Farewell Caltrain, And I Got 100% Timetable Finished Today

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by hyl4033, Feb 27, 2025.

  1. hyl4033

    hyl4033 New Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Hi Everyone, this is a thread that I want to memory this amazing rail route in TSW.
    Hope you can enjoy the content and feel free to discuss with the community.

    I had a really deep connection with Caltrain and Peninsula Corridor. This is my story: I am a player come from China. I remembered that I used to play MSTS when I was a kid. But I haven't played any rail game until the end of 2020. By then, the TSW 2020 version have a sales discount and I bought it on Steam. You know, it have 6 routes, Peninsula Corridor/Great Western Express/Main-Spessart Bahn/Northern Trans-Pennine/Sand Patch Grade/Long Island Rail Road(LIRR 1.0).

    Well, I picked the Peninsula Corridor as my first route to play randomly. The detailed design and realistic handle of train blow my mind at the first time I lunched it. I loved the feelings of driving the F40PH-2CAT. And no kidding, I didn't touch other route at all...However, in that ancient version of TSW game, the PIS at the station is blank, and weather effect is really poor. I enjoyed the game still. And I bought MP36PH-3C and MP15DC Diesel Loco add-on to rich the route later as well.

    Then, in a quiet long time from 2022-2023, I didn't play TSW which got attracted by other game such as ETS2...But I bought TSW4 in a big discount sale in 2024 and I started to play it again.
    Not mention that I got free update to TSW5 later.

    Ha! The world have changed again. Functional PIS board at every station and brand new live map, photo mode makes the game more and more real. (Although there are still lots of bugs)
    The most important thing, I can inherit the game progress from the old account. That makes TSW 2020 me traveled through time again. So I play Peninsula Corridor, then I picked Northern Trans-Pennine as my British route, Main-Spessart Bahn as my Germany route.

    Till early this month, the date when we receive the info that Caltrain service will no longer available to sale in TSW/TS family, I got only 2 unplayed services in the timetable( Yes, 188 services in total). Couple of days ago, I finished one of the Shunting service timetables. As per the announcement, today is the last day that they in store. And today, I am playing the last Baby bullet service from San Jose to San Francisco.

    Farewell Caltrain, I hope we can met Peninsula Corridor 2.0 again with brand new EMU and electrify rail one day.

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2025
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  2. hyl4033

    hyl4033 New Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    I will put some photos that I took during this final trip...

    1. My Train 381 left San Jose Diridon Station with the ray of the sunset.

    2. Passing through Santa Clara Station...
    (Did you see buged PIS toward San Jose?? a non exist train somehow have schedule 0:00)

    3. We are Baby Bullet Service, overtake Limted service Train 279 at Lawrence Station

    4.Meet Train 902F, a twin loco+ 2 SET cabs special service in the timetable.

    5. Stopped at Moutain View Station. Crowds of people.
    See Part 2:

    See Summary and Bugs I found:
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2025
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  3. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Well, OK nice pictures, but it's really not " Farewell " . Probably thousands of players have the route and stock and, like me, will keep playing it until we no longer want to.
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  4. Krazy

    Krazy Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2020
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    Ah it's still a bit of a farewell. It's leaving the stores and everything. Now it'll just humbly sit in our collections, mocking those who missed their chance for the rest of eternity.
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  5. MYG92

    MYG92 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    Just wish DTG will find an agreement with Caltrain so we’ll be able to use these DLCs on future iterations, instead of keeping TSW5 of older ones just for Caltrain contents.
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  6. armus

    armus Member

    Sep 23, 2022
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    I'm also working on 100% now that I got the MP15DC, though seemingly half the scenarios are a bit off in one way or another. Some scenarios don't even use the MP15DC at all. The switcher wouldn't be used for hauling freight (that's what the UP locos are for and there's scenarios for those), and 4 of the scenarios are about taking empties up to Graniterock in South SF and taking loaded ones back (when it'd be the opposite, as demonstrated by the UP scenario where material is unloaded down through the tracks). There's also never be a reason for freight in San Francisco.

    I'm willing to entertain the possibility of the MP15DC 'rescuing' a passenger train, though typically (at least in the TASI era, especially when breakdowns happened at least weekly) what would happen is the next train behind would couple to the broken train and they'd run a unified service until the end of the line. In any case, it's really odd to see passengers on out-of-service trains around the CEMOF.

    I'm also seeing a lot of rail signals where 2 or 3 consecutive rail segments are at yellow, which doesn't seem accurate. I'm not sure if this is specific to the MP15DC scenarios or another regression introduced in later TSW versions.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2025
  7. hyl4033

    hyl4033 New Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    6. Train 272 entering Palo Alto Station when I am about to stop.

    7. Train 376 by MP36PH-3C lefting Redwood City when I am entering the Redwood City Station.(Redwood City Food Festival scenery in the back)

    8.Train 278 entering Burlingame Station when I am passing through the station. (Our F40PH loco number 911)

    9. About to arrive the 22nd Street Station. Signal give me yellow.

    10. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for traveling with us, we have arrived San Francisco 4th and King Street Station , please take all your belonging and unboard the train. See you in the next trip!
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  8. hyl4033

    hyl4033 New Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    The score and chart, perfect running.

    Peninsula Corridor route now have all 100% finished, and also 100% Gold medal.
    Time to say goodbye. 再见!

    There are some bugs that I know, if DTG developer can see this, pls mark and fix.
    1. Santa Clara PIS wrong train.(a 0:00 train to San Jose)

    2. San Bruno PIS show the opposite direction to the platform.

    3. PIS only have time but no train schedule at San Mateo.

    4. Central Equipment & Maintenance Facility (CEMOF) have chaos and wrong trains dispatch around 5 P.M. (several trains have schedule depart from CEMOF to San Jose, but no enough rails and signals to separate them)

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