Crash to desktop near Stratford. LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 208] Renaming an object (Texture2D...
Timetable ÖBB 4024 Service CJX9 (2904) 5:26 Stuck at red signal SBL Al12 72.5 km. Waited 30 minutes. Two trains in front. First train stuck at red...
Even after the update, Service 44882 DB BR 363 service EZK (54874) and RE 87 (23390) Wertheim to Aschaffenburg Hbf still not playable....
Same problem here with Class 47 on Blackpool.
Same problem here with the Class 47 on Blackpool. But i see people in videos getting 65 points.
I tried with a new profile. Still not unlocking.
Same problem here.
Does anybody know how to get this achievement? I collected everything, completed every training and szenario.
It's working. Just move fast. If you shunt to slow, you get stuck.
Same here.
Played it today. Same problem.
Did you complete the szenario? I can't complete it because of passing red light. Bit the signal is not red. Tried it with an without contacting...
Maintalbahn DB BR 363 service EZK(54874) @14:47 Can't complete szenario because of passing red light. Bit the signal is not red. Tried it with an...
Same Problem here. The train gets thrown around but no derailment. But when u reach the first point, the second train starts moving and blocking...
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