A.i For Trains

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by thegeneralpr0, Feb 12, 2022.

  1. thegeneralpr0

    thegeneralpr0 New Member

    Feb 12, 2022
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    Good Evening!

    I am brand new to this server and I would like to ask a question. I will try and say this the best way as possible.

    What I have:

    1. I have a world I personally built and I put trains to leave at a specific time. That specific time with align with the Player Drivers train. Makes it look like a another train passing on the other track.


    1. I researched in the regular train worlds made by Dovetail or a TS2022 Group, that had the trains move when the train is specifically at a distance away. For Example: If I was 0.5 Miles away from an A.I Train, it will automatically start moving. I checked how that might be possible and it has the world starting time as 12:00:00 +1 (For the A.I Train Departure) || The +1 is something I have never seen before. I do not know if that is something to do with distance or like a special time. Because when I start, the world time is 12:00:00. Me thinking that the A.I Train will start moving right that second. Nope, I get into a certain distance and now it will start moving. I tried putting the "+1" after the time departure on my A.I Trains but when I enter it, it will not go through.


    1. How do I make my A.I Train start moving when the Players Train is at a certain distance. (Like the A.I in the Quick Drive Mode)


    If you have any questions about this that you might not understand from this post please email me at


    Thank you Everyone!
  2. 749006

    749006 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    You cannot - the train has to be timed.

    If you depart at 12.00 and you wish for the AI to pass you at locations work out what your time is there and adjust the AI Start time to make it work - Then Test it and tweak as required.

    The AI will depart as it's designated time and it will reach the passing point at the time shown
    It is up to you as the Player train to reach that point at that time

  3. UP13

    UP13 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2020
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    Agreed with this.

    When I make scenarios, I often have to do one or more runs with the player train and record what time I pass stations, junctions etc and then try to time AI trains to pass at those times.

    Often you have to do trial and error. Even a simple scenario can take a while to make.

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