8th Gen Death Celebration Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by pedro#1852, Mar 3, 2025.

  1. pedro#1852

    pedro#1852 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    and it seems that FINALLY dtg is pushing 8th gen under the rug, it all started with gameplay packs, followed by F59PHR and now with Frankfurt S-Bahn along with DB BR 420

    now finally tsw will stop being hampered by outdated hardware
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  2. MrSouthernDriver

    MrSouthernDriver Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Think it’s a bit early to be celebrating, this thing will take some time to take effect.
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  3. pedro#1852

    pedro#1852 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    but at least the first steps are being taken
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  4. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    OP, I’m curious to know which dreamworld you live in, where anything wrong with TSW changes with gen8 being dropped?
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  5. pedro#1852

    pedro#1852 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    I don't think that all of tsw's problems will be magically solved with the end of the 8th gen, just that now the path will be clear to explore more of the tsw's potential since the outdated hardware of the 8th gen hampered that potential
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  6. west coastway trains

    west coastway trains Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2023
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    I’m certain that this year’s summer release will be the last on gen 8
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  7. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    Now TSW has dropped 8th gen from some specific new add ons, the low texture issue is solved right? Right?… :D
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  8. pedro#1852

    pedro#1852 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    if i were to bet on anything i would bet that the next iteration of tsw will be 9th gen and pc only
  9. west coastway trains

    west coastway trains Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2023
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    This is the first time a route has been off-limits to gen 8 so to scrap the whole thing completely in only a few months time would be unsustainable for dtg
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  10. Calidore266

    Calidore266 Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2021
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    It has been stated many times by DTG that they develop for PC and then adjust downward as needed for consoles.
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  11. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    You know that 9th gen is approaching the same age as 8th gen, when TSW released right?

    Hate to burst your bubble, but DTG simply need to learn how to optimise their releases to their respective platforms. This issue of aged hardware is always going to exist. (Though with the average route getting shorter & shorter, maybe not).
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  12. pedro#1852

    pedro#1852 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    I abandoned consoles a long time ago and migrated to PC, absolutely no regrets
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  13. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    What relevance does that have?
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  14. Double Yellow

    Double Yellow Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    It’s definitely going to discourage people if they’re limited to buying add on’s for their platform.

    I have to agree though, I’m really sick of seeing PS4 supported still, and it’s not just TSW. Other games too. Development also takes longer if devs are optimising for the PS4.
    Beginning of 2026 Sony is phasing out the PS4, probably because of the rumoured PS6 release in 2027.
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  15. pedro#1852

    pedro#1852 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    you are literally telling me about how 9th gen will soon reach the same point as 8th gen today and that's completely irrelevant to me since I haven't even played on consoles for a long time anymore
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  16. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    It’s relevant to your claim that TSW will improve without gen8, because it’s old hardware.
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  17. rennekton#1349

    rennekton#1349 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    If 8th gen hampered potential, then there wouldn't be timetable differences or differences in how much detail is in a route. Tsw is built for next gen and scaled back. There isn't magically going to be dx12 or ray tracing or whatever.
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  18. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    The only thing that will happen if and when DTG " drop " gen 8 is that DTG will stop supporting gen 8. Nothing will change for gen 9 or PC performance. And there won't be any wonderful expansion or advancement in TSW.

    You haven't been listening to DTG' s own repeated statements that gen 8 does not hold back the game because the game is not made for gen 8, but scaled back from gen9/PC.

    I was going to mention that your " celebration " thread title is offensive to those many thousands of gen 8 players still playing, but somebody else ( maybe a moderator? ) can do that.
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  19. samuelpower2001

    samuelpower2001 Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2020
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    I remember the days of old tsw on 8th gen. Miss it as used to use my ps4 but now have a ps5. Out with old in with new I suppose. This was 2020 or so mind you and that's how I got into the game.
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  20. pedro#1852

    pedro#1852 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    yes, this was how I also met tsw (tsw2020 with ps4)
    but time passes, technology evolves
    tsw5 is running terribly badly on 8th gen (crashes due to lack of memory, increasingly reduced timetable)
    there is no point in wanting hardware from almost 12 years ago to run tsw5 as if it ran tsw2020 on it (which wasn't that wonderful experience either)

    In the end I abandoned consoles and migrated to the PC but anyway, this is all the effect of the evolution of technology
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  21. samuelpower2001

    samuelpower2001 Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2020
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    Yes. Obviously back then I don't believe the ps5 was out (in 2020: or was it released?).

