Just be straight up. Was Rivet Games involved in any part of this project?
I actually would advise closing this thread because this has a potential for a disaster to unfold. This causes more harm then good
Why does politics matter in train simulation. Nobody cares about it and it should never be associated with Train simulation at all. This thread is...
Ok this needs to be said. LIRR and MNRR are completely different divisions. The VR dlc just showed that the MTA is willing to work with DTG again
This honestly looks poor. It looks like ATH refused to implement the feedback from Spratty. The shade of green is still wrong and the errors are...
Neither. The Expert 101 is better
At least it'll get them off their ipad
Considering how this is marketed TOWARDS KIDS. How do you guys even sleep at night profiting off literal children who don't know any better. It...
This is something interesting to debate about in the off topic section of the forums
Hello I would like the Peninsula Corridor for Steam and the MP36 IF possible. If not then Penn corridor for Steam
I personally don't have issues with the route on PS5, this route is my home route(It's one of my favorites). I only had ONE crash up that's it....
Another route that has reused rolling stock instead of something new
There are red lights in this game. Depending on the time of day they will show up
Im starting to think lately that Gen 8 isn't the Problem. The main thing that is holding TSW back is how poorly optimized the game is... In fact...
Sooooo a dlc that has realism to the max and has been acclaimed by the community a 'flop.' This is a horrible take imo, while I respect your...
I have a bit of a request. I'm trying to make an imitation 800, but cannot for the life of me tell which are the desiel cars I need since DTG did...
It's there. However it's a blank name which makes it look like it's not there, when you got select it... There are two versions which is making it...
Will the Mk3 Coaches and the Mk2 Coaches be available in formation designer? The Mk2 Coaches from Blackpool Branchlines didn't appear in formation...
Here's a tip. ZOOM out of the live map. This is the cause of most of the perfom issues
When you zoom out of the map, usually it improved the frame rate. The live map might be the cause of the performance issues
I'm extremely confused with this thread. What's the problem with the 114 specifically...
Yea this route is better than decent it's looking great! I'm glad I was one of those who jumped the gun and refunded their pre orders, now if...
The Class 91 and MK4 DVT would make the most sense imo as the next Expert Level DLC, the devs obviously have to make multiple cabs with the IC225,...
How about New York to New Haven, with the M8 or something. Amtrak can layer in for Services to Penn. Or whatever you're working on atm for DTG
DTG did do a great job on LIRR 2, but it might just be your hardware that's the issue, just because you're at the recommended specs doesn't mean...
What crashing issue? I haven't had any issues around Jamaica and mind you I'm on PlayStation 5. If it was PS4 I'd understand
I'm gonna say this. It's genuinely one of the much better American routes for TSW and MUCH MUCH better than original LIRR. Besides the safety...
He's just a kid that hasn't touched grass in a long long time, the issues he's complaining about are literally either non-existent or extremely...
I hope you guys know... The OLD LIRR is abandonware
Let's be honest here. We're all gonna buy TSW 5
I mean he pretty much sums up everything wrong with the forums tbh
Now this is just very nitpicky
You're probably just a little kid who can't afford legal action anyway. Point is I haven't had this issue at all nor any other of the "issues" you...
How is this a "Bruh Moment" this is actually a great thing
..... They never ran railtours tho.....
Again I still don't see anything wrong?
I don't see anything...
What is exactly the issue with the 766/767? I don't see anything wrong?
Can confirm that this happens in real life a lot
No like what Platform (PC, PlayStation, Or Xbox)
What platform is this?
Regarding this.. I'm not really sure if there's actual evidence of the Vectron ever ran into the Hamburg Lubek route in reality tbh
I don't understand why people are complaining about the price imo. If you take a look at TSW 1 and TSW 2 Locos, and the Acela, for what you're...
Ngl I'm hoping this will be the "Yearly Release" instead of TSW 5. This is something I'd take over TSW 5 anyday
I really wish people would read. But no you DO NOT have to buy Hamburg to Lubek. Anything TSW 3 and on is coupled or tied to a specific DLC. If...
That's what I'm saying. Should I add 22.99 plus tax as well!
Uhm. You don't have too. The 218 isn't connected to Hamburg to Lubek, so you can just buy the 218 and use it's full features. Any DLCs TSW 3...
[MEDIA] Just gonna drop this here
Ah yes someone throwing a temper tantrum on the forums.... Like always.
The reason why people can't get it right is because one they basically don't want too. They end up "free balling" it and then wonder why the route...
Separate names with a comma.