Mastery tends to be very temperamental for me as well. Sometimes shows all completed, takes a few loading screens to update or shows them all incomplete. So hopefully should be okay on a reload
It's funny, these monthly challenges were actually making me want to play, but the 1000 miles hasn't update all night for me. I'm stuck on around 125 miles. I'll check to see if it's updated tomorrow, if not I'm done wasting time on it. It's a 1000 mile lag fest anyway, and not a lot fun. EDIT* *Didn't update the 1000 miles, but the number of timetables did, it increased from 9 to 12 as it should have. So I'm off to play other games that actually work. DTG, fix your game!
That's a shame. I've had that too a few times. The goal will still complete eventually, but progress is not visible, which makes it annoying. Just check if your sessions are recorded correctly by dovetail live. I sometimes do that by checking the drivers logbook (if it's registered there, it will also count towards the mastery challenges)
That is reassuring. Won’t be able to get back on the game until early evening so hope too all will be back. Sounds like a server glitch.
I've completed the last 3 tasks for mastery but that 1000 miles is proving to be a tougher one. I've felt more pushed towards playing the high speed routes like SEHS and ECML which I don't mind for the odd run but doing multiple gets boring quite quickly. I usually like the shorter and more interactive services but they just don't have the mileage for this one. But despite this the extra time I've spent on the 801 has been interesting especially coming to grips with braking distances. Have definitely had my share of near Knebworths I've hit 500 miles thanks to my week off this week. 1000 might be a little high for my liking as I like to do the odd few services here and there preferring variety. But it's still nice to have something else to work towards
This thread lists the braking points for each station if it interests you: I use it all the time, even refined some of them to suit my driving.
Still not got my distance back, so opened a separate thread in Troubleshooting. If still absent tonight, I’ll put a support ticket in as well.
Just a reminder. If you are experiencing mastery issues, please reach out to Dovetail Support with your account details, a description of the problem and examples.
DTG Alex I would so love to see two masteries in tier 2. It would be nice considering you're doing two objectives in tier 2
Nice to have these monthly mastery if the mastery actually worked on xbox x. Mine not registered anything since Dec. . Logged in and out some many tines. Raised 2 tickets. Even uninstalled and reinstalled game. Tried wired and wireless . Internet works fine. But mastery is @##% now. . Can't even download from creaters club keeps saying I have to much. Only have 30 items. .
To get to the distance, I have been playing various high speed lines tonight. Fortunately, no excessive grinding on the same route yet. Got the counter up to 1.000km. The remaining 600km should be attainable in the upcoming two weeks.
Yes I have had to abandon Mittenwaldbahn briefly for a few fast runs elsewhere. Thought I would use LGV but after 10 minutes time wasted trying to remember how you get the TGV moving and failing utterly, I switched back to WCMLS and the Pendolino. A run out to Milton Keynes is around 80km, so a few more of those should nail it.
I had to do the tutorial too, as I never drive it and the start up is quite difficult. I did nearly die of boredom though, so mixed it up with other stuff.
I dont mind doing the monthly masteries. I dont bother with the decals as its no0t my thing, but just enjoy doing them. On Mondays I stream Monday Masteries, where I take the next lot of four routes required to do the masteries on. (I have 6 routes left to complete the masteries). I do one run on each route (usually 4 routes) whether it requires milage to be travlelled , raining or scenarios or what not to be done. mnuch to my surprise I have done all of this months apart from Drive 1000 miles / 1600km 1199437 / 1600000 Thats my current total at the moment. In thoery I should do it...... in theory. lol. I have to say though some of the masterires are alot better to do than the scenarios. OldVern when you go into Masteries wait until (usually) the tile in the bottom left corner of the DTG Live tab (is it your screenshots?) stops buffering then hit the matseries tab. Regards Hentis
My Mastery issue got sorted Anthony. There was an issue that only Support could resolve. Essentially I see it as a kind of monthly career mode.
I've just about hit 700 miles which is good going for me. It's just unfortunate that I'm not able to play as many of the services I want. Although the non stop runs on ECML aren't too bad for a small session!
I ended up doing a couple if kassle freight runs at 160 km each that eats a big chunk out of the target.
Question to self, Have i been playing too much? Didn't notice but mastery for Feb has already been done. I guess even if it was 2000 it would have been done. Boston sprinter+MBTA Worcester, Antelope+San Bernardino route hopping from end to end as far as i can recall.
One Fulda to Kassle (1:06) and a full run (1:42). They both took slightly longer than that. I picked wet ones so I could tick off the services in the wet part of the mastery. Using the 182 dispolok. I also did 2 full ICE 1 runs. That helped with the mastery along with other services.
I did plenty of Class 87 runs on Preston to Carlisle and good old London to Brighton helped too! Amazing how quick 1000 miles can pass when you have a challenge
Frankfurt to Fulda is quite efficient too, if you pick a non stop ICE and it doesn’t crash on loading Frankfurt. The bore fest for me was the run I did on Dresden to Riesa with the ICE. You don’t end up going that fast, very brief stretch at 160km/h, but otherwise mostly 120 and it’s not that much distance. As I mentioned previously LGV probably the most efficient route but 10 minutes wasting trying to get the TGV moving without success was 10 minutes on another route moving that could have accrued 15 or 20 km. Anyhow I have now passed the 1000km milestone so another two or three evenings should see the job done. At which point I can get back on Mittenwaldbahn or catch up what I’m doing in Dirt Rally 2, MSFS2020 or Mass Effect!
