Much as I would like something in Berlin, when this has come up it's alleged DTG have said the city is too complex for them to tackle. However it's a bit bad the capital city of Germany isn't yet represented in TSW. Maybe a diesel main or secondary line like Obereruhrtalbahn or Eifelbahn, but more likely another 60km double track stretch between two cities.
I could imagine that it is the route Lukas has hinted at during gamescom. If true it will be in the Frankfurt area again with potential to host a future BR420 DLC.
I hope it's something in Berlin, or something that isn't generic and similar to most of the German routes that have been released already.
A route based in Dortmund is a possibility since they can introduce more route-hopping features, in this case, with the Rhein Ruhr route dlc or the Ruhr Sieg route.
Maybe they are holding back telling us what route it is, as it'll be the first DLC for the as yet unannounced "Project Subway"
Since this is more of a wishlist than actual speculation based on leaks/teasers here is my top 3. 1. Hamburg - Kiel with the br 474.3 and Br 445 Twindexx Nordbahn livery. 2. Main Spessart Bahn 2.0, Frankfurt to Würzburg with Twindexx 3. Hamburg - Bremen with 146.0 and high entry dostos and a Metronom branding. So why isnt Berlin in my top 3? Because i think a route with Berlin would be hold back to be a full release core route for a potential next Tsw. Edit: Hamburg Bremen would include the Br 412 also.
Something starting in the Frankfurt/Hanau area. Why? Because there is "TBC" written on some containers on the FTF route. In line with Dovetail's current tendency to use stations for multiple routes, it could be - the S-Bahn network Frankfurt (following the sentiment that "network" routes are really popular with a lot of players and the fact that major track laying has already been done) - the Riedbahn between Frankfurt and Mannheim (e.g. with ICE 4 and Twindexx) - the connection between Gelnhausen and Niddertalbahn (unlikely, because there would be nothing really new).
It's pretty clear that with Frankfurt and Mannheim now done, at some point either the Riedbahn or Bergstrasse will be coming. But I don't think Mannheim will feature in two consecutive routes. Frankfurt was the route before that, so SFS Koln Frankfurt is not likely either. Could be Berlin - Leipzig? Hamburg - Hannover? Munchen - Rosenheim??
Downvote existed back in the days but they removed that feature as it was causing lot of chaos, people were arguing and going crazy when receiving downvotes and it was sometimes intense in private messages. It won’t come back for sure.
German route right after German route? Still, the word "World" in the game's title is unnecessary. I'm happy for the Germans of course, but damn.
Not really. If the timing estimates are accurate, there will be a UK route and a Dutch one from DTG in between the two German ones.
We will soon end up with more German content than Zusi 3! It’s not so much there’s too much German content but the fact with a few exceptions it’s all a bit samey. Also, DTG really need to start looking at extending some of the existing routes such as RSN, DCZ or even Maintalbahn rather than just bringing in more isolated 70 km double track electric inter urban runs. Push Rhine Valley north to Koln and merge to a super route on to Aachen. As regards the “World” part, well yes conveniently that is twisted to define the fact you can walk around and interact more than in other train games, but I’m not sure DTG themselves actually ever affirmed that. With what looks like the virtual demise of much for North America due to licensing, SNCF and SBB no longer playing ball then they certainly do need to start looking further afield for interesting projects (what about that line in Thailand or somewhere that runs through the middle of a market?!) than the same old plod.
Dresden appeared in Septemeber 2021 and again in January 2022, with no other german routes in between
I have 5 route in my list with rolling stock too.. 1-Frankfurt-Mannheim+expansion of Mannheim-kaiserslautern the route does 85 km and why could be a interesting route? because there are a lot of station included branch of the S bahn of frankfurt a lot of station btw 15 and 25 stations a lot of different service ICE,IC,TGV,S bahn,RE,RB,Freight service and it's a very busy route too with 3 big zone Mannheim,Darmstadt and Frankfurt zone. The rolling stock what could be added? BR 407,TGV 2N2 3UA,BR 193 (MRCE),BR 423,BR 146.2 and a BR 186 in a addon-loco pack included BR 186 (MS1-2 DB red livery trafic,Railpool,and ECR livery) , new wagon:Sdgmns 743,Zagkks. Timetable what could be use in timetable. BR 407,TGV 2N2 3UA,BR 193s,BR 423,146.2,BR 186,403,411,401,101 (+ E101),425,406 (for the Itln service),Br 185s,BR 642,612. 2- MSB 2.0 Aschaffenburg-Frankfurt-Wurtzbourg Rolling Stock : BR 446,111,193 (MRCE),403 3- koln-koblenz Br 1440,Br 151,Br 411,BR 185s 4- Dusseldorf-Essen-Dortmund Rolling stock: BR 412,Br 462,Br 422,193s 5- Koln - Wuppertal - Hagen - Finnentrop Br 402,Br 442 (5 coaches variant),Br 155,Br 422
No, I mean German route released and right after that new German route is announced. No one explain this to me before. So you are doing your job poorly and you have to continue doing it for eternity.
