Hey, I'd like to see that the upcoming BR 101 can be subtituted by the BR 182 since it is possible. While it may be unrealistic to see that on HRR, it is possible to see that IC formation elsewhere. So I hope at least the Scenario Designer let's you do this. And in that case, giving the BR 182 the LZB tech by the preservation crew would be awesome. Is this planned to do? I don't own RT yet (and therefore not the 182 because of the way loco DLCs work ), but if it is confirmed that the 182 will get LZB and can be used instead the 101 for IC-trains, i really would want to buy that, especially since these items are on sale right now. Would be great to get a little answer, if it is possibe DTG Protagonist
I was just thinking, we'll see 101 sooner than LZB for 182. HRR is discounted too, as long as you don't have it yet EDIT Such a little evidence to support my thesis - 101 is on the Roadmap - LZB for 182, it is not.
It would immediatly offer more varying IC services (I hope that the 101 will add layers to more routes). Also, the 182 was used as replacement/reserve loco on IC services normally hauled by the 101 or 120, so it might have actually run on HRR.
I do own it. That's why I am excited for the 101. But still, thanx! Yeah but my guess is: Adams Team focusses on RT next. But they do not want to list every single detail on the roadmap because it get's too big. Therefore I am hoping they Preservation Crew also makes the 182 work with LZB since it is 'part' of RT. But let's see what happens, at some point we WILL know what changes and what not.
I understand You perfectly and I also have similar hopes. I would like these kinds of improvements. Only in this case, I think, the premiere of 101 makes more economic sense. Besides, some proper IC wagons (wiki) are needed, and we will get these together with the locomotive, I hope