Try using it in a different us route if you have anything and see if marks you on that route if not could the loco is not programed to mark for safety systems.
not sure if any other US passenger route supports the new scoring system, but anyway, now that you mention the "programming", this could be a similar issue as with BR442 on Dresden Riesa, where after update on new scoring system, that one still gets old pts which would suck tho cos I kinda like the older version of F40PH a bit better, for reasons I listed before
That's because every service in TSW ends on a red signal. I hate it too. Plus many services to Worcester comes with "Go via noname", which I think is a hack to open a buggy signal.
during a couple runs with HSP46, not only have I noticed they might have tweaked the notches power/tractive effort levels, but maybe more importantly for some here, I managed to devise a "tactic" to get closer to stop marker in Worcester, which is notorious for giving you penalty applications waaay before it: 1. First off, obviously, you need to be going sub 20 mph 2. During last hundreds of yards to stop marker, I tried not only tapping Q aka acknowledge button, but sometimes I pressed and held it for like 2-3 secs, release it, then depending on distance maybe do it again once or twice this way I managed to get less than 10yd away from stop marker, albeit still with penalty beeping and application also, for those who play with traction lock icon showing - with HSP46 and new version of F40PH, you need to first put the brake into emergency, then into suppression, and it vanishes (on similar note, to make traction lock disappear on F40PH, Boston Sprinter verson, you need to press Parking brake set, then Parking brake release, and it vanishes) why? no idea
About double bell sound on CTC-3(most of the time it starts doubling when you touch the brakes). It glitching only with locos from this route. If the game will spawn you a F40PH from Boston - Providence, then you will not get this bug, and bell sound wouldn't doubled.
Hi guys so I have completed everything on this route and thoroughly enjoyed it but I wanna is worth keeping it installed are they likely to add anything else ie more jobs ect or uninstall
For now the only reason for you to have this route is that they may added HSP46 and CTC-5 to Boston - Providence timetable. But this chance is about too low.
Cross posting this feedback from maxime from the following thread so it's in the right player feedback thread to be actioned. I will not be 'watching' this thread, as I have not got the route so I won't see any replies - tag me if required.
The Red Light issue on 09:54 Geometry to Worcester Train (Free Roam - Timetable) In the 1st Picture as you see when i reach that location between Framingham - West Natick i guess, at the time 10:31, there seems a freight train which shouldn't be there... I play it on Epic. 2nd picture send by user name SGTDRE and he is playing on Steam. And as you see on that picture there is no fracking Frieght train at that moment. So what the heck is that? Sorry for the slang but i post that odd issue on the 13th of November on support section yet no answered in some way.
1. How could've you turned this rainy yet beautiful morning into something like this and it's not even Bright setup. 2. Why 90% of Journey Mode services have poor weather? You've created an amazing scenery but you don't exhibit it, it's opposite - you disguise it from the users with headlights bleaching everything in a foggy weather. It's an ordeal for me to complete Journey Mode, beacause I know that every time I'll have to watch into white screen.
In real life, using bright headlights in fog will blind you and you can't see what's in front of you and trains have really bright ones which is what tsw is trying to simulate
That's true to an extent, but I've found the brightness of the headlights on the F40 in this DLC to be a bit exaggerated. That said, you're absolutely correct in that the light would just reflect back at you in real life, hence why you're supposed to drive with your dims and fog lights (which are by design lower to the ground and meant to illuminate below the fog) on when in your car in similar conditions. alex#5853 are you running with the bright or dim setting on in those screenshots? If bright, you may want to dial it down to dim to see if it makes a difference.
Ok, that checks out and shows DTG still haven't adjusted the brightness intensity. Here's an example from a cousin of the F40, the CF7 [skip to 15:10]... North American headlights are bright, but as you can see, the ones simulated on the in-game F40 are just over the top.
At least you can see something... Try driving the NJ transit ALP-46 on NYT in foggy weather. This volumetric fog looks great from the outside, but not so much from the driver's position. Some trains handle it better than others but still, how did this pass QA?? The only option is to turn it off in the settings and wait for it to pass if using dynamic weather.
With today's update that released, I noticed the cab car has the correct numbering the single level cars trailing have the wrong numbers.
Tried to do a run in the HSP46 and the engine sound cuts out and goes completely silent as it switches between idle and revving. In notches 2 and 3 you can run in complete silence. Probably a new bug, as I don't remember it from before. But it's great, because it ruins yet another locomotive that previously worked fine.
Just doing my collectables walkabout and came across this blockage and crossing bug at Framingham track 1. First noticed at time 12:05 26/02/25 -
Why would there be? As far as I am aware, it's a pretty realistic timetable. There is not much to add.