I'm very happy that you're going to recreate SIRW.
I am hearing-impaired and captioning is turned on. I must have missed some steps when trying to create a route.
I created a new plugin, created new route, imported KML file, created new landscape or terrain, and tried to create Google Earth overlay but both...
I tried to watch the video but I'm still confused. The video was for TSW4 Editor, not TSW5 Editor. I wish there is written instructions on...
How can I create KML file that can be imported into TSW5 Editor? How can I set real source coordinate?
I watched the video tutorials on creating a German train route using TSW Editor shown at Tutorial - Tutorial Series: Let's Build...
I thought that ad blockers cause YouTube videos to be blocked but after deleting and creating cookies on this website, I got the videos.
There is no link to the tutorials in this thread. If I click on "nourthelokdriver", I'm taken to his member page.
Where are the tutorials?
Next time I download new version of the software, should I install it over old version? I'm afraid of overwriting some files such as key map and...
In the Default_ButtonMapper file, there is Wipers Decrease command but no Wipers Increase command. There is no command for sitting in seats, going...
I don't see Version 2.0.9 for the Raildrriver interface.
Is there a keyboard control for inserting and removing reverser lever?
I have TSW5 and San Bernardino Line DLC. How can I ask passengers for tickets in Guard Mode?
I have the program from CobraOne. The wiper switch on my RailDriver appears to be loose while the headlight switch snaps into position. I have not...
San Bernardino Line, 8:37 train on timetable. It was raining so I turned on the wiper on the right side. About half-hour later, the wiper stopped...
On the San Bernardino Line, Rescue at the Ranch scenario, I was driving the train to the yard for repairs and I'm stuck at the red signal. I...
I would like Raildriver and joystick interface for Trainz games.
Dave, I'm in the process of building the locomotive controller. I found out that you used Sparkfun Micro Pro which is different from Arduino...
on the San Bernardino route, the combo lever in the loco and the cab car is not working properly. The throttle works but the brake doesn't work. I...
In "San Bernardino Line" scenarios, I chose "Race Way". I get into the cab car and set up the train. The reverser lever is in forward position. I...
How do I get it?
Is there PC Editor for TSW5?
I'm a little bit confused. If I get the TSW5 Starter Pack, the new features in TSW5 are not available unless I buy TSW5 routes. Is this correct?...
I have TSW4 Standard Edition with some add-ons. I'm not sure about buying TSW5 because I don't use TSW4 for a while. I thought that TSW5 will use...
Why not Blender version 3.X or 4.X?
There is "Tracks of NYC Subway" book that's updated every year. I used it to create my NYCTA subway system in Trainz. I'm not sure about creating...
Thank you very much for your help. I changed the [Q] key to [DEL] key on the numpad.
I wish that I can disable the safety systems because I'm hearing-impaired and I can't hear the alarm go off.
At Harrow & Wealdstone station, I'm on the stairs to platform. I can't get on the train on the left track and I can get on the train on the right...
I tried walking into the train but I was blocked by an invisible wall (I think) and got the "Prees [E] key to climb down" message.
At which station and which track?
1. Start TSW4. 2. Click on "To the Trains". 3. Click on "Choose Route" and click on "Bakerloo Line". 4. Click on "Free Roam" and choose LU 7-car...
I bought the Bakerloo line and ran some trains. I'm not sure about 1938 stock.
Yes. When installing Steam and TSW, choose drive and folder.
Is there London Underground for TSW4?
I created a new route by creating a blank terrain and using Google Map (I think) overlay. I found out that the terrain is too small and I don't...
I tried to set path for the train in map view but clicking on a track gives me "Unreachable Location" messages.
How do I set path for my train?
TSW4 has been updated today and when I try to run trains in Free Roam, there are red signals that won't change to green or yellow signals. How can...
Is there new version of PC Editor?
Trainz has two driving modes: Cab mode that lets you drive trains as if you're driving a real trains and DC mode that lets you drive trains as if...
It worked on the tutorials. I ran the "Train to Ball Game" scenario. I went from Grand Central to station near Yankees Stadium, went back to...
I tried to charge brakes on MTA M3 and M7 cars by pressing the buttons on the control panel using the mouse but it did not work. How to charge...
When will that guide be available?
I can view the terrain guide. Maybe you need to log off and log back on or clear your browser.
How do I remove plugins that I created?
Is it possible to create flat terrain without using STRM and LIDAR data? I tried to place track on flat terrain but I got an error message saying...
Thank you for helping me. I made a few mistakes while creating the route. I didn't know that there are small icons down the left side of the...
Separate names with a comma.