This is true, but that is also not a binary choice - 100% buy at any cost or 100% not buy at any cost is not a reality. Personal value is a huge...
Me too. I was all set to build the Hayling branch (already had a BR Terrier textured and in EU4 and had modelled Langstone Bridge) after the...
Fix the damn kettles and give us WHAT YOU PROMISED US when SoS was announced in a blaze of marketing BS
Not impossible at all. Everything you see in front of you now is 1's and 0's. Do you have to figure out the binary code to write your own txt...
This modern fad of multi million pound businesses hiding their failures beyond their "employees feelings" needs to end. By being coerced into...
Your shilling for DTG is hilarious, please never stop
Oh cool TSW is getting VR, even a one-handler might be fun in that.... ... It's a whole separate game. FFS DTG! :mad:
Indy 5 didn't even make it's budget back. It cost £295M to make, took £383M GROSS - which when you split roughly 50/50 with the box office is...
Customers on the other hand, very much can be
According to Steam, 114 minutes I bought it for the Editor and spent 3 weeks every evening and weekends in that before I decided I'd had enough :|...
The level of Stockholm syndrome in many modern consumers just blows my mind. Companies are laughing all the way to the bank.
As they've clearly stated that it's never going to get the much needed extra rolling stock, is it still worth £7.99? I can't bring myself to play...
So they're only paying the wages of a few people then
It's an interesting discussion but is hugely swayed by the average age of the Roblox player - in Dec 23 only 18% of players were over 25. 42% of...
I do find it interesting that DTG always hold everything so close to their chests.. what would be the reasons for doing that? Hiding products...
True, but that's a multiplayer online game mode where people "pay to win" (or have a better chance to win) so I didn't think it was relevant to...
People keep justifying profit via yearly releases using FIFA/Football Manager (which have no/minimal DLC, the yearly update gives you all the new...
I do wonder how TSW4 effected JT's sales of Blackpool & Ormskirk when it was released - how many people would have bought it but didn't because,...
With the underlying flaws, the missing features and controls and UI, the indications that Simugraph can't handle it - I don't see how a third...
DTG in 2022: Hey everyone, we know updating Train Sim 20xx with a new name every year is really bad so we're stopping it today and calling it...
Nothing is going to get fixed, nothing is going to be improved, TSW will continue to disappoint and fail to deliver on DTG's overblown promises....
It's the text equivalent of the uncanny valley
Ugh I'd not checked on it since the "not coming yet" announcement. Sadly it all seems like a bit of a mess now. Such a shame for them after all...
Not to mention the arrival of Fallout: London soon after that hopefully
It's an option. Nothing more. I don't have an issue with it as long as it stays that way with people still able to buy and own DLC for good if...
You're wasting your time!
It's been like that since the release of SoS. Pretty safe to assume after 2 years that DTG don't care and won't be fixing it. They've already said...
I think you found the reason.. That doesn't really fit the minimum effort/maximum profit model.
I never thought this thread could make me genuinely happy.. and suddenly a gorgeous Husky appears! Thank you mariussoare_84
I'm sorry for my use of that word yesterday. It was unfair and I appreciate you bringing it up again so I can understand your position more and...
SoS is broken - it's not being fixed. PF is broken - it's not being fixed. The underlying steam sim is broken - it's not being fixed. The promised...
I don't see how a third party can do it better. DTG's mesh modelling, texturing and animations are fine - it's the underlying physics modules, the...
No improvements... How about even providing the things they promised when they sold it in the first place?! I am so sick of DTG's lies. And they...
I'm sorry you feel that way. We actually had 3 current drivers/firemen of 9F's working with us on this one and they've been very pleased with it...
The Franco-Crosti add-on for the 9F is now available at SSS :)
If they'd contacted me at the start and said "We want to do the Falmouth branch again to test the waters, can we get you involved with the...
Well I'm waiting excitedly for the kettle but assuming they show it the same amount of care and attention they have for everything else I would...
Personally, it's the only reason I bought TSW4, to get the Editor - and also bought a bunch of reference books for the Hayling branch. I was all...
100 % this If DTG, who actually wrote the core code, can't even get it to work properly how on earth is someone else supposed to? I believe the...
Not a single steam running over the Stream-A-Thon weekend. Peak Forest isn't even on the "list of all the routes" on the right hand side of the...
I had a 10 second look at your video when you posted it, but you'd already explained it was a dead end and going no further so why waste my time...
DTG "allowed" their employees to work for free in their own time to enhance a paid for product and make them more money. How very magnanimous of...
I've been paying the bills with Victory Works for a decade now, and I believe Kris at CW has been doing the same... so I call hogwash. Sorry. SoS...
I had this happen as well. I couldn't fix it, nobody else seemed to know how and I didn't want to start over, so that was that :(
A bucket of cheese balls! I'm always jealous of the size of the packs that Americans can buy snacks in. However I will never give up the variety...
I would like to build steam trains in the game but not until they fix the awful physics first :| I have many of those GWR models in my "quiver"...
Thank you :) I really meant playing it in my spare time
Funnily I have no interest in railways outside of the UK, and even less in modern stuff, and yet I love Simrail! For those who've never tried the...
Not necessarily a lie, Stu was always a contractor and never an employee of DTG. They might be getting him back and he just hasn't told me, I...
Sadly DTG dropped Stu when they stopped TSC development rather than take the time to show him how to develop with UE4 :( Outsourcing most of the...
Separate names with a comma.