perfecting the traffic coding in particular as it otherwise has a lot of potential as a game.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2025

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