PC Boston Sprinter - Acses Penalty After Stop Signal

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by mike.obrebski, Jan 4, 2022.

  1. mike.obrebski

    mike.obrebski Active Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    Running Foundations scenario, where there are multiple instances of Stop signals.
    Leaving Pawtucket yard, partway toward Providence, and on the way back at Canton Junction.
    Canton Junction example:
    - Speeds decrease on nearing station
    - The signal immediately before platform is full Stop.
    - ACSES enforces a 0 mph Stop, a bit a ways off but within view.
    - Contact Dispatcher, and get a Restricted ATC permission.
    - Upon crossing signal, immediately a 0 ACSES enforcement, at the start of platform.
    - Shortly after stopping, ATC back to Restricted.
    - Continue forward to line up with platform and the next Stop just past the platform.

    So, it seems that ACSES doesn't honor or sync with the Dispatcher signal change, and behaves as if crossing a stop. This requires 2 stops, when none are needed with dispatcher change.
    Could not tell if the second stop in this case was due to Stop at end of platform or not. If so, then it enforces to early to line up properly. Even fi due to second signal, this same occurs in the other cases without another stop following the first one.

    Secondly, the dual Stop signals right at station seem erroneous based on situation and opinion of others on the matter. There is no traffic in front of station on the block, to require a stop in the first place. In all these cases it seems.

    Screenshot 2022-01-03 004359.jpg Screenshot 2022-01-03 004520.jpg Screenshot 2022-01-03 004744.jpg
  2. paul.pavlinovich

    paul.pavlinovich Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    I think in this case mike.obrebski the communication between you and the signaller is a radio conversation, unless the signaller then changes the aspect of the signal (to a calling on for example) then ACSES would have no way of knowing about the arrangement so I think enforcing the stop is valid.

    That the signals are displaying what they are forcing you to do what you're doing, that isn't valid to my mind.

    Out on the road stopping a long way from a red is prototypical. In a platform you should be able to drive right up to it. I think being forced to actually stop by ACSES so far away from the signal is also a little interesting, I'd be curious if this was prototypical. Anthony Pecoraro would likely know.

  3. mike.obrebski

    mike.obrebski Active Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    Yea, considering it's a "radio" call that would be the case. Though you'd expect the dispatched to change the aspect. What's happening, is the ADU updates to restricted, in the cab, but the actual signal doesn't change. Not sure if that would be possible in the system, so it seems kind of a half update.
    I've gotten much better at braking before the curve and not needing the suppression indicator to light up. So that advice was key. It seems that a ACSES enforcement of a stop is more urgent though, and expect a fairly short braking range. And it was specifically in this Foundations scenario to have a few of these Stops for no apparent reason. I haven't done a large number of scenerios on this route, but so far.
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  4. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    I think stop and proceed is only allowed on block signals.
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  5. paul.pavlinovich

    paul.pavlinovich Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    I would expect that too Anthony Pecoraro - in our local signally we have a concept called "calling on" - when you arrive at the signal it will be at danger (red). You make contact with the signaller and then the aspect gets changed, or a supplementary signal lights up. You're allowed to proceed ready stop short of any obstruction. It is usually used to bring you into a platform or road that already has a train in it. Its generally not used when the signal protects a switch because you might run through the switch, so even if your station is only just in front of you but the signal is between you, the station and the switch the signal would not be changed for you. You'd need to wait for the path to change.


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