Sadly their priorities are for compatibility with existing platforms to sell dlc's, not the few with high end machines.
Thank you for your work. Sadly compatibility concerns for consoles and lower powered machines will always hold the game back from it's potential.
Agree with the above expressed sentiments, but... Please ditch the repeated Apple speak of "We are excited to get this into your hands...."
This is great news. Really disliked the pop-in.
Raildriver was great for US routes, but frankly I found it irritating for European ones. Stuck with it for six months before returning to using...
Repetitive gameplay is a killer. Some days I crave authentic operations, other days just a quick thrash. What makes a route great is not just...
The one thing I remember from the days of steam in the UK, was the greater variety of locomotives on most routes other than branch lines....
Great video and pics. I'm now looking forward to this one.
I find I never play the route. Those speed limits may be authentic but they are a total gameplay killer.
Thanks in advance again. I always look for your updates when a new Uk route comes out.
Excellent suggestion.
Will wait the verdict on this route. For me the scenery is very important, more so than sounds, PIS, moths and pianos. After all when you are...
I genuinely feel that the quality is steadily improving with little extras to every release. Even the patch rate is increasing. As to the price...
I'm happy to see any new route, but my major worry is the selection of vehicles portrayed. The ones I enjoy most are those with layers or a wide...
How about policemen waiting on the platform, who then enter one of the coaches. After an extended delay a malefactor is escorted off the platform...
The important thing is that the bug fixes are being rolled out far faster than before. This is a major improvement. Let's hope it continues with...
That's just cruel. No incentive to do better.
Please God just say "No" to steam liveries! What steam desperately needs are more locos. The world is empty and unconvincing without the variety.....
Good post Chief. For all it's faults it's the best out there, and the team members genuinely care. Have a good one guys!
Lightings the hardest thing to do in a game which attempts to portray the world as we see it on a flat screen.
Love these mods as they reflect what the railways are really like. I'm not a fan of the picture postcard look , but recognise that Dtg are...
Thought the stream looked good, but Birmingham was very empty. Would prefer a more general grungy look to the picture postcard brightness of...
Mat_Jam_Ca It's been suggested before... The community has a tremendous amount of railway knowledge which is crying out to be used.
Art deco pillboxes. Excellent thanks.
Thanks Matt and Fred. Both for the explanation and reassurance regarding the operation of the new manager. Ninety percent of the FUD which leads...
I wouldn't mind a higher price if the route contains more than one loco. Personal dislike is for routes with just the one loco. The lack of...
Hurrah something new to moan about. Let's at least wait and see before condemning it out of hand, There's no obligation to purchase
Sadly the scenery destroys the immersion.
It's all an illusion. Chin up, shoulders back, full speed ahead and damn the torpedos!
"Today at 1:51 AM" That's dedication.
I just wish it wasn't so squeaky clean and had some coaches. I know it's to show off the gleaming bodywork but it's almost un-American :)
Agree on the courtesy.
I've left Tsc, but the thing I miss most is the user created scenarios. They were best part of the experience so I won't say anything about the...
Light surge overload. Haven't had any crashes with TSW3 so far, but I only run a single monitor. When I've had crashes in the past they have...
Oooh! Has to be a class action so we can all share in Dovetails huge multi-million payout. Can't wait 4090 on order. Stop make that two!
Wish he'd post on here occasionally.
These forums thrive on controversy and wild surmise. It's great news, so let's create some excitement.
Faversham is worth a visit as is it's brewery. Untouched by the war it retains an eclectic collection of architectural styles and inhabitants.
Another vote for RRO. Really want to see some older German routes though.
Better to read the TSW discord channel which has a modding section.
Nice, but I shudder at the thought of being stranded in Sittingbourne. Like Slough or Milton Keynes it's one of those places that are best...
Damn we sure expect a lot for our money. Perfect physics, perfect vehicles, perfect operations, perfect lighting, perfect weather, perfect...
Just needs some dirt tastefully applied. Looks in game as if it's fresh out of it's box.
Other than the RHHT I feel the rest of the dlc was a missed opportunity. The F7 squeaky clean and no coaches, or appropriate consist, and a German...
Love the euphemism "Tea and biscuits". More refined than a good bollocking :)
Agree. Thanks Matt. It's slightly worrying though. I'd have though the devs would have researched it well, beforehand. I've only seen these...
No comment from community staff? Are they so over worked? Enquiring minds would like to know.
Great stuff. Thanks for the video.
Against heritage lines as the speed limitations are too boring. Sos definitely needs an enhancement pack to recapture the flavour and variety of...
Yep had pause on for over twenty five minutes and resumed with no problems.
Separate names with a comma.