Bugs Not Fixed Since The Launch Of Tsw2 And Its Dlc's

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by staydarkk, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. staydarkk

    staydarkk New Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I drive Trains for a living in Germany. I'm only focusing on German Routes and Locos. Feel free to make your own list or Suggestions or something in the comments. Maybe instead of releasing unfinished/unpolished DLC's they finally fix some bugs. Series X is the way I play TSW2. I'm sorry that most of the Wiki articles and Signal explanations/definitions are in German, I couldn't find something in English.

    • Every German Route:

    The Points where Speeds should be lowered are set wrong. They are mainly set to Switches instead of, and this is how it should be, to the signals [Lf7](http://www.tf-ausbildung.de/SignalbuchOnline/lf7.htm) or [Zs3](http://www.tf-ausbildung.de/SignalbuchOnline/zs3.htm) if existing. Irl a speed mustn't be signaled on track if mentioned in the timetable.

    Some [Zs3v](http://www.tf-ausbildung.de/Signalb...www.tf-ausbildung.de/SignalbuchOnline/lf6.htm) don't work despite having the needed equipment ([PZB](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punktförmige_Zugbeeinflussung) Magnets)

    Especially for freight services there are just too less route options used. Its always like driving an ICE or IC but slower and without loading and unloading passengers

    • [Ruhr-Sieg](), [Main-Spessart](), [Rhein-Ruhr Hauptstrecke]() and sometimes Rhein-Ruhr Osten:

    have a horrible Squealing sound that doesn't depict the real life sound of driving a loco

    • Nahverkehr Dresden

    Despite having [LZB](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linienzugbeeinflussung) (Source: [Wiki](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahnstrecke_Leipzig–Dresden)), there is no LZB present

    • Hauptstrecke München-Augsburg

    [This](https://ibb.co/HYWXrwF) is a Problem especially in München(Munich)

    • All Wagons

    Can't use [Brake Position Change](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umstelleinrichtung_für_Druckluftbremsen)(<- According to Google Translate, in German its Bremsstellungswechsel), Can't use [Load Change](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lastabbremsung) (Lastwechsel), [Break Shut-Off Valve](https://images.app.goo.gl/QSWGhEx3t4n4JZZJ7) (Bremsabsperrhahn) or [release pull](https://images.app.goo.gl/zBZG1CYJnRL3x65q7) (lösezug) [Some Wagons on Nahverkehr Dresden can do all of these[not sure about passenger Wagons except old IC Wagons, these can do it]]

    A lot of Trains lack some form of [Zg2](http://www.tf-ausbildung.de/SignalbuchOnline/zg2.htm)

    • All Locos

    It's too loud inside. It nearly always sound like I'm Standing right next to the cooling fans for the motors.

    • BR 101

    Can't use Brake Position Change

    • BR 112

    LZB+[AFB](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatische_Fahr-_und_Bremssteuerung) doesn't work at all

    No Break Position Change

    LZB Target Speed (Zielgeschwindigkeit) isn't shown

    LZB Target Distance (Zielentfernung) isn't shown correctly

    • BR 146

    It's not possible to [Release from PZB Start Mode]()

    No Brake Position Change

    LZB indicator 'Ü' not working

    LZB Target Speed isn't shown

    LZB Target Distance isn't shown

    LZB+AFB barely/doesn't brake automatically ([shown here]())

    • BR 182(DB/MRCE)

    Always sounds like some kind of Brake is still not loose

    No LZB despite it beeing able to drive 230km/h(143mph) [LZB is mandatory from Speeds starting at 160km/h(99mph)]

    No Break Position Change

    Sometimes breaking with AFB (especially on Hauptstrecke Hamburg-Lübeck) doesn't cut out

    • BR 185

    Like BR 146, I am not able to Release myself out of the PZB Start Mode

    No LZB (The Majority of German Freight Locos have LZB because of Saftey)

    No Brake Position Change

    • BR 185 MRCE

    When AFB is activated, the Loco behaves Strange (can't really show it, you just know it when often driving with AFB enabled)

    In [this Video](https://youtu.be/zUfFpItHcoc) you can see how this Loco should Accelerate and Hear how it should Sound, in [this Video](https://youtu.be/VJsFqrYjVao) you can see how this Loco shouldn't Accelerate and Hear how it Shouldn't sound

    Despite having a Break Position Change, it doesn't work. The Breaking valve is always in Position G (+some of the exact same Loco don't have a Break Position Change). 'G' stands for Güter(Freight) which basically means the Breakes [apply more slowly](https://youtu.be/8XqRZ03nNy0) to prevent overbuffering

    Despite having LZB it doesn't work at all

    • BR 187

    No Break Position Change (it says it in one of the displays but you are not able to change it)

    Can't Release out of PZB Starting Mode, Just like with the BR 146

    LZB indicator 'Ü' is always on

    LZB indicator 'B' doesn't show at all

    LZB Target Speed not shown

    LZB Target Distance not shown

    [Zg1](http://www.tf-ausbildung.de/SignalbuchOnline/zg1.htm), the Headlights, are only shown correctly if set to "Headlights - Bright"

    AFB is using its full power despite only having the power set to 11% (shown [here](https://youtu.be/GZkRilx4NR0) and [here](https://youtu.be/r1N8T4IymB0))

    At the end of [this Video](https://youtu.be/r1N8T4IymB0), starting at around 0:50, you can hear the sound this Loco makes when it's driving a constant speed for longer periods or when driving above 100km/h(60mph). It does not Stop when driving No matter what you do.

    • BR 406

    LZB indicator 'B' not working

    • BR 403

    Despite beeing featured in the same game, as far as I can tell the LZB works flawlessly. To show some examples, [this](https://ibb.co/1LNhMsT) is how driving with PZB and LZB at the same time when LZB is not active should look like. [This](https://ibb.co/t8k7wmw) is what it should look like when LZB is active.

    Those are just the Bugs I think are destroying the immersion. But I already have sunk 5 hours into creating this post and collecting the sources. All videos and most pictures are Created by me.

    Sorry for weird formatting, I don't want it to be 6 hours so I just copied it out of reddit.
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  2. staydarkk

    staydarkk New Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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  3. staydarkk

    staydarkk New Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Thank you

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