PlayStation Does The D B B R 182 Actually Work On The P S 4 ?

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by synthetic.angel, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    I am thinking of buying the DB BR 182, which is currently £11.49. But I am deeply worried about whether or not anyone bothered to test it on PS4, and that maybe my purchase will just be a complete waste of time.

    I don't want another repeat of the fiasco with the terribly broken DB BR 155 which doesn't work in tunnels on RSN, on the PS4, and after years of selling it in its broken state, they still haven't fixed it.

    Has anyone bought the DB BR 182, for the PS4....?

    Does it actually work.....? Or is it yet another duff loco like the DB BR 155, untested on PS4, possibly horrendously broken and bugged, and yet sold at a premium price....?
  2. ragn05

    ragn05 Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    what do you mean with [...]terribly broken[...]? the 155 works fairly well on my end... and probably is one of the best TSW loco add-on so far...
    also *I have hear* that the 182 work on ps4 and on any other device
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  3. docsnyder1911

    docsnyder1911 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2019
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    I bought it at release date. It has no mistakes. I didn't recognize sound bugs in tunnels with it. The SIFA voice is female with Austrian accent.
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  4. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Aaah - in this case - I will have to buy it....! ;-)

    Thank you - this made me smile....! ;-) ;-)
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  5. docsnyder1911

    docsnyder1911 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2019
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    And if you put the safety systems off you can run it with more than 240 kmh.
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  6. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    On the PS4, the DB BR 155 loses all sound in tunnels (on RSN, on PS4). They didn't bother to test it on a PS4 - even years after release, it came as a surprise that it didn't work on RSN (on PS4)

    But it sounds like the DB BR 182 was probably made by more reliable people - and if the SIFA is an Austrienne... well, then...I think I can forgive quite a lot of bugs*, as long as she is never silenced (like the PZB alerter in the DB BR 155 - which also doesn't work, apparently)... ;-D

    *but apparently there aren't even any bugs on the DB BR 182 - sounds like Heaven, or Himmel, depending on your point of view, compared to the faulty DB BR 155, which is "nicht Himmel", so to speak...

    Hopefully future locos/routes will be built by the DB BR 182 people, and the DB BR 155 people will be asked to wash the office windows or something...
  7. TinTin_57

    TinTin_57 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    The 182 is one of the best. I initially held off but bought it because it could be used on multiple routes including Rapid Transit which I’d stopped using because I’m not a fan of the Talent 2. All trophies work too
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2020
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  8. Rob39

    Rob39 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    Never had an issue with the 182. Most of my time with German dlc is spent on the Main Spessart Bahn.
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  9. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    It seems to work fine for me on all of the routes. Only thing I've found odd is that it is used for passenger duties on RT, but when you sub it in on MSB, you only get freight timetables.
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  10. Dave Mel

    Dave Mel Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2018
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    Yep the BR 182 Taurus is one of the best locos out. Fantastic for both freight and passenger duties
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  11. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    I should probably wait for it (the 182) to be in a sale, but I am not sure if it they will ever go on sale on PS4.... I also don't have that Amtrak shunter/cabcar double pack for NEC. Or the Baby Bullet on SFJ. They are all needed, I think, to bring more life to these routes, I expect.... ;-S

    Nevertheless - I am tempted to roll out the cheque-book one more time, and pick up all three of these... and pretend to myself that £35 isn't that much cash.... or... LOL.... £60.... if I take the OSD DLC too.... (which I probably should now buy... purely for moral/ethical reasons....).

    £60.... about the same that it cost for one "pre-flight emergency air-sickness prevention stomach pill" from a Las Vegas pharmacy... for a relative who might have got herself... um, rather dehydrated the night before by drinking a few $100s worth of whiskey and stout.... (really very very nice whiskey...).... Makes you think, doesn't it.....relative value of things...? That was a $3000 weekend..... all told....

    Anyway - thanks guys - a really good thread, which I probably started with slightly naughty intentions (to re-expose the scandal of the DB BR 155....).... But as usual - you guys just tolerated me and came up with the goods, and some good'n'honest feedback.

