Thank you to both Thorgred and ice#6850.
Where can I get this mod ? Thank you
Thank you.
Is there any way to get your Raildriver mod working with Train Sim World 2020 ? That would be Train Sim World 1.
I have solved the problem, at least for now. Here is what I did. You will need an old backup of Railworks. 1. Run the Steam app, uninstall...
It always ran in 64bits for me by starting from the Steam app, until now. I have checked the faqs, and have checked and followed an recent list of...
I have steam setup to ask me whether I want to run 32 bits or 64 bits. When I run 64 bits the sim start, and then, stops, within seconds. It will...
Thanks to those of you that replied. I have not installed any Workshop Scenarios or assets. The last thing that has been installed, was the update...
I don't know what happened, but as soon as I start running it, it will load for a few seconds, and then stop, with no error message. 32 bits run ok.
It is very well done. Thank you torfmeister, for the heads up.
You're absolutely correct 749006. I thank you for pointing this out to me. I have MSTS, and, I put the version 4 of the route into MSTS and it ran...
Thank you. That may be the answer that I am looking for. All of the versions that I have, except, the original v0.5 beta, does not have the xml file.
It is "LGE". Sorry about the mistake. I started using this with version 0.5 beta. It is upto version 4. It is an route based on the Eastern part...
I have an updated route, LGE version 4, that did not include an xml file. Is there any way to get it to work without that particular file ? I...
Does anyone here know if the software by CobraOne will let raildriver work with Train Simulator Classic ? Thanks
When doing the introductory cab training for the Baby Bullet cab car CTX, there is suppose to be an emergency brake segment. It never happened....
Following the training instruction, to get onto the train, after opening the door. You cannot climb up the steps to get onto the train. If you...
The reverser on the M3 has an mind of its own at times. Sometimes it will go into the notches, "forward/neutral/reverse" correctly, sometimes not....
When can those of us who use Raildriver expect to see some more locos from the the preserved collection made Raildriver compatible ?
@ Paul and Crosstie, thank you.
Thanks to all of you that answered. The Preserved Collection is what I'm insterested in.
Can anyone name the locos that now currently work with Raildriver in Train Sim World 2. Thanks
Now that you have decided to do the right thing concerning, the preserved TSW routes, trains, etc. with the scenario editor, in TSW2, I'm back in....
Using the Hump in CSX Heavy Haul. [MEDIA]
If these go into emergency brake, I cannot get the brake pressure back to 90. I don't recall having this problem before. Usually, just have to set...
I guess I will let this one pass, until deeply discounted, or, our friend, find an way to let us use our TSW2020 stock in TSW2 with...
My understanding is that DTG was looking for an UE4 core programmer. That position was to be available this month. Maybe, to start updating to an...
There was no "misunderstanding" of what was going on, as far as this route was concerned. DTG probably have an start, and end period when an route...
"Whatever happen to constructive criticism?" This entire thread has been just that, constructive. I think that some of us DTG fans, have to remove...
For those of you that want to see the areas that are locked out head on over to: Be prepared to...
I own every route, and loco for this Sim. However, since looking at the reviews, for this, and, DTG not being truthful, about this route, even...
See below: Also at the same site see below:...
Here it is. This is an French Site. Google is your friend....
It has been released. Its not perfect, but, the author is working on it, and adding trains as he progress. I'm having fun with it. It is now in...
The developer has got the configuration finished for the (HST), and the Heavy Haul locos. He is now working on GWR locos. He is also going to buy...
Information: Raildriver script is coming for TSW. See below....
@Romanu72 Thank you for the link to that site. I have all the routes except for the newest one. I did not have the Class 52 or Class 33 loco....
In my case, After resetting the brakes that are in the Cab Car, the brakes pressure only release to about 45lbs., not the 90lbs. as mentioned...
Have anyone been able to get the cabcar going after braking? Because not all the braking options are available in the cabcar, for resetting. It...
Maybe, most people want passenger routes because, that is how most people have had interaction with the railroads. I know from personal...
Once those of us who have PC's understand that this version of the Train Simulator Franchise is primarily for Consoles, we will either accept it,...
Thank you, "Infinity Explorer", for that video. Very nice.
With the announcement of the new version of TSW 2020, after reading of some of the improvements, I can see that the editor will be held up even...
Did you receive an patch today? "LeadCatcher" above, along with many others, said it is not working.
Now that they're going to fix the problem with the route that the loco is made for, I will definitely buy it. Also, thanks for listening to the...
And then, there's the customer that just have to be the first one on the block to purchase the product. And, they do this, knowing that at some...
I believe the editor will be released sometimes after June of this year. The initial release of the editor to an close group of 3rd party...
Separate names with a comma.