A List Of All Trains That Are In Ice Or Ic Services For Deutsche Bahn

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Myron, Aug 18, 2023.

  1. Myron

    Myron Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2023
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    I wanted to make a list of all existing ICEs, and I will update it when new ones are introduced by Deutsche Bahn. This is to inform people about how many ICEs there are and what ICEs they are. I'll also add the top speed of each train to it, keep in mind that this is about the vehicle allowed top speed (Vmax), so their true top speed definetly varies from it (example: the ICE 3's Vmax is 330 km/h, but it reached 368 km/h in test runs)

    They are sorted by class numbering, keep in mind that these are german/DB classes, nothing british to see here! :)

    Class 101 - IC [Vmax 200 km/h]
    Class 105 - ICE L [Vmax 230 km/h]
    Class 146 - IC 2 [Vmax 160 km/h]
    Class 147 - IC 2 [Vmax 160 km/h]
    Class 401 - ICE 1 [Vmax 280 km/h]
    Class 402 - ICE 2 [Vmax 280 km/h]
    Class 403 - ICE 3 [Vmax 330 km/h]
    Class 406 - ICE 3M [Vmax 330 km/h]
    Class 407 - ICE 3 Velaro D [Vmax 320 km/h]
    Class 408 - ICE 3 Neo [Vmax 320 km/h]
    Class 410 - ICE S (Deutsche Bahn AG), ICE V (Deutsche Bundesbahn) [Vmax 280 km/h on regular runs and 330 km/h for further testing (ICE S), Vmax 350 km/h (ICE V)]
    Class 411 - ICE T (7 cars) [Vmax 230 km/h]
    Class 412 - ICE 4 [Vmax 250 km/h 7 car, Vmax 265 km/h 12 and 13 car]
    Class 415 - ICE T (5 cars) [Vmax 230 km/h]
    Class 605 - ICE TD [Vmax 200 km/h]
    Class 4010 - IC 2 (6 cars) [Vmax 200 km/h]
    Class 4110 - IC 2 (4 cars) [Vmax 200 km/h]

    If something is wrong, missing or new informations popped up, feel free to tell me so I can update it accurately!

    I made this post on mobile, when I'm back home on sunday I'll try to update the formatting if possible.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2023
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  2. Myron

    Myron Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2023
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    Update 1:
    added locos and EMUs that are in service for 1st and 2nd generation Intercity servives and updated the thread's title accurately

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