my neck of the woods too
Doncaster to sheffield was going to be one of my routes but I've not been on the editor for a long time now. and I changed my mind to do Skegness...
seems like the tier 2 london commuter mastery achievement isn't working, I've done 4 timetables that exceed the 85mph minimum to 90mph maximum and...
I was thinking of getting a new vr when I get paid at the end of the month. I have the original vive, is there any suggestions on a better vr mainly?
I've got the first htc vive got my ingame settings on ultra just need to turn down the brightness
can see inside the tunels properly too
all is working great now i just need to tweak some in game settings turn down brightness. thanks for the help
I've got the game showing in my headset but its like looking at a big screen and movement is done with mouse and not my headset. I'm sure its...
you cannot extend routes that have been made by DTG or any other player made routes as the files have been packed.
the only thing I can think has happened with that is that when selecting the areas to download data you never covered the missing areas or there's...
Happy Christmas to all DTG staff and this great community. Hope you all have a fantastic joyful day.
is the lidar raised up and flat?
as for using blender I've never used it before. Udemy has some good courses for it. I've just not had the time to start working through it yet...
check in your route plugin folder in windows explorer, if you created a Map folder in your route folder your route map file should be in there. if...
try going into the folder where you have tsw editor installed, not on my computer atm. search for your plugins folder and then the route content...
this happened to me you have to find the landscape section file that's missing in your content folder then re import it from the files you have...
when you've selected the use selected asset if you scroll to the top you should have it showing there.
just need to keep the dtm_1m.
When I got the route I was surprised with this scenario an liked it a lot. Could I also suggest maybe a LNER train cleanup scenario while in...
this is really helpful. I've wanted to play tsw without the player hud for a long time. TY
I formatted my computer and my profile is gone from TSW 3 and TSW 4 and my tier 2 mastery is gone too that I completed for the ECML route. Also...
In the guide where you're creating the lidar files I mentioned you add -9999 in a certain part, Not sure where at the moment as i'm still...
Gonna be away from the editor for a while, going to be resetting and formatting my computer and have a couple of rooms to decorate and then going...
That's good to know if ever I create a third rail route TY
In the window on the left there's display options that can be ticked. Have you checked those?
I'm only guessing as I don't use third rail on my route that you would go into track network editor mode and In the ribbon loft descriptor if you...
I agree but browsers these days have a translate option :) Hello, I'm still relatively new here. By and large, my interest in trains is also...
go to Setting up API keys - API Console Help ( to get an API key and then click the google static maps icon copy/paste your google API...
When i was using the ts2ed.experimental.CreateSceneryAndLandscapeTilesFromKML command to create my terrain I always had issues Which is why I...
this happened to me a while back but then I added my lidar data to the tile and it altered my terrain to what it should have been
This sounds a great Idea really looking forward to future updates.
I was wanting to take a break from my SKG-GRA route and decided to do a short route that I could practice my landscaping and what better than...
I did start over again, but then checked my recycle bin and my plugins route folder was still in there so just restored it deleted the tile file...
Doesn't that command create the terrain from the kml file? generating 815 cells so should take a while
Yeah its all still the same
Having a problem with this section of my SRTM when I select create landscape The generating cell bar pops up but it doesn't generate the...
Entrance into Skegness station, Finally. The hardest part was getting the track from point A Into a junction, cross over 2 tracks and into another...
This is fantastic, been trying for a long time to figure this out. Thanks for the information
no problem, hope it helps
I show how to do this in the guide I created Under the heading...
Over the past couple of days I've noticed the reprojection, retiling and conversion from tif to asc is going really slow is anyone else having...
will there ever be a time we can use tif files instead of having to convert to asc files for our terrain?
Use API Keys | Maps JavaScript API | Google for Developers this shows how to get a google api key
Would I be right in guessing that the blue lines and black triangles on my junction means that something hasn't worked right? And what is the...
With a lot of issues due to using KML then adding Lidar to create my Skegness to Grantham terrain I decided to try a smaller route (Doncaster to...
I like creating the landscapes . laying track is my second although I need to master creating junctions on a slope. I'm learning blender atm as...
in my guide I show how to get kml but I need to change things around because I've had a lot of issues using the kml for terrain. I've found...
all makes sense, thanks for that.
I'm beginning to wonder about this too because I'm having a lot of issues and a lot of them seem to be pointing to the use of .kml instead of a...
so SRTM is not the same as what we get with KML file from google earth or Lidar? So is the .hgt same as SRTM
Separate names with a comma.