  12. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    I got it reduced. Only by about 15%, but it has been in a sale (or at least had a PSN Plus discount applied) and probably will again.
  13. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    I am not into astrology much, but I am a big fan of Taureans, so I bought the 182 today - and gave DTG full price by not waiting for a sale. I also took a punt on the Amtrak shunter (which I think comes with the cab car, but I'm not sure from the PS Store description... we'll see when I get it running...). And I decided to see if the Baby Bullet could get me more interested in SFJ... So, I've donated a further £35 to the DTG cause.... because, I thought it was only fair... in the very least... for me to pay for the coffee, biscuits and sandwiches....., for next week's DTG meeting on whether I should be.... um... "disappeared" ..... from the Forums.... ;-O

    Actually - I was also just in a stupidly good mood, having bought GRID and found it to be superbly lush and 100% arcade heaven - although tricky with no Flashbacks enabled (more fun that way...)... But the best thing was a super-find.... NASCAR Heat 4 - I took a punt at £20, expecting the game to be utterly miserable (but I wanted/needed to research it... for, um... "work" purposes). But this NASCAR is frickin' superb....! It looks horrendous - like two/three generations behind the times... but the simulation itself is really very surprisingly good....! And with x30 tracks and four very different formulae... even if they are mostly ovals - the physics in the detail for each track, through the FFB is quite something else... Highly recommend, but only if If you have a decent wheel (G29 and up) - otherwise avoid it like the coronavirus.... now... something calmer.... bathed in the light of the green displays on those German locos. And with the SIFA lady in my ear to help me drive some double-deckers through some city tunnels.... the last hours of the weekend are nicely set... ;-)
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2020
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  14. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    I think you'll like the 182 and the Baby Bullet. The latter has definitely made Peninsula Corridor more interesting, even if it's a simpler beast to use than the CAT (all the trophies seem to work too!). Not sure I'll be following you into NASCAR Heat - I have a G29, but I like turning in both directions (and have plenty of catching up to do on GT Sport updates)!
  15. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    MSB is first class. But I'm glad I got the 182, because it is worth revisiting Rapid Transit every so often - it's a really good route, and the metro section requires an aggressive tube-train stlye drive.

    Anyway - I won't bore you with the fact that I put three hours into GRID and three hours into NASCAR Heat 4, and found no bugs whatsoever... but a couple of hours on the 182 DLC... and guess what....? Bugs...! ;-O

    Bugs encountered with the 182 DLC:

    1. Count of Training and Scenarios under the RT route recognises the new DLC, but doesn't recognise when they are completed (in the numerical summary). [Denominator okay, but numerator is broken, as is often the case with other routes - we can't expect things to be counted properly anyway, and to be fair, with the DLC added the Scenario denominator is now an extremely high and difficult to count to kind of number....also known as "eight"]
    2. The first time I did the first "S-Bahn Sprinter" Scenario for the 182, it did not register as complete with a white "tick" in the UI (NB: I did not expect medals, as this feature is not in RT, which is fair enough). Also, the miles driven were not added to the tally for the locomotive. The other scenarios got ticked when they were completed. The second time that I did "S-Bahn Sprinter", I noticed that I was "re-awarded" all of the pink XP awards for using things for the first time.... and then I realised that nothing from that Scenario had been remembered and recorded from the first time around, and I wondered why that might be (see below)*.....
    3. The DBPBZFA tutorial (training/Introduction) is very badly designed - to the point of being bugged, in my opinion. This is because if you attain the fairly generous line-speed before the final stop, which is rather easy to do with the 182, then you are only given 500m warning that the station stop has suddenly become an objective.... so even if you have cat-like reactions and jump on the emergency brakes you will over-shoot by a few hundred metres. You can't reverse back because the controls are locked, and only the brake can be accessed. So it breaks the module. And the control lock-out also means there is a second bug, because if you approach the station slowly and then brake and stop the train before the stop objective's threshold... then you can't put the power back-on, which breaks the module. A double module-breaking bug... in a tutorial...again... ;-O
    4. Finally - and I am not sure if this is a bug or just (poor?) feature design (but maybe the best approach anyway....) - but I noticed that the 182 had the lovely two-part HUD power display with KN, posisbly with negative as motor-braking or regen (to yellow). But with the same traction, when you are in the DBPBZFA, the HUD reverts to the standard three-part ammeter type, which is a shame in my opinion. But it might be better to do it that way for reasons I don't yet understand..... even if the DBPBZFA is just a DVT. Maybe this happens on all of the DVTs on all the routes (?)... well anyway.... it's the first time that I have been bothered by this....