Once you get the TGV startup right, it is by far the most efficient way. I compared everything in the game that is somewhat 'high speed' by taking the route lengths and the service times from the timetable, and calculating what you could drive in an hour (in km): LGV - 192 KWG - 167 SEHS - 142 ECML - 140 WCML-S - 133 MAG 133 GWE 132 SKA 131 NYT 128 (Acela) Everyting else seems slower. I alternated driving these routes to prevent boredom. Almost completed the target
I am in the middle of working through the South Eastern High Speed timetable on all locos, so the monthly mastery isn't as straight forward for me. I done a few routes on the class 700 and the mileage didn't go up by much, but as soon as the Javalin gets involved the mileage goes up a lot. Still not there yet and now I have some routes in the class 66 to do next, I could be some time.
Well time is starting to get short now, 12 days to go. Once I finish my run on Frankfurt to Fulda think it will be another attempt at LGV or the borefest of SKA. My original plan was to finish up with a tour of the UK routes from top to bottom but Cathcart Circle etc. is going to yield a pitiful amount of distance towards the total. Or WSR, 80 minutes to do 40km.
Usually in my streams I do between 4 or 5 routes. Kind of a bummer If I pick the Isle of Wight 2020 and then 2022 versions. lol.
This LGV sounds like a pain, do you have to get out and push or something, bought it and never used it. Tour of the UK sounds like a really nice idea, get to take in all the sights. With regards to the WSR, wheel out the HST and the speed limit is only a suggestion and you are welcome
The Isle of Wight is a nice route, its not the route I would pick to cover a load of miles to be honest.
The LGV is one of the nicer high speed trains in the game. Only the start up procedure is somewhat tricky. It is the route that comes with it that is subpar.
I've enjoyed the monthly mastery, however thought I'd finally achieved it when I realised it's 1600km, not 1500km so almost there!
What exactly do we get when we complete the monthly challenge I looked into the place where we activate any of the other mastery (cow below helicopter, carnival, etc...) and I can not see any of the monthly mastery gift interesting to do and fun
Interesting new rewards tbh. a shame the timetable one just doesn't count for me and I don't have time to do 200 services in hope of reaching enough, might just do all the S2 on dresden which are 5 minutes.
When it doesn't show progress, it is most likely still being recorded in the background. Just complete the right amount (and the other mastery goals) and it should complete. No need to do 200 services
About 300km left to do now. I do think for doing all this there should be a bit more than a token decal, particularly for those of us who don’t use CC. The game has had to pretty much monopolise my playing time so far in February to get it done and has forced me off new acquisitions like Mittenwaldbahn and Semmering just to get it done. I definitely think in exchange for locking yourself into TSW for an extended period a more tangible recognition of your loyalty would be appreciated - even just 50p or £1 voucher off a DLC.
I personally don't play it for the rewards, but mainly for the extra challenge it gives to spice the game up a bit. Giving us a steep mileage goal this month encouraged me to do more high speed than usual, which I find surprisingly pleasant. After I finish it (probably tonight) I will return to chugging along the track among beautiful scenery. Time to get Mittenwaldbahn....
I thought so too. no clue where I am though and since it usually does count after a few days I feared it just didn't work or need specific timeable services. it's called freight on or something so I thought freight only was accepted
Or LIRR 2.0! Same here. Sadly neglected Mitt and indeed Semmering which I picked up in the Festival… sale.
All timetables count. Just complete the other mastery targets and keep spamming short timetables until you get the reward
Finished up the 1.600km challenge tonight with a continuous run on Frankfurt Fulda and Kassel Würzburg (ICE 370 Basel SBB to Berlin Ostbahnhof with the BR 401). The timetables connect well at Fulda, including a route hop. Only frustration is the performance on FTF with some stutters and blurred textures. It's the only route where I have issues with these bugs.
Having finished it a few days ago, I would say that such a high mileage goal might not be ideal for everyone. It pushes you to do high speed, which was refreshing for a change but normally not my go to play style. A big XP goal might even it out some more between playing styles (like the 320k XP of December, could be more). Or maybe a combo of high mileage (would suggest 1.000km) and a high XP total.
Unless you have a full time job ;-) Seriously though, that's a big commitment. For people who aren't doing HST all the time, that's a lot of track. Even a non-stop freight at 50 mph that's 20 HOURS of straight driving in a month. Given start/stop/loadup/etc... you're talking more like 24-25 hours of time minimum, with it much higher if you're driving commuter routes (those minute or two at the platforms really adds up!) So it could be 50-60 hours of gameplay in a month. I just honestly don't have 2 hours a day every day to commit to a single video game. 200 miles is still a full Sunday of gaming, but doable for the average person with a job and family.