Creation Sharing Creating Custom Sound Mods For Existing Trains (tsw5)

Discussion in 'PC Editor Discussion' started by ItayLevy2001, Sep 26, 2024.

  1. ItayLevy2001

    ItayLevy2001 Active Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    I want to create custom sound mods for existing trains with Train Sim World 5 and I don't know how.
    Please will you help me?
  2. emil#3734

    emil#3734 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2023
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    It's way easier than I thought:
    I used the Unofficial Editor, in short term:
    1. Get the .uplugin file from the according Plugin
    2. Create a Plugin in the Unofficial Editor, which has the same plugin name, and replace it's uplugin file with the one from the original
    3. Recreate folder structure, and replace any sound you want, the .wav format should be the way to go
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  3. Pablo5

    Pablo5 Member

    Oct 5, 2021
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    I'm trying to make a sound mod as well. I'm using the official editor and there are no videos available. Did you make any progress on your side?
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  4. ItayLevy2001

    ItayLevy2001 Active Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    I don't think so!
  5. Marcus200502

    Marcus200502 New Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    I'm also trying to do the same, Has anyone made progress yet?
  6. RobertSchulz

    RobertSchulz Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    There is no video available because doing it in the Offical Editor is way more complicated than doing a soundmod in the inofficial editor, because of a variety of reasons.

    1.) The original DLC is always mounted in the Official Editor and the Editor does not allow to edit nor replace assets in an official DLC. Doing so either crashes the Editor, emits a warning or is doing nothing.
    2.) The cooking button functionality is way easier to handle in the inofficial than in the official Editor. You don't need to bother your head around with how to cook by DTG's TSW5 PC Editor method or install Muff's cooking mod fix. The cooking button is preinstalled in the inoffical editor and works perfectly easy.

    But if you really would want to do a soundmod in the official Editor and not the inofficial one, the way is equal to doing it in the Inofficial Editor like in the video linked above. The only things which are different to the way in inofficial Editor are

    A.) that you need to uninstall the original DLC before and then replicate the plugin (the folder hierachy) exactly like in the original DLC with your sound files placed in the same directory as the original ones, renaming your new sound files with the respective name of the original sound file.
    B.) the way how to cook the soundmod plugin (either by DTG's method or trainsimcz's cooking mod).
    C.) You don't need to extract the .uplugin-file as described in the video above, as this is automatically created once you create a new plugin (In fact, I didn't even need to this in the inofficial Editor) , so even can be omitted at all I think.

    Really recommend you all to watch the video, even if you DON'T speak german fluently. There is an auto-translation functionality for the subtitles into your language. And even if the translation wouldn't work 1-to-1, what you see on screen is of most importance and for the most part self-explanatory.

    So all you need is a bit of patience and a few hours to learn how it works from this video. And then you'll be able to do your own soundmods just like anyone else.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2025
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