    It ran better as was adapted or made for consoles etc.

    But yes, as tech improves it overall gets better. I always wanted a train sim game on console and now, it's here and I would say I rarely play any other game apart from this. Obviously sometimes like new rockstar game titles but this has kept me occupied. It's quite a relaxing game. I also back in 2020 thought last of us 2 would be utter rubbish on ps4 but ran really well.

    It's amazing to see how the game has adapted over time graphically etc.
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  22. MrSouthernDriver

    MrSouthernDriver Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    I don’t see it as a celebration. Rather, a goodbye. The first console I played this game on, was a gen8 console, it served me well, until I moved to the series s then eventually the PS5.

    I understand it’s a hard pill to swallow, but I do agree gen8s time is up. It’s not keeping up and it’s struggling with the load that new routes produce.

    I’m gonna take a guess and say With gen8 being supported costing DTG money and resources, the amount of money DTG now makes from gen8 is less than it is costing them. Thus, making it not financially viable either.

    I understand dropping gen8 isn’t going to make the game better instantly, these things take time. But having gen8 cling onto this game forever would be cruel.

    Gen8 can’t keep up.

    it’s time to let go.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2025
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  23. jack#9468

    jack#9468 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
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    What are we celebrating exactly? That gen8 is slowly being dropped but won't make TSW any better?
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  24. Folup1372#8582

    Folup1372#8582 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2023
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    Why does everyone already think that Gen 8 Is going to go, I Mean i have gen 8 and 9 but mostly play on 8 so if it is going then its actually going to be a sad one, so Everybody Join me to say
    R.I.P Gen 8
  25. bleajch

    bleajch Active Member

    Jan 1, 2024
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    How do we know dropping Gen 8 will not improve the game and isn't holding it back? Should we all just blindly believe everything DTG says? We can all see how badly Gen 8 runs this game these days. Perhaps I am wrong here and I missed something, but when DTG say that they scale back the DLC from Gen 9 to Gen 8, what does that actually include? I have never heard of any changes to the actual route itself when scaling back, basically only removing some layers. Surely developers would be able to do at least something more with the route itself without Gen 8 hardware limitations ?? Please tell me if I am wrong but this does make sense in my head at least...
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  26. Double Yellow

    Double Yellow Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    I’ve said this in a previous thread, but ultimately it’s dev time. More resources can be put to better use. How much time do you reckon the devs waste on optimisation for gen 8… imagine if that time was used on bugs and polish for the route instead. No brainer really.
  27. JetWash

    JetWash Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    The last sentence is incorrect.
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  28. Wooki74

    Wooki74 Active Member

    Jul 9, 2020
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    Current gen is struggling with this game now. Blurry textures, out of memory. I bet gen 9 will see cut backs on timetables just like gen 8 just so it will run rather than optimise the game.
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  29. Class156

    Class156 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2020
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    If the game is to stand any chance of surviving and moving forwards we need to utilise the current tech/generations to the best of their abilities and consign the older to the past. The console market is an integral part of TSW and the player base ensures we all still have e a game to play, but I’d imagine the majority now play on Gen 9, so it makes sense to move with the times.
  30. Ferrovipathe67

    Ferrovipathe67 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    there are still a lot of people on gen 8 and the biggest mistake come not from DTG or the developers but from sony and Microsoft too so idk if we can saying that the end of the gen 8 is a great new
  31. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Why celebrate? The extension from that could extend across all platforms. PC recommended spec suddenly jumps up, 6 or 8Gb GPU required (as Focus have just decreed for Roadcraft). Runs on Windows 11 only. It is a slippery slope taking that road…
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  32. JetWash

    JetWash Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    Dare I say it, but good. It’s coming, and coming soon as Microsoft support for Windows 10 is ending in mid-October this year.

    I honestly don’t know what you want from DTG, they aren’t miracle workers! I’m sure they would want the software to be as optimised as possible but that is a process they’ve said repeatedly is ongoing. Ultimately though, it doesn’t matter what they do, playing a demanding game on long out-of-date hardware then complaining that the code isn’t optimised enough (because it doesn’t run to your liking) is a bit like jumping into a swimming pool and complaining you’re wet.

