Br classics .. really hope JT does the deltic at some point. They will do it justice!
Neither is yours but there we go.
Network southeast slamdoors. With loco hauled class 50s. Waterloo to Portsmouth direct is more likely.
Looks like everyone had their pants pulled down to ankles by DTG and they all laughing at everyone who pre ordered. Free core update is what...
Tsw5 = re download EVERYTHING! AGAIN! but.... yet again PAYWALL if I want to buy a new dlc. Fk that!
Calm down kid.. I fell out of the left door and then floated up. In 4
Yeah now I'm finished with tsw. Sod that!
Id take anything that Just stacks out Birmingham station! Hopefully not paywall for 5.
4x hours
People mugged off again.
Portsmouth harbour, Southampton and eastleigh triangle! Even the dock for the class 66. However... slamdoors and a thumper would be perfect!...
[EDIT - Jan Quarrelsome]
Yippe another br 80-90 traction!!!! Put this in tsw5 paywall and as a company your gone.
Didnt want to buy 4 but at £11 I did just for JT BPO. For full enjoyment of cathcart you STILL HAVE TO BUY all dlc .. £12 for 380 and most like...
Someone got their knickers in a twist. Give up being a spokesperson for them, you look silly - like reckton or what ever.
Well picked up 4 for £11. shocked people paid more that £40 for vibration and lights on controller.
Early 90s yes please! Hst swallows, dmu local expresses and class 50 freight plus passengers.
Network south east era with slamdoors and with the class 50 express but portsmouth direct route.
The triangle of eastleigh,Southampton and Pompey would be cool.. both freight and passenger services.
Vern, also known as a class 50 route too... we need that beast in the game. Tsw5 hopefully as I didnt buy 4 as it was and still is a mess. Bpo I'm...
Portsmouth direct would be awesome , but swr not playing ball with licence.. however, slamdoor era in network south east could work... as long as...
DTG pulled all your pants down to ankles and shafted the lot of ya who bought 4!!!! Everything promised on 4 will be fully implemented but only if...
I did the same the other month and was very happy with layers on tsw3. Tsw4 coming out made me laugh... 10months later still nothing what the...
Portsmouth direct would be ideal in the network south east era with slamdoors, thumper and class 50
Not gonna get in a debate... but this time last year was EXACTLY the same. But rather spend money on a stupid intro rather fix things hmmmm. Tsw4...
Rivet re-visit routes...never gonna happen, hence hardly anyone buying their LOVE anymore.
Sod that lol.... will wait for 5 and carry on with robocop for the time being.
Can I buy both cargo packs for Mml on tsw3 or do I have to get tsw4!? If 4 then, I will wait for 5.
Rebuild starting from scratch including the 150, also include the intercity swallow hst. But extend to plymouth and then we get the iconic tamar...
Way to long I think.. but Portsmouth direct from waterloo more realistic as almost on par with BML. Portsmouth also has iconic landmarks like...
If and I mean if ... just trains sold their own train simulator, focusing on uk FOR PC AND CONSOLES. Tsw franchise will be GONE!
Abit rubbish when a ambassador (ace) blocks you for commenting on the lirr.2 What LOVE, not even busy and where is passengers!? Tsw4 and...
Poor sods that brought volume 4!!!! Suspension will behind the 5th paywall when full cemented. Bpo was the way forward yet DTG went to a nappy 13...
I find this silly when passengers stand still in platforms... since rush hour in tsw2! Even the new BPO is same LOVE over and over. It's the...
[Removed - Alex: Insulting other users]
When tsw5 coming out!? And what is core routes?
Just about worth £9.99. If that!
Puzzles.... ? Ok so every train driver has to sort puzzles out!? Its called a simulator for a reason... if you want puzzles go and play sonic the...
That train planet looks the nuts!!!!! 1000% better than DTG tsw. As a console player, I cant experience it like pc players.. but the detail!!!
Tsw4 as of today is 50% off on deluxe edition.... yeah 4 went really well didnt it! Cowboys!
3rd rail slam doors and the thumper on a uk route. Ideally eastleigh to Portsmouth harbour and Southampton docks included for freight. Or as...
I wouldnt mind EMUs providing they are slam door!
If only JT brought DTG and gave us everything I've seen on BPO in every dlc
Gonna wait for tsw5 before I jump from 3! 4 was a epic fail. IF tsw5 comes out.... BPO is the only dlc I want but jumping to 4 isnt worth £59.98....
Should be on the front line rather than playing but hey ho, the clown is right though. 4 is a flop and DTG promoting the fk out of it and...
I only saw it and then dropped it here and rightly so when lied... lol, but yeah 4 is a flop in 3/4 of a way. I just personally thought it was... just gonna drop this here as was just catching up on the news.
Yeah noticed as soon as I posted ... doh!
I've got a question for the stream.... when are the tsw3 bug patch you promised after the small window of release of the failure off tsw4 coming!?...
Separate names with a comma.