Like Vern said I've felt a bit burnt out on TSW since the February mastery challenges but I might take a look. The 100mph one is a little interesting I just wish there was a little more to look forward to upon completion.
Well I have had the latest patch writing to the TSW install for the last hour so couldn't get on the game anyway. NVM got a couple more deliveries done to "By The Lake" and back in the Caterpillar for hauling short logs is a shock to the system after the sheer brutality of the Zikz!
Yeah, it did not log me in automatically. When I tried manually it said the DTL service was unavailable.
Still not working for me. Connection to seems to be ok (I can ping it and get a reply), but the login service seems to be down. The exact error message is: "Dovetail Live is Unavailable - Please Try Later" PS: Gave it 1h rest and it is working fine now.
I am trying to complete the SKI SLOPE and it will not let me complete it, due to a red light before SEEFIL, waiited of 30 minutes (more than once) and the game will not release me :-( The message requesting assistance will be deleted soon as all my messages are, and I can never get any explanation for their removal
ICE into the Night on Frankfurt-Fulda, there's a 160kmh section between Hanau and Frankfurt, and will also count towards 15 scenarios. For the second I ran an ICE service on Dresden-Riesa via the avoiding line
The HST runs on Edinburgh-Glasgow's Sprinter timetable have a 100 mph speed limit. They're also short and once you hit 100 you can almost coast the rest of the way.
Really not feeling the love for this month at all. The prospect of trying to dig out another 13 scenarios I haven’t done and which aren’t two hours long, plus wandering around stations collecting teddy bears or whatever, is just filling me with dread. In fact, I would rather have the 1600km challenge again - at least to some extent you could enjoy that bimbling around doing what you want..
Well, the XP goal bugged out on me, but this time in my favour. Seemed to register about 2-3 times the amount of XP for the challenge, so I completed it when I only had 35,000XP or so. Oh well, would have made it anyway. Others are done too, except the scenarios. It's now at 4/15. Should be doable.
There are a few timetables for the 411 that cover that same section. About 16 minutes. Does the trick.
Where can I view the completed Monthly Masteries from the past? I have completed the Mastery for February and can't find it anywhere now.
The mastery UI tile disappears once the month is done. The only trace it will have left is the decals. No other indication that you may have completed them.
Well much to my surprise I got the collectibles done first. Mainly thanks to doing the rather silly scenario on Maintalbahn where the driver has to alight from the train at every station and look for some guy’s bike. A simple matter then to do the maps, first aid points and bee hives or whatever they were at the same time while walking round the stations. That still leaves another 11 scenarios to find (or repeat) and grind, plus the 100 MPH challenge though as expected the AP part is easy peasy.
that one didn't recognise at least one trip on DRA I had time for where I reached 161 km/h for a sec. the collectibles isn't so bad as people say. that scenario is a good shout but with Rivet's routes having a lot of them per station and the teleport function if you despise driving their routes makes it a pretty easy feat.
I saw 15 scenarios and immediately decided not to bother with it this month. My time for gaming is limited, and I've noticed games more and more are including these kinds of monthly challenges/limited time events, resulting in feeling a weird 'pressure' to play something I might not otherwise. I can see other players find these kinds of challenges motivating but, for me, they're the opposite most of the time, especially if they're particularly 'grindy'. I play TSW to relax and immerse myself, and these monthly challenges take that away for me.
In some ways they are copying the tablet games like Clash of Clans or Township, with the monthly task ladder designed to hook you into playing their game and nothing else.
Have had my first jaunt on TSW since the Feb Mastery today. Thankfully had a few collectibles to do on BML which took care of that one fairly quickly. Did a run down GWE with a direct run from Reading to Paddington at a max of 100mph which took care of 1 of the high-speed runs and didn't take that much longer than usual. Then dusted of BKL for a quick 30min or so run up to Queens Park which gave a nice chunk of action points and finally finishing up with the Newhaven Boat Scenario which is a quick 15 minutes from Lewes to Newhaven to start off my scenario list!
Seems to be slightly broken again as I did a run onEdinburgh to Glasgow yesterday evening, enduring the 385, which hit 100 MPH, but never marked off in completed objectives.
Yes that did it, though I had to disregard the speed limits a little to get up to 100 MPH between Harrow and WJ, in either direction. So now just the scenarios to polish off.
I done it between watford junction and Wembley central for the scenarios I only had 10 left so the last 5 I done in cajon pass sandbox just walk to the office to end scenario each time takes 4 minutes I done that 5 times.
I will save this method for March 31, if I still not have the required 15 (5 to go for me, so I should be good)
I found the rise and shine scenario on RSN can be banged through in just over 5 minutes, rinse and repeat and boom you have blasted 15 scenarios in next to no time.......
Yes I found that one on RSN too. Didn’t realise you could rinse and repeat to get the objective done, even if not quite in the spirit of the challenge!
True enough. Hopefully Alex or whoever compiles the objectives will realise 15 scenarios, in the spirit of the game, is a bit much and reduce the requirement next time that comes round.
I'd rather not do scenarios and do something like drive a 100 miles in each country that would good plus you get variety of places to drive
Yes that would be interesting though I suspect they don’t want to start tying things down too specifically in case they get complaints about customers being forced to buy content they don’t have to get a mastery. But most of us have enough UK, German and American routes a national challenge shouldn’t be an issue.
Somewhere I felt that I didn't have to do every scenario right away, now the San Bernardino, Cajun pass, and WCML scenarios helped, although I found 3 of them that couldn't be completed due to GAME BUGS.
Not too long from completing this month's mastery. But, my word, I've never liked scenarios. In my opinion I think they're mostly very dull, boring and/or empty, hence why I prefer timetable mode.
Most scenarios tend to be a bit unrealistic in terms of practical railway operations, too. The Emily Turner ones on ECML were the worst. Though the one I did on Maintalbahn where I had to alight at every station to look for a missing bike came close. In reality the driver would tell the customer, “Not my job mate, see the station staff” and slam the cab side window shut..
Exactly. Agree that several of them verge on the ridiculous, especially in more recent times which defeats the object of being a 'simulator' - and is a reason I don't like them too. Also, other things I dislike about scenarios are that much of the route feels unrealistically empty, blank PIS at stations and once you've completed a scenario, there's pretty much no reason to ever do it again.
Scenarios would be better purposed doing something like single line working when there is engineering work blocking one of the lines. Stop to pick up the pilotman, reverse through the crossover to the opposite line then run “bang road” to the end of the SLW section, regain the correct line and drop off the pilotman. For added authenticity have hand signallers on the ground at either end of the SLW section. An older route like TVL or NTP would lend itself to this type of operation.
I did like the more recent scenarios on Mildmay Line and Mittenwaldbahn. The 'route learning' from Mildmay was nice, maybe all routes should have a scenario like that. But yeah, most scenarios don't add anything to what you already get in the timetables. Plus there is a lot of difference in quality, especially in programmed AI.
In the end I got fed up of doing scenarios so spammed the "Moving Mersey" on SoS, where all you need to do is walk for about 12 seconds to the wagon shed and hit the completion marker. A bit of a workaround but with reloading the scenario got my three remaining scenarios done in around a minute and a half!