Glad to hear I wasn't the only one thinking about that ! As a huge fan of both, it would be awesome if they did that.
Lets see if any of the developers watched Torchwood and may sneak in an easter egg !
That's fantastic news !
Not sure if this is beeing answered yet, but, does the GWR livery still exist and is playable / part of the timetable ? Haven't seen it in the...
Train Sim World is set in the alternate timeline of "Back to the Future", where flying cars have been invented by 2015. :D
What game is that ?
That is fantastic news. The Rhb routes have a huge place in my heart personally.
Oh, so much to that then ! I thought it was more.
Doesn't ÖBB and DB run across the major SBB lines ? Does the licence include the trackage and countryside ? That might be a fun way around it for...
Today is the xbox showcase. Just imagine what would happen if microsoft would drop a train sim like they did with msfs.
Well, good to know ! I'm just negatively surprised that between you, DTG, the community, the train manufacturer and the TOC it only needs one bad...
That doesn't make it any less redicilous, that a graphically and physically bad as well as inaccurate representation of an accident has such...
I can't but laugh at this. What do they care, what do they fear ? I'm genuinly interested to know why any licence holder sees it as unnegotiable...
Thank you very much !
Hey, what route is the picture off in your profile picture ? That looks lovely ! Exactly why I am happy PC got it removed
That's fantastic to hear !
This is an awesome suggestion, but what's the situation on documentation ? Track layout, signaling, timetables, etc ?
I've never seen a train with eyebrows before, my god ...
It does look certainly like an ingame render, rather than a picture. Is that blackpool tower in the background ?
Wow, thank you ! That's amazing !
That's the type of dirty, overgrown, smog-heavy aesthetic I hoped for with TVL. BOP is really one-of-a-kind DLC. Also your door is open ;)
I loved this. You watch a whole mile long train derail on marias pass, only for the game to tell me "You derailed". Yeah. I KNOW.
"Known issue, hope to look at post release" ... And so it begins ... ! ;)
How is progress on a feature list for upcoming releases ? One would expect that features like escalators would be included as they have been in...
If its not for performance or time reasons, I don't understand either. But an official answer would be nice.
I had no idea how much that bouncyness improves imersion. But this looks how I expected it to look, and I am even more hyped than I already have been.
Every screenshot of this route looks amazing. I can't put into words how excited I am to finally play 80s content that wasn't released for...
Really ? Wow ! I could have sworn most assets, like the bridge pillars at the end of the video for example, are custom made !
This is damn impressive. How many custom assets are in there ? Are you alone, or a group of friends ? Would be extremely interesting to see how...
This. A mainline route set in anything but modern day is a must at some point. Clinchfield just isn't enough after this long period of nothing.
I have never been this hyped for a route before.
Every enhancement that works is a welcomed one. From more accurate liveries, to more or better foliage, better textures on the buildings and more...
I selected something else and so I am here. Completed for me means having done everything that the game throws at me as unfinished, like...
You can go into the timetable mode, select to spawn a new train, and then search for "628 VR", that's the red version. You can spawn it and play...
Some of these screenshots, like this one, are insane. These make me excited for a game I already own !
Very exciting to see ! As a beginner I'm looking at these in total awe, and the fact that it's a train I'm excited about only increases that....
Excuse me, where did that come from all of the sudden ? That's beyond impressive ! What tool do you use ? Blender ?
Ok, compared to the masterpieces uploaded right here, it's not much, but I am still proud of it ! [ATTACH]
Good point actually, I too want to fill up yards and not have to walk up to each track. Is free cam spawn not featured yet or just not shown in...
Apperantly we are able to make a formation in formation designer and then spawn that in the free roam mode. So no need to do it manually and...
Not sure if I'm a fan of that or not. I like that the game doesn't throw me into an arcade mode but stays true to it's simulating nature. But an...
- Is there anything on TSW 2020 to TSW 3 routes that doesn't work compared to TSW 4 routes ? - Just to be sure; can I spawn more than one train /...
I was 100% sure it was a missing texture. Oh wow, that will be hard to unsee.
I'm honestly impressed by the active responses inside the various threads. Especially Matt giving insight, help, and straight up showing interest...
My bet: Both Oakville and Antelope Valley reskins and upgrades to fit the routes, scenarios on both routes, and the timetable addons in one...
I would love to know if it's possible to do these "gameplay packs" that DTG, Rivet and Skyhook have done so far, but for existing content aswell....
Is there a source for this claim ? I would like to read or hear it myself, because if that's true, I'm not sure if I feel good about the honesty...
As far as I understood, existing routes can only be used to create scenarios in them. But I hope someone can correct me there, I would love to be...
I am not going to look at this, this is the moment where I drop out, see you in a few hours !
Can you imagine all the hype for ECML to turn out to be nothing ?
Separate names with a comma.