Well I found a look at some B&O EM-1's tackling the grades of Sand Patch on old Booky-face and thought I'd share it here. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=537470703926852 Edit: I dunno if anyone else is experiencing this issue but I can't view the video and all I'm getting is this: "Video Unavailable" "This video may no longer exist, or you don't have permission to view it." "Learn More" I dunno what's up with it. Let me if anyone else is getting this issue. Edit 2: And I'm able to see the video again. Something weird's going on here.
Well here's another Booky-face video of B&O steam, this time just in the Cumberland region. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=191737142466783
Well I was doing some web surfing, and I came across three photographs of EM-1's on Sand Patch that I thought were worth sharing here. So sad that the one EM-1 slated for preservation was cut up, from what I heard, due to a mix up or break down of communications. Certainly would've been nice to have the biggest of the big on the B&O still around nowadays.
Well I'm back again, bum.... posting to this thread after coming across some more videos of Sand Patch's steam era days on old Booky-face. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1004487223424458 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=158259506322723 Immediate edit: And the second video's screwy. Great. Just great. Northern ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Edit 2: Let us have some more film shall we? Seems all I get when I go to Booky-face's video section is mostly Sherman Hill and Sand Patch Grade steam action. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=2950535811851088 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=808677149736024 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=155906643122958 Now I don't really know the SPG area all that well, so if some locations in these films ain't in the SPG area, my apologies, but they can be still used as reference if there was to ever be a backdated SPG added to TSW. It'd be pretty difficult to get film of a locomotive if you limited yourself to only films of a certain route, when said locomotive operated on an entire railroad. Edit 3: Replaced the screwy video with another video of an EM-1 at a roundhouse, possibly the Cumberland one.