No, the training centre has its own variant of the 323, the new suspension is only implemented on this version, and the system works on any route....
A few more observations (on PS5): Static popping sound every few seconds Are the auxillary controls in the cab car of any use without the...
You can create a "Looking for Group" session for any game, including single-player only ones. Others can join you even in single-player only...
* 1116: The cab lights cannot be switched on.. Is the cab light switch next to the engine room light switch non-operational in real life?...
No, I meant these:
Some observations from a layman: Is this intended behaviour? Stop > put the PBC to B3 > put the reverser to secure > put the PBC to coast > put...
Dunno if this works in the game, but here's how you supposed to do it in real life according to the MU's manual: Uncoupling During the time when...
The driver's manual that I have is from 2006, and it explicitly states that certain software bugs will be fixed in later software updates. As DB...
The Talent is of the usual Bombardier quality, so it had multiple hardware and software bugs: * The Electro-Pneumatic Advanced Control Unit was...
Maik Goltz According to the ÖBB(/MÁV) 4023/provisional** 4024 manual: * The "Türen Geschlossen" indicator light should go out when v>3 km/h in...
MS know what they paid for, and devs don't to notify them when their game is about to leave GP…
The ECML includes the Class 66 beside the Azuma, and the Vorarlberg includes the Railion BR 185 beside the Talent
From the FAQ: What features will Train Sim World 4 have? Training Center Scenarios Timetables Journey Mode Photo Mode Free Roam Mode Livery...
1:1+1+1+1=4 > TSW4 confirmed. Get the whiteboard out
That was already up there since at least around the release of TSW3. Also even though Rivet is also looking for 3D artists with UE4/5 experience...
TSW3 is scheduled to leave Game Pass on September 1, 2023. TSW2 left Game Pass on August 15, 2022, and TSW3 was released on September 6, 2022 as a...
Diamondderp There are 999 km/h speed limits in the '373 Sugar Beets’ scenario, too, between Gronau (Hess. Nassau) and Bad Vilbel stations. (and...
Neither Matt nor Lucas ever had a profile page there.
They didn't it's still the B button for both AWS and DSD. On Xbox they simply didn't map the HST's DSD to the B button as on the 158. Keyboard Q...
A few issues I noticed on XSX: * Z-fighting (flickering) on the GSM-R module, the 'Sander' text also flickers in 158 * Z-fighting (flickering) on...
* DG (Drehgestell)-Störschalter: bogie fault switch * ZMS (Zeitmultiplexe Mehrfachtraktionssteuerung): time multiplex multiple-unit control...
A few smaller bugs: * At Stockhein Station the passenger AI seemingly have problems to reach the platforms. They just spawn in front of the...
Happened to me as well on the ‘Hugging Trees’ scenario. Do you play with safety systems enabled? If so, did you disabled them in the rear cab? The...
AFB increase: hold down square + R2 AFB decrease: hold down square + R1 PZB Override (Befehl): hold down square + d-pad left PZB Release (Frei):...
mike.obrebski put together a nice collection of UK/US/German operating manuals:...
That looks like a screenshot from the official PS App for iOS
That was released for TSW3 on September 6, 2022 Apparently another patch is also in the works
According to coasterflo it was fixed on January 3 or 4. EDIT: I...
Dunno if DTG implemented DirectInput controller support for TSW on PC. If it doesn't work, you can either launch the game through Steam (add the...
No timetable or training mode, 70 minutes to complete the scenarios, ≈30 minutes to collect the coins (without a guide) for the achievement, plus...
Bradley That's a loco DLC scenario, so technically the Valley Veteran achievement can still be unlocked with Trunk Service broken. You have to...
Issue Summary: Can't collect the chocolate near Kings Norton due to an invisible wall blocking the access to it Platform: XSX Route/Loco Name:...
According to Maik that's prototypical
rich#3924 Link to the embedded video in the first post:
Screenshots (XSX): [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Also, please fix the tail lights: Screenshots from the same scenario at the same time: TSW2: [ATTACH] TSW3:...
On Xbox Series X when you try to access the 2D Map (with the View/9 button) on Peninsula Corridor, the game instantly switch to the pause menu…...
That's Z-fighting, and it basically an issue on almost every (newer) loco that's NOT made by Rivet. Don't expect that they will ever get fixed...
Dunno the install sizes for PS, but they are the following on Xbox Series X (they should be in the same ballpark, I think): * TSW2020: around...
You can change the control scheme to 'classic' (Settings > Controls > Controls > Controller Scheme), you can change to the 'free' camera with the...
On XSX: CL31: Cemented Skillset (Complete 15 services using the BR Class 31) – I unlocked this achievement is TSW2, imported my TSW2 profile in...
Maik Goltz Similar thing in the G6 when you are going ~10+ km/h [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Those are for TSW2. You should remove left-over DLCs.
Separate names with a comma.