From what I saw, all platforms apart from O have yellow lightings.
I do have one thing to consider, is the I'm more curious to know how much Third Party Developers make Vs DTG if some of their routes are...
I think the most important ones here are: 1. Has Rivet Games been involved as a second or a third party developer? If so are there plans to...
Remember this quote, if this DLC ultimately fails, prepare yourselves for this potentially being the last network style route.
This doesn't look promising at all, the textures look dodgy some are even replicating to what we saw in WCML and an art style produced by a...
Have the sounds of that Class 150 been reworked than it's previous model on WCL?
"2nd Party Developer". I think that's enough to say.
WCML South looked very neat in the teaser pictures, but we all saw how it turned out. We've also been asking if the sounds have been reworked,...
Then it just proves my point, makes steam It's dangerous to go down a route based on what sells, by all means the disastrous release or WCML...
I'm firmly in belief, many can laugh here, DTG are intentionally sabotaging this game to purposely attract the 'casual' players who has no...
It seems I was right of them trying to attract the 'casual' gamers. [MEDIA]
Had a go with a run on the 380, it seems the patch didn't work. The breaks are still too over powered as previously. Unless I've missed something?
If I had to predict, maybe an announcement on Monday before the roadmap article?
WCML South. I've upgraded from my PS4 to a PS5 on the promise WCML South will be fixed with the full timetable etc. Only part of it has been...
I like how Johannes mentioned appreciating work and collaboration with other third party developers such as ATS, JT, Skyhook etc, but mentioned...
Parents these days are willing to spend so much for there kids even if it looks worthy or not. Look at what's already happening to the modern IPad...
This doesn't answer at the end of the day why DTG shall continue to sabotage and run down the game to its knees as if it's a bank. The more...
I think the main problem as said repeatedly by myself and other members here is DTG are also forgetting the sole purpose of this game. It's only...
Are the Class 378 sounds recycled from the 377 or have they been recorded directly from the unit?
I wonder why NYT is still being charged at an absolute rip-off price despite the atrocious state of the route it is.
I think the problem is DTG are trying to throw too many bottles at once by trying to release too many DLC's within a certain timeframe. If there...
I would personally depend on it on if DTG fixed the broken sounds of the 150 and let's not forget, the showcase of the route. The fact many...
I do not understand how a patch aimed at improving a loco messes up one another, just recently the Class 350 had a patch on fixing the exterior...
If I'm reading the map layout correctly, both Cogan and Heath High Level won't be included despite the track layouts are in place for it. I'm...
I would just think Rivet are simply working on the next TSW6 Core UK route, it's fairly obvious they are one of DTG's close partners so they will...
A funny thing is, they fixed the breaks in the previous patch but somehow managed to mess it up again. I simply don't understand how does such a...
Oh oh, If I heard it right, it sounded like the sounds were recycled from the Class 377. Whilst similar, the Class 378 has a slight different...
Would you believe it, the price is not £30!
This is getting silly, you fix the Class 350's but mess the 380s. Don't just try and neglect one another.
Does it look bright? NYT, released in a half baked state, the Devs not holding Rivet to account, them to announce the Thomas DLC at a time many of...
Even then there should've never been the case on posting the teaser article on the promise an expanded timetable will be included. Unless you've...
It's been a week and still waiting patiently for the questions to be awnsered.
*Forced to obey orders
A sad reality is that DTG doesn't listen to any feedback whatsoever, only if the money goes into their bank accounts. Make the product, make sales...
I'm curious to know on what makes DTG selective on what routes can or can't warrant AI layers. Cathcart Circle over BCC and Glossop Line. For...
I'm going to be selfish and wish for the Hertford Loop Line being I'm local to the route. Would love to drive one near my house.
I'm not personally against the idea of including the full c2c network in TSW, I think it'll be a great route to drive. Though I'd like to be more...
The problem is the total length of the C2C network will be over 60 miles something I doubt DTG will be willing to develop by looking at their...
Yes they can, nothing stopped DTG releasing NYT and WCML South in a half baked state.
I may understand the staff can be busy, but I think it's important to be engaged with your customers at the same time. We have critical questions...
I must say this puts both DTG and Rivet to shame. Both of them can't go to this extent on AI traffic, from always the lame excuses of 'we didn't...
Nothing stopped Cologne to Aachen getting a timetable update despite being older than BCC.
They did reveal Rivet was involved in work for the WCML South, so I'll be curious if a similar case happens for CCN or potentially a new UK core...
As expected, dodging questions regarding if Rivet were ever involved in CCN and no even further comments for fixing the state of the WCML South....
BCC was also created when DTG was going on an insane rampage of DLC so of course this route would've likely been left without provision for...
Scary thought, DTG may argue the WCML South is 'making enough sales' to not warrant an upgrade. So this means on their terms, it's successful.
You fix the 350s braking, but mess up the 380s. How's that even possible?
Problem this I don't think Rivet Games will ever read that comment...
I wouldn't go as far as saying Rivet are developing CCN, if they do end up being the Devs then fair enough. However, this doesn't mean they're...
My best of advice would be to start with a short route, this could come from a branch line or a line in general. Long routes require an extensive...
Separate names with a comma.