Gone very quiet from DTG and responding to the questions to the problems that TSW4 has got. I suppose reading all the problems this game has here on the forum has taken up their time. Seems that the PC version has been a bucket of worms.
I imagine they're fairly busy atm. There's been a fair bit of feedback to filter, triage and resolve. Normal service will resume shortly I'm sure.
They have been working flat out to get the game out, with many late nights. They deserve a weekend off!
How outrageous Matt! How dare you try and have a non work related existence! Jokes aside, you guys deserve to take a bit of a breather. Loving TSW4 so far, make sure you don't overwork yourself and the team!
She must be a Good Un Matt. 20 years and going strong here, best thing that ever happened to me. Don't lose sight of the real prize. Happy wife happy life. You could put in 36 hour days and would it really make a massive difference? We can wait. Im the meantime we can scrap amongst ourselves..
We're just coming up on 28 years in December, one of the first "internet couples" hah (we were in magazines and newspapers etc like some oddity). All good - she's off in the states for a month to be with family Matt.
You can say what you want, but you're not officially staying at the office untill Lady is staying there with you
Sorry you have to be without her company for a whole month. Dare we hope that once the major launch issues have been settled and you've had some rest, we might be seeing some casual recreational streaming as in days of yore?
That is my plan yes. Next "casual" stream is the all-weekend charity stream for Special Effect in a week or so Matt.
Matt and some of the devs have certainly been active over in the editor sub trying to unfry our brains. JD responded to my question about no starter packs visible in the on console PS store. I’m sure all the feedback is being collated.
The team have been pretty much round-the-clock since Early Access 10 days ago (and most of the 6 weeks prior!). I'll be honest, we're all pretty knackered. We were responding in a lot of threads over the weekend, and are UK-based, so core working hours (whatever they are) are around 9am-5pm BST - and please don't forget we have communities on other platforms as well, so please don't suggest we're sticking our heads in the sand
I might be known on this forum to criticize a lot but kudos to DTG, they’ve been communicating and interacting quite a lot recently. I had a problem and DMed JD and frankly, he responded ASAP until we found out a solution, which was the case.
I hugely appreciate the way DTG staff have been interacting in the last week or so, in particular trying to help those of us struggling with the PC Editor. No idea how anyone could think they’ve gone quiet.
Well then -- no excuse for not working 24 hours/days while the wifey is away.... Atleast that is what most of my customers thnk for my consultancy ...
The initial OP was a silly and totally unnecessary troll which evoked some cringeworthy responses. It's quite evident to anyone on the forum that the CM's have been posting virtually non-stop in the last few weeks. They're doing an excellent job. Leave it there, for goodness sake. Enough with the love letters or go to Off Topic. Crosstie ( Certified Grinch ).
23 years here. We met in a Depeche Mode chatroom. Hence why I gave TSW4 a thumbs up for having them in a video.
I bet you... (don't say it, JD) (don't say it) JUST COULDN'T GET ENOUGH (I'm so sorry, you have no idea how many times that line has been used internally over the past 6 weeks).
Lots more communication from DTG now, than during the summer blackout. Appreciate their work and hope they can get the issues sorted.