So, I have actually managed to complete two runs on PS5 now - one full line Fulda to Frankfurt in an ICE1 and one Frankfurt to Hanau in the DoSto cab car. The difference seems to be: the expert 101 timetable. The regular timetable runs just about, it seems, but the expert 101 pushes the route over the edge into crashing. Very disappointed about this as the expert 101 was the main thing I wanted to run on the route, but at least I might get some use out of it now.
And no word about the constant crashes and an upcoming solution in the current roadmap. Also no word about the originally promised additions to the roadmap for the XBS. It looks like you just have to live with having to save the game every few minutes to be able to continue playing after a crash. By the way, it doesn't matter if you play in HD or 4K on the XBS, the crashes still happen. TSW 5 is really a bitter disappointment.
I have also noticed that with the n wagen cab car you can only score a maximum of 35 points for using all safety systems, as opposed to the usual 65. This makes achieving platinum medals impossible, although gold is still attainable. Also with the cab car, the destination keeps getting erased after you set it. No matter how many times you do it, it disappears shortly thereafter. However, the destination is displayed consistently on the trailing BR 111 in the same consist. Also, when viewed from the front using the external camera, there is quite frequently distortion of the cab cars headlights and destination light. This on Series S, although likely not platform-specific problems.
What originally promised additions to the roadmap for the XBS are you referring to? If you are referring to timetable layers, I appear to have everything that Series S is supposed to get for FTF. Although this is less than originally promised, DTG have already admitted that Series S will be getting less than it was supposed to. I'm not aware of anything it was supposed to get that it still hasn't, out of the reduced timetable/layers.
I have had crashes on this route, its only full runs to frankfurt around Frankfurt that has the crashes but that is coming into the main station. The Hanau frankfurt services are fine and achievable. Same in the opposite direction towards Hanau and fulda which are both achievable. This is series s. I do hope that between Hanau and frankfurt they sort it out to make it more stable
Yes, as you can see Alex has misled us once again: Blue DB BR 363 from Maintalbahn (This was originally incorrectly listed as the DB BR 363 from Ruhr Sieg Nord and Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruhr) The truth: if you have MTB, all you will get is a static 363 at Hanau. The insinuation was that there would be playable services, but there is not. DB BR 103 from Linke Rheinstrecke (Rail tour services) The truth: once again all you get is a static 103 and a few static coaches at Hanau (if you have LFR). There are no "rail tour services." DTG lied about that at the time, presumably to let the dissent die down a little bit from the initial complaints. RB22 (Maintalbahn BR 642 services) The truth: you should see the AI 642 at Frankfurt, so I would say that this layer works if you have MTB. RB 20, RB21 (Passenger services using DB BR 114 and 146 locomotives with Dostos between Frankfurt Hbf and Fulda.) I haven't yet tested this, but I also haven't noticed any increases in the service count (although those are currently bugged as well). Unfortunately I don't expect DTG to address this going forward. I cannot decide if they have nerfed Series S on purpose and are keeping it quiet to avoid attention from Microsoft, or if they really have no idea what their DLC will be like on Series S because the communication between DTG and whoever is developing their routes is so poor. But what is clear is that they are not fixing this, they are not talking about it, and they are ignoring anyone who brings it up. So my best advice is going forward, buyer beware on Series S.
