As I'm sure many of you know, in terms of diesel shunting engines in tsw, we only really have the class 08 and 09 which apart from a few subtle differences, they basically seem the same thing to the untrained eye. Now I do like JT's inclusion of many different versions of class 08, and yes they do have some small differences between them, such as slightly different top speeds or livery differences. However, in the end it is still the same locomotive. Now, I know the 08s are/were very largely used no in a lot of cases there isn't another sensible option, but there are also still plenty of chances to use something else, and there are many different options to choose from as basically every railway manufacturer built themselves a little diesel shunter. Ruston, Hunslet, Baguley-Drewry, and many many others. And most of these locos have some very unique and interesting features to them. Some have gears and others don't, some have air and vac brakes and some only have one of them. Some are narrow gauge and others are standard. Either way there are many more options and they can suit different types of railways. Industrial, heritage, branch line, yards etc and it would make a very nice change to have something else other than a hundred old rusty gronks in train sim world. Who else agrees? Put your thoughts below!
A Class 02 would be unique, they have the cab door at the back whereas most have them at the sides. They were mostly focused in the Liverpool/Manchester areas AFAIK.
I place I used to work, they had a couple of barclay 060 diesel hydraulic locos. I think they was pretty unique. Where I had my first ever drive of a train and got the bug.
Class 13 Master/Slave shunters with Tinsley Marshalling Yard in its heyday. How about the Class 18 battery/diesel-electric Clayton shunters recently introduced for something more modern. Lastly, Class 10, 11 and 12 should be fairly easy to create being variations on the Class 08 EE design.
I certainly think that's a much needed add on and now that WSR is remastered I would love to see the 14 as well as other diesel locos based at the WSR
The 14s, 35s and 42/43 Warships would be ideal but this now strays off topic. Please read my thread for period correct locomotive add ons where I have listed pretty much all of the missing classes from existing UK routes.
Yes a CL03 and a match truck would be an ideal addition. It would be great to recreate something like this in TSW BR Class 03 03399
Would certainly make a nice addition to TSW. I'm pretty sure peak rail is home to a heritage shunters group and there's sidings full of old different types of diesel shunters from what I remember from going there last year
Both 03 and 05 are a perfect fit for original Isle of Wight route (with the caveat that the 03s are cut cab examples).
Talking about isle of Wight, since we have both the version with 483 and 484, I would love to see the one missing version using tube stock, pre 1990 using the class 485/486. Would certainly be interesting seeing the old 20s stock
Might as well have a steam day route and the heritage railway as well. I can't see any faults on that
I'm currently pondering booking a diesel driving session one of my local heritage railways is putting on later in the year with its ones.