    *I think that this experience (in point number 2 above) also has very strong implications for the way trophies are awarded, and I think I have now found a possible solution for fixing trophies that is better than "internet off" and better than "try a new profile".... And I might have a simple global bug-fix (or "feature suggestion") for it too, for all routes, to close out this issue, once and for all.... but I might need a little more data to be sure...

    So - if anyone still has any broken trophies - I have explained my idea here:

    In this thread:
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2020
  16. Matzo

    Matzo Active Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    I'm all ears...
  17. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    I found the SIFA lady to be very comforting. She sounded like she had just entered the driver's cab, and saw me stuffing myself with apfel-strudel... and that she was then saying to me (in the voice of my imaginary Austrian aunt):

    "Not again wiz ze apfel-strudel.....!, vhile you are driving ze twain....! You know wery vell how ze ozzer drivers get wery upset vhen zey find that ze power handle has been left all icky und schticky....! Here takes deez tissues and clean it all up... and do it NOW....! ... you naughty naughty twain-zim enthuziast....!"

    SIFA tissues.jpg
  18. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Another thing that I noticed on RT is that every single time I pass these windmills, they are dead still. Either they are broken, or Leipzig was a very bad location for expecting medium to high winds.

    The Broken Windmills of Leipzig.jpg

    They should consider installing some 145* models, like these ones - designed especially for the Gamesa version 4.X platform:

    But if you want to run the 155s, then you need to upgrade to the Gamesa 5.X platform instead...apparently...., or they won't work near tunnels, even wind-tunnels.....!

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2020
  19. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    I'm still missing eight trophies (and counting) - all listed in this thread.
  20. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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  21. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    "What do you mean ze apfel-strudel has now dried on....? Oh... okay - vell hier - take some of zis unsalty salt free sodium reduced unsalted varter to vet the tissues, and clean it all off ...! DO IT NOW....!"

    SIFA Unsalted Salt Free Sodium Reduced Water With Minerals and Salts.jpg
  22. TomGardinerUK

    TomGardinerUK New Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    Haven't tried out any of the German routes yet or the trains and I've owned them for most part of a year or so now. The closest I think ive been to DB is the Class 66 freight train. I guess I just purchase anything to do with TSW anyway, should probably explore the routes though, I hear Ruhr Seig-Nord and Main-Spessart Bahn are decent routes.
  23. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    They're all good and quite varied. If you like snow, mountain gradients and longer distance routes, MSB and RSN are nicely made (except for the tunnel sound issue on PS4 and weird as-the-crow-flies distance counting) and if you like shorter routes or passenger services with LOADS of regular stops, RRO is for you. Nice to be able to mix trains between the routes too.
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  24. TomGardinerUK

    TomGardinerUK New Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    I enjoy that specifically about the British routes too. Especially with NTP. GWR is currently still a bit too basic for my liking, but it's my most used route at the moment. The Class 66 in DB livery is really good but I want to see it in EWS livery.
  25. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    You can switch it between DB and EWS liveries on GWE when you choose a service from timetable mode. I think the ECW one is EWS too.
  26. k4rlovc4n

    k4rlovc4n Active Member

    Feb 28, 2019
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    I have it and no problems yet! :cool:
  27. TomGardinerUK

    TomGardinerUK New Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    I did not know this! Thank you! I'll check this out.
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