Loco 150

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by steve.davies.7990, Jul 9, 2024.

  1. steve.davies.7990

    steve.davies.7990 New Member

    Jun 29, 2020
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    I'd would like a fix to the 150 not being able to pair up or couple up with 158s or 142s or 170.
    It needs fixing asap if you guys don't mind as this would be amazing as I'm from wales I've seen these pair ups all of the time in cardiff please please please sort this out its a small fix I think but I'd like it fixed.

    Also could a welsh route be done too preferably the Valley lines or main line routes in south wales please
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  2. steve08

    steve08 Active Member

    May 16, 2022
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    I agree the 150 needs fixing guards door panels don’t work can only open doors from the cab the 150s I’ve been on also have a door control box next to one door in each coach that’s not there either crazy why it can’t couple to a pacer.

    For a Welsh route Just Trains should redo western mainlines from TSC for TSW
    Swansea to Bristol TM and PW

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