PS5 [logged] Dualsense Circle Button Malfunction

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by Kamaratko, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. Kamaratko

    Kamaratko Member

    Mar 12, 2024
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    On older routes and locomotives DLC’s, the Circle button on PS5 Dualsense controller trigers both SIFA acknowledge as well as PZB wachsam resulting in hearing loud “Zugbeeinflussung!” or “beeep-beeep-beep!” every 30 seconds that makes pretty annoying gameplay experience. You should hear just ASMR-like SIFA “click-sound” every 30seconds, along with enjoying engine and railroad tracks sounds:love:, and PZB wachsam sound ONLY when you actually needs to acknowledge magnet and you do that.

    For further explanantion like it should work, and of how great and comfortable it works in routes originaly released in “TSW4 Special edition” I’ve bought as first before buying other DLC’s, for example, on BR DB 193 Vectron or locomotives and EMU’s used on Vorarlberg, Linke Rheinstrecke or Nahverkehr Dresden - when you press Circle button, standartly only SIFA button is triggered, except situation when PZB wachsam needs to be triggered when passing the magnet, it’s operated automaticly (I call it DACBSST - Dualsense’s adaptive circle button safety system triggering ;)) when Circle button does hit PZB wachsam too.

    From my own experience, this bugged Safety Systems on PS5 problem concerns the following content that I own - on all of the Timetable rides, Free rides and Scenarios as well:

    Main-Spessart Bahn
    DB BR 185.2
    DB BR 146.2
    DoppelStockwagen control car

    Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruhr
    DB BR 425
    DB BR 422

    Ruhr-Sieg Nord
    DB BR 185.2
    DB BR 143 (But when I choose Nahverkehr Dresden version for timetable ride on RSN, this version of 143 works just fine)
    DoppelStockwagen control car

    DB BR 101 Loco Add-On :( & DB BR 187 Loco Add-On

    Schnellfahrstrecke Koln-Aachen
    ICE 3M
    DB BR 442 (but Talent 2 in Nahverkehr Dresden in works just fine! I dont understand:()

    Thanks. I’m kindly asking and looking forward that this annoying malfunction of Circle button / this bug , will be fixed soon! One of possible fixes should be repairing scripts of older Locos to newer locos script that are with DACBSST (Dualsense’s adaptive circle button safety system triggering) or possibility to adjust mapping for PS5 controller the way that Cir le will be just for SIFA and PZB wachsam will have its own button od Square+Dpad as well as PZB frai and PZB override already has(!), explained and mentioned in this thread:
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2024
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  2. li150special

    li150special Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2021
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  3. Kamaratko

    Kamaratko Member

    Mar 12, 2024
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    Two weeks later, still no response either on my support ticket or here that someone will look at this and repair this bug…
  4. Kamaratko

    Kamaratko Member

    Mar 12, 2024
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    knowledge enriched - I bought some DLC’s in actual PS store sale and here are the following findings:
    :(DB BR 155 (red livery) - DACBSST does not work, but Sifa button is relatively in reachable place but you have to move vision with left joystick every 30seconds thats not very comfortable.
    :(Bahnstrecke Hamburg Lubeck (DB BR 112, MRCE ES 64 U2) - DACBSST does not work.

    :)Niddertalbahn - works good, pressing circle triggers just sifa not also PZB wachsam everytime.
    :)Bahnstrecke Bremen Oldenburg - works good also
    ;)Bahnstrecke Salzburg Rossenheim - works good also

    As a result I can say that DLC’s before TSW3 are malfunctioned in Safety system acknowledgig for PS players and every futre buyer should be aware. Or patient enough to hear loud beep every 30 seconds when it triggers also PZB wachsam with Sifa acknowledging.:mad:

    :| and at the end here is a glimmer of hope - DTG planning to release 2024 summer core patch for TSW. Maybe they include also fix of this malfunction with fixing other bugs .. we will see. :|
  5. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    It’s not a bug that the old locos don’t have an intelligent response to the circle press as it was just how it was done back then until they improved it. With most things that were improved over time older content doesn’t get updated to the newer standards. The only way around it is to use a keyboard in conjunction with the controller and use the separate keyboard keys for Sifa and PZB like PC users do or don’t use Sifa on the affected trains, otherwise you will continue to experience this issue. There is next to no chance this will ever change unfortunately.
  6. simpman

    simpman Guest

    If it worked better in previous version of the product then yes it's absolutely a bug, it's called regression.
  7. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    It didn’t work better in a previous version, that’s the whole point. It’s the older locos that have both safety systems reacting every time the button is pressed.
  8. Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2020
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    They didn't start that setting until DRA came out.

    So anything route or loco DLC that came out before then acknowledges both and makes the PZB noise even for just the SIFA. Which are generally the ones you say don't work. So nome of those are bugs that is just the way they were made.

    However even some of the newer products they haven't been keeping up with it. Maintahlbahn, Dresden-Chemnitz, the ICE 1, and Voralberg being ones I can name on the top of my head.
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  9. Phobion

    Phobion New Member

    Jun 24, 2024
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    Yep, I can confirm that too on PS5.

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