    Console players have no choice because theirs is a closed shop, but PC players can, and should, upgrade if their experience isn’t up to what they would expect
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2025
  33. Gianluca

    Gianluca Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2022
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    There is nothing to celebrate here, we have also reached the limits of gen9, the proof is that i have to change from 4K to HD on my PS5 to stopped crashes on WCMLS. Read in other treads that for better graphics you have to turn off some layers and this is one thing i don't want to do
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  34. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    I hear what you say but ignores certain practicalities. Not everyone can afford to go out and upgrade their PC or buy a new box just because a game that worked perfectly adequately before has suddenly been upped in spec. Even if you can afford it there are other factors at play, like wife or partner objecting to spending money on replacing something that's in perfect working order, just old. One of the reasons I sweated Windows 11 onto my old PC and laptop is that I object to the company (MS) formerly run by the guy who wants to save the planet (Bill Gates) forcing potentially millions of slightly older hardware to the scrap heap.

    If DTG indeed want to do with TSW what Saber/Focus appear to be doing for Snowrunner with Roadcraft, then draw a line under the present game and come out with a new one where the hardware requirements are quite clear from the outset and not creep them up for the existing title.
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  35. JetWash

    JetWash Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    I also see what you're saying, but I refer you to MSFS2020. That game still exists and you can still play it, but times have moved on and FS2024 is where the development will focus going forward. Your PC may struggle to play TSW5, but all previous iterations of the game (with all your applicable DLC) will work as they always have and are available to download at the click of a button.

    Whilst developers make their game available to the widest audience possible for obvious reasons they are not a charity, and when the bottom of the pile holds back the development and progress of said game there has to become a point where it's simply time to let it go. If people can't afford, or don't want, to upgrade then so be it, but their existing game(s) are there waiting for them
  36. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Both of you are making fair points, ultimately though DTG just need to decide from the get go when releasing a new game version.

    Releasing TSW5 for all platforms, but then deciding half the content they release won’t be on those platforms is a grey area & doesn’t achieve much for anyone involved, the time & effort is still wasted.

    Let’s say gen8 is holding some huge feature set back for TSW, you’d want that feature set in the core of the game, no? Not this current method of willy nilly deciding at the final hour, what content gets shipped & where to.

    I agree based on the current pattern of decision making from DTG, TSW6 should exclude gen8 as a release platform, but then TSW5 probably shouldn’t have been on gen8 either.

    However this borderline flogging of gen8 users isn’t warranted, they’re the ones who got sold a product from DTG, if anything they’re more of a victim then the people who falsely claim they’re worse off for gen8 existing.

    In any case, any time saved by dropping gen8 is more than likely just going to be a financial gain for DTG, with little to no return in general quality for the users.
  37. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Well said. The thread title should be changed to " commiserate " rather than " celebrate ".
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  38. JetWash

    JetWash Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    I’m sure many would agree with you but I disagree, as do many others. Of course it makes neither of us right, it’s just an opinion.

    It’s interesting that no one is haranguing mobile phone companies over the loss of Edge and 3G data platforms. Mobile phones are considerably more expensive than games consoles but everyone has just got on with it. Technology moves on, it’s almost unheard of for something to last 12 years and still expect to work as it did when it first came to market.

    My Wife's iPad Air 2 is pretty much only useful as a door stop these days, just like my PS4 was when I sold it 4 or so years ago. I wouldn’t dream of using it now and demanding that games, let alone simulations, work on it. People on Gen8 can still play the versions of TSW that worked on it, and they can play the TSW5 base game which is what they were sold. When TSW5 went on sale last year I don’t remember anyone from DTG guaranteeing that not only would TSW5 be compatible, but all DLC going forward would also be the same. Given it was made very clear that the Gen8 version of the game would be limited by comparison, to expect that to be the case is borderline delusional in my opinion.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2025
  39. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    No-one would suggest that the gen8 version of the game will not be limited. Of course it will, just as the performance of the game on a 10 year old PC will be less than on a new 40xx or 50xx equipped machine.

    The days of gen8 are certainly numbered for all games, including TSW.

    But the twin notions of " celebrating " the demise of hardware that thousands of players, especially young players, still rely on, coupled with the misguided idea that this demise will lead to a new morning in performance for gen9 and PC players are both sadly delusional.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2025
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