A route from Kilmarnock and east Kilbride to Glasgow central would be a good addition to train sim world 2, both routes use the class 156 super sprinter, and this could be added on to the cathcart circle line, distance for the east Kilbride route is only around 20km, Kilmarnock route is a bit more at around 30-40km, both routes would likely fit into a single dlc or add on to tsw2
Barrhead included. It would be a good route to add before the Lines are going to fully Electrified in 2023 since Network Rail has already started Piling and putting up the overhead equipment. But I think E + G, Ayrshire Coast Line and a few other lines will be added before the Glasgow South Western Line is even considered.
Yeah i definitely think the Ayrshire coastline would be added before this, and honestly i would prefer it as well