I hope if dtg are watching this, they could look to sort these out as the timetable is unbearably limited (hope they do but doubt it). The maintalbahn layer needs to be playable as it does add that additional bit of variety. I do hope more attention is taken on the series s as I don't feel it's the timetable, it's more the scenery on the routes that are contributing. The trees are a big factor. When it comes to RB 20 and RB 21 with other regional bahn and regional expresses, they are the main dominator as well as the ICE T
If dtg Work on making xbox series s timetables relatively close or at least at the series x timetables, it would give a series s a better look on routes and the experience would be much better
I want to preface this post by saying that I absolutely love this route as it is indeed a feedback thread and the good as as important as the bad. However…. I mark completion in Train Sim World by getting a gold medal on every service in journey’s mode however I’m unable to do this for this route as the second service in Traxx Teamwork (RB51 - 15539 Bad Soden-salmunster to Frankfurt (Main) Hbf - 05:27 BR 146.2) has an issue with a red signal just outside Frankfurt that never turns green due to a backlog. I’ve submitted a ticket after today’s update and I’m hoping somebody can help me resolve it, but I’m posting here in case anybody else has the same methodology for completion as me, or if anyone else has actually been able to complete this service? I’m on Xbox series X. The issue, in short; you leave Frankfurt Main Sud, pass one green signal on the approach into Frankfurt Main Hbf then the next one is red and stays that way. I’ve let this service run for over 2 hours and the backlog causing the red doesn’t clear. There is one train directly in front of you also waiting at a red, another one in front of that blocking your path and then quite a few on the tracks leading into the station, including two at platforms 3&4 inside the station that, if moved, may or may not clear the backlog. Very frustrating as I’ve absolutely loved playing this route, but it is what it is and I hope it gets sorted. More than anything, I’m interested to hear if anybody else has been able to complete the service on Xbox or any other platform?
You say this is a journey service? On Series S I have completed the main journey and Flixtrain journey to gold, so it is possible. I will not be able to check this particular service for some time. If nobody else can offer something in the meantime I will try to check it out.
was this going to Frankfurt Sud as doing a whole line run from Fulda to Frankfurt hbf, the crashes tend to occur but that only happens on either the approach (but again that is whole line runs).
Hello. I always enjoy driving this route. Yesterday's update made some improvements, but there were still some bugs. Here's a list of bugs I found that were still present after the update. (Some of these have been posted in the past. Also, all of them happened when spawning on foot in timetable mode.) Equipment used:PC Timetable:Flankfult -Fulda (default) Stations/structures -The following stations do not allow you to go up the station stairs. (In some cases it is possible to climb them with running, but this is not realistic.) Bad Soden-Salmuenster (once you enter the underpass, you can never get out again) Wirtheim Hailer-Meerholz. -In Langenselbold, the exit stairs are set above ground level. -At Offenbach Ost, platform 1 is lower than the other platforms and it is not possible to get on through the doors. (Passengers are also stuck.) -There is an invisible wall on track 1 at Offenbach Ost. (It is located around the area indicated by the red line.) -There is a blackened wall near the 11.4 km post between Offenbach Hbf and Offenbach Ost. Vehicles -There is a constant sound of air leaking in the control car at Dost when BR146 is connected at the back. -The area wiped off by the wipers on BR114 differs from the actual area wiped off. The side windows also have unnatural snow deposits. Sorry for the unnatural English as I am using translation software.
Let me get this straight, guys. After ANOTHER patch for Frankfurt-Fulda, the 101 Expert loco selection screen STILL misses half of the locos available? Really? Are these patches tested on real machines before they go out anyway?
Same on XBox Series X. No crashes, but no matter where you start or what you drive..... After 15 ...20 minutes the blurry textures start and not going away anymore during the rest of the service.
BR 411 DB ICE T service 1556 from 17.41u to frankfurt is not working unfortunately. Traffic gets stuck at Frankfurt. Has anyone able to complete this service? I am on Xbox series X. No crashes though. Just the infinite red light 2.5km before frankfurt.
I have completed all ICE T services and I do remember one where I had to delete a couple of Services into Frankfurt. Not sure it was this exact one, however, just try to delete services that are obviously blocking the way for others...
I tried that, but I still could not get a green light somehow. All traffic was standing still. Btw, I just had a crash on the series X... I had full snow on and just before Frankfurt my ICE 1 service crashed.. not fun Seems like a memory problem though, i get no problems most of the time when just keeping my view inside the cab... no opening of the map.. and just hope for the best. No photomode, no external viewing. Just drive and focus on the track lol. But this time that did not work...maybe because of the full snow on. I dont know. This needs to be fixed. We need a performance mode on the Series X... and not the same settings as the S console.
