I tried it just to see and I couldn't even get the train to move on notch 4, just nothing. Then I tried the reset simulation physics in pause menu...
Still, shouldn't be this bad after 7 whole years, they are not that hard to develop non-playable character ??
At least somebody is finally saying it, I've never understood it personally, never once used it. It does nothing but create a horrid bright blue...
Yep, I cant even argue with this, they live rent free in the heads of many of us, put in what is probably the least amount of effort as it shows...
What? Doesn't make any sense to me. Surely if somebody bought a 4090 then optimization would mean nothing and wouldn't matter at all?? It would...
How many times are we going to have to do this until people realise the pattern, I though 5 would be enough, maybe 10?
If the 150 is not setup correctly this time around I will cry (wont actually) and just uninstall the game for good, this is the one chance this...
Kuju assets still being used in 2025 is a let-down, especially not so close to the track, but I will say the blurry textures are not doing that...
Well I had a nice first drive, the scenery and traffic on the route is superb. As I expected my GPU saved me from the low textures and frame rate...
How do we know dropping Gen 8 will not improve the game and isn't holding it back? Should we all just blindly believe everything DTG says? We can...
DTG never had to do that reveals thing, but they did, and who do you think is going to care about a reveals calendar the most? Let's not kid...
Happy more people seem to be warming up to the idea of unbranded trains now from what I can see here, I remember a good amount of people on the...
I think not but if it is I will just uninstall the game and never touch it again.
People want longer routes and with more detail and then complain because its taking up more storage, you can't have both.
Should just keep them away from anything... everything. Would rather they didn't have the ability to completely butcher anything else.
It is definitely completely fair if its towards Rivet :cool: They did this to themselves.
It definitely seems to me like it might be an issue, especially since IIRC console doesn't even have mouse support, despite having keyboard...
Just don't buy the route then and vote with your wallet, its as simple as that.
Well yeah I agree, I said in my post above that if DTG route builders were not being forced so much by time constraints because of TSW5 we...
So basically you just completely and totally missed the point. The extra stations take up the development and budget where it could instead be...
I will only say that the DTG route has almost 3x the stations and is a lot of city area, which can be a huge difference on development route...
This is literally a nothing argument, they are probably just purposely ragebaiting if I'm honest. Pointless typing out a whole essay like that...
I have a feeling you might be wrong on this one, at least in TSC even in my oldest DLC, if I have ever gone into the editor they would have these...
I mean Gen8 consoles definitely will cause a good amount of issues with this stuff, It is 10 year old hardware after all, although I definitely...
IIRC it was something to do with "memory issues." But I guess even if it no longer becomes a memory issue, maybe because of Gen8 consoles, we...
Oh well, some people just cant help but give away their bank account to DTG, even if they know its not a good idea they just HAVE to go ahead and...
Not defending the whole new game thing, its a bit ridiculous, but you know you can just hide games from your steam library right?
How somebody can care this much about some logos is truly beyond me, it takes away some authenticity yes but it's really not the end of the world....
Then I guess Creators Club is not too bad ??? Maybe perhaps if yall could force CC liveries onto AI that would help... But I can see where you're...
Playing a simulator for realism, who would have thought... I don't even understand how that's a bad thing in any kind of way ????
Right? Why cant they just say ANYTHING about the timetable to stop all the confusion, it's not doing any good for anything. If it's not finished...
In my opinion it definitely depends, for example if they are going to use a fully fictional livery like Island Line 2022 I would rather not...
There's literally zero reason to pre-order something digitally if you're not 100% sure, it's not like they are going to run out of copies any time...
And even then the questions they pick from the yt chat are just some of the absolute worst, these guys in yt chat are asking about 390 diesel...
To me the route didn't seem that bad, although lighting and all was bad in places, its not unplayable. The timetable did look incredibly dead from...
uhhhh, I guess that shows how long I haven't bought a physical copy of a game then. Never mind i guess...
Although I haven't bought a physical copy of anything in many years, I cant blame people for wanting to actually own something, instead of just...
As far as I know, at least in the UK, real life drivers just learn the route a lot, have certain things to look out for along the way, maybe...
Hope not...
Ok... but I know I'm right. The player base goes far beyond the 10 people on this forum. If you want to believe that or not is a different matter,...
It wouldn't be stupid at all, in fact it would most probably be the total opposite. Their routes, or so far one route, didn't sell well because of...
You know the old ones are still going to be there right? I mean there definitely is a huge need for it, considering the route was originally going...
I would hope in the future something like this would be possible, because honestly I'm never going to use this feature in its current state, just...
Yep even near the end of 2017 there were some green but it wasn't anywhere close to the amount of blue, last year I saw 166s still with full FGW...
I agree, it's ridiculous that a game has to be held back by this 10 year old hardware but the reality is most people are still using it. Give it...
If you are willing to put yourself out there on the internet this does just happen sometimes... Anyway what is the deal with some of yous getting...
I think some people here need to cheer up a bit in life, clearly it was intended to be a bit of fun but so many people here don't have even the...
Well considering the map they showed had little TfW logos on each of the stations I'm going to go ahead and say it's not going to be 2000s era...
Of course, I wouldn't have expected any other response from somebody on these forums.
Separate names with a comma.