Creation Sharing Class 375/377/387 Sound Mod

Discussion in 'PC Editor Discussion' started by ItsYa165, Nov 19, 2023.



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  1. ItsYa165

    ItsYa165 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
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    I have made a mod which makes the Electrostar sound gooder using my michaelphones and spare time. Because I am lazy, I will copy and paste the description (guilt-free) from the site where you can down the load:

    Plenty of inverter sounds
    • The new soundset has separate interior and exterior recordings mixed effectively
    • Sounds include the switch from the CPWM type to the SVPWM technique before synchronisation
    • Sync includes all harmonic audio, not only preserved, but as-recorded
    Detailed gearbox audio
    • Not only do I aim to preserve all harmonics as previously mentioned, I use additional cue nodes for smoother transistions
    New running recordings
    • Audio sampled from 377419 has been mixed anew to the Electrostars
    • There's a 20% chanced that knackered wheel tread sounds will play at high speed
    • More running recordings are used with the new mix than before
    Additional flange squeals
    • Several clips have been implemented for these trains at different speeds
    • These have all been recorded from 377419
    • At very slow speeds, sporadic scraping noises play
    • For moderate speeds, squeals become intense - a realistic volume level
    • Once the train travels faster, squeaks are more airy - like a grating sound
    • Subtle wheel flange noise can still be heard at high speeds
    Dozens more track joint clips
    • 93 recorded Class 377 and Class 387 track joint sounds have been added
    • More violent volleys of clicks and clacks will start playing as the train travels faster over joints
    • Additional sounds have been mixed for the interior of the train
    Clearer miscellaneous sounds
    • Extra recordings have been included to replace, squeaks, rattles, converters... etc
    • Where possible, dedicated recordings are provided for their respective trains such as horns, fan whirs, doors... etc
    Affects the following trains
    • Southeastern Class 375/9 (Southeastern Highspeed) - SE Blue
    • Southeastern Class 375/9 (Southeastern Highspeed) - SE White & Grey
    • Southern Class 377/4 (Brighton Main Line)
    • Gatwick Express Class 387/2 (Brighton Main Line)
    Recordings are as heard in:

  2. Myron

    Myron Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2023
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    Can we get your fun sound mods for TSW4 pleaaasse ?? [​IMG]

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