PS5 Broken Tutorials On Sfj And Gwe

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by imstylinonyabro, May 10, 2023.

  1. imstylinonyabro

    imstylinonyabro Active Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    I've been playing through the game and I've noiced 2 broken tutorials thus far.

    GWE: welcome to train sim world. when matt tells us about some doors needing opened on trains, it never gives the objective to open it, thus it cannot be completed as tutorials usually only allow interaction with current objectives (at least those very old ones).

    SFJ: baby bullet tutorial. after the first stop and being notified of an upcoming emergency stop, there is a red light that prevents us continuing. the signal leaving the station is yellow, then the next one is red. i know the emergency brake auto engages (did it on tsw2) but this time it didn't. Thought the game may want me to do it manually, so i applied it to stop before spading, but no prompts to reset the train came up, i was stuck in limbo

    also not in the title , the class 20 "chopper and change' is broken. I remember methods to work around the red light in tsw2 and tsw2020 via parking the train in the depot building and uncoupling the cars, however, this does not work. it says "train in section ahead" when asking permission past the bugged red light, yet nothing is there.
    Last edited: May 10, 2023

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