I think the route mentioned on the roadmap it is the one mentioned by Halycon Media earlier. So it will be again a route in Southern Germany. Maybe with tight curves in the forest and a part with 160 km/h... again. I would rather like to have a new route in another region, e.g. Berlin, Eifel or a coast line near the North Sea or East Sea.
People have talking about how complex Berlin network is. But I've clearly remember Berlin - Wittenberg(then extended to Leipzig) route in TSC. And nothing to complex was in there. So this route may be done without any struggles for TSW? Great route by the way.
That's also the problem: It's a pretty boring route from both an operational and scenical perspective. Other than Berlin itself the route doesn't give you a lot.
I expect it to be a diesel route, maybe remaster/extension from Lübeck to Kiel, including the Br 605. Or a route from München or Stuttgart, including the BR 245. i know… But hope dies the last.
My mate is finally hoping for something with Berlin… but I think such a highlight would surely be a launch route like Frankfurt was for TSW5. I’m personally hoping for a return to the Munich area. They didn’t do it justice with MAG at all. Either go southwards via Ostbahnhof towards one of the lakes near the alps (tons of lines to choose from), or go eastward on the Donau Isar Express towards Plattling! Wildcard: The Waldbahn network through the Bavarian Forest. Overall, I think we’ve had two big German city to city mainlines now, and especially the reaction to the second add-on showed that players have a desire for something different (everyone focusing on the lack of new rolling stock and nobody seemingly caring about the route itself). TSG’s route is a good step in that direction, but DTG can go towards quieter lines, too.
When the new route releases, Mittenwaldbahn will be out. So there would be another route in between. Speaking of which, Rosenheim-Innsbruck is also a very picturesque route with two different routing options (high speed avoiding line and normal route). A lot of the rolling stock is already there and the new "star" of the show would be the RailJet. Technically, it would of course be more of a German-Austrian route.
Didn't Lukas leak during Gamescom, that there will be a route, where the 420 could go on? So I would guess this could be that route? But with the 420s running in lots of cities, there are still a lot of options.
Depends on the time in which the route is set. In Frankfurt and Stuttgart, they were replaced in 2014. In Munich, they were first replaced but some returned since 2017 after having been retrofitted with LZB. As of today, i.e. with regard to a more or less "modern" route, they also run some services in the Rhein-Ruhr area. S4, S8 and S68 around Dusseldorf and Wuppertal.
Here’s a wishlist in no particular order: Ruhr-Sieg 2.0 expanded to Siegen SKW/MSB 2.0 with local lines connecting Wurzburg with Gemunden and the modern Spessart Bahn (northward expansion to Gottingen would also be a plus) Rhine-Ruhr 2.0 with full line from Düsseldorf to Dortmund and a high speed connection to Koln Expansion of DRA to Leipzig, absorbing and upgrading Rapid Transit Frankfurt S-Bahn with multiple lines and connecting services Munich-Augsburg 2.0 with more S Bahn lines and services Extension of BSR from Rosenheim to Munich Hamburg-Lubeck extended to Kiel with parallel mainline through Neumunster I want complicated timetables and variety of services.
I seem to remember that 420 is supposed to be released alongside a new route dedicated to it. This should be set in the 90s... At least that's what I remember Lukas was saying (Gamescom?). And then, it would be layered on München-Augsburg. Although this new "mysterious" route seems more likely a DTG product... These are the most likely versions we could get with the new 90s route: In addition to the classic DB Red traffic for HMA! PS. Could this simply be a "new" Munich S-Bahn line?
Whatever it is, I can predict it will feature no new rolling stock, include the 50th iteration of the same dostos we have in game, be predictably DB red, and feature tons of bugs on release. Great value for £29.99/$39.99/35,99€.
Or simply a "Nahverkehr Frankfurt", set in the 90s, featuring the 420 in white/orange, the ocean blue/beige 111, the 110 from Left Rhine, the 628 in white/mint and Silberlinge/n-Wagen in mint. AI layers for the 103 on IC services and the 401. The tracks cover the part of FTF from Hauptbahnhof until Hanau including the parts where tracks are laid already (i.e. the S-Bahn and the line which crosses the river to the North after Frankfurt Süd and which comes back to Hanau Hbf.
It could be something like Koln to Düsseldorf. Pretty certain I had a 420 to the Airport back in 1983.