Actually it does work in Journey mode now as well. A silent update DTG made but forgot to tell us about. After deleting the errant train you might find the game has put you out the driver’s chair. When you sit down again, you will also get a dire warning that you are taking over the train (when in fact it’s the same one!) and this will cancel your Journey run but ignore that as you will still complete the trip and get the Journey element ticked off.
Argh, yep all of this happened except the last bit. I was able to complete the service after removing the offending trains, I got a platinum medal but unfortunately in Journeys mode the service isn’t ticked and the medal doesn’t appear (the score however does which is very frustrating)
Has the 17 February patch fixed the selection screen for the 101 Expert timetable? And the Wirtheim issue in the 101 Expert timetable? And the missing 628 when TGV and 218 are installed?
I didn't have a problem with the TGV service with services 628 and 642... I specifically tested it. It was just the ICE-T and DB Vectron that caused it. I hope it won't be different every time I start TSW5.
just in case anybody ever uses the search function to try and resolve this issue (because let’s be honest, we all know DTG won’t) - you can delete services in Journey’s mode. If you drive to the red signal, remove the train that is blocking the section, you can then drive forward and complete the service. Incredibly frustrated that nobody at DTG communicated this to me across 3 tickets and as a result I’ve wasted over 6 hours of my life trying to get an issue resolved that was as simple as above, but at least now I know for future reference. thank you to those on this forum that offered tips and ultimately the solution
a specialty of TSW is when using CTRL + - to "teleport" between cabs, sometimes you end up falling into the ground or loco itself... now that you can fast travel, this can be partially negated, however, sometimes it ends up messing the timetable if you continue on a return journey or even third ride
It's unbelievable this route still doesn't work properly on console. Thought I would play the route again after a while, but just gave up eventually. The first service on departure from Frankfurt Hbf had a video memory error which was super frustrating. Then, I decided to try another, got as far as Hanau, and the game just closed to the Xbox home screen.
You can also delete stuck trains from the 2D map. You may find yourself thrown out of the seat in the cab of the train you’re driving and get a dire warning about taking over “another service” and failing your current Journey when you sit back down. However luckily that hasn’t occurred on the occasions I’ve used the feature.
Some of the locomotives used in the scenario have broken brakes. You can complete the game by applying the emergency brakes at the station. We apologize in advance for any inappropriate translations made using translation software.
Just done job on this after sometime away from it and its runs horrible so blurry and jumpy on xbox x
Turn off ICET in layers if you don’t want out of memory errors. You can still use the other ice trains.
I just noticed that the 146.2 included with this route doesn’t have the updated rain visuals on the windows. I’m pretty sure it used to have them but not positive. It may be an issue introduced in a recent update.
Eh, guys, what the heck is this signal... I mean, I followed all the signals to this point, eventually slowed down to like 40 kph... and when I crossed this one, I got Zwangsbremsung... first off, what does this signal mean... second, what am I supposed to do? Should I stop, then "Contact signaller" and proceed at restricted speed, or should I press PZB Override? Havent encountered this thing before, so I have no idea
It’s Zs 7: “Am Signal Hp 0 oder am gestörten Lichthauptsignal ohne schriftlichen Befehl vorbeifahren! Weiterfahrt auf Sicht.” - Pass Hp 0 or faulty signal without written order and drive on sight. It’s similar to (but not quite the same as) Zs 1. You need to pass it with Befehl 40/Override and then drive on sight (able to stop before any obstacle) if you’re being realistic. In your situation, it was probably just another instance of unrealistic signalling.
This signal is called Hp0 + Zs7 (Stop + On sight). It indicates that the singaller is not able to set the signal to a normal proceed aspect and that you must continue on sight. In Germany that means a max. velocity of 40km/h (15km/h at night, walking speed in extremely bad weather), ability to stop in front of any obstructions and visually check points. You must continue to drive on sight until 400m past the next signal, if this signal shows a proceed aspect. Zs7 explanation on Wikipedia
No, the dispatcher is not to blame. The programmers from DTG tripped over the optical signaling cable while searching for lost textures.