I have started practicing laying track in the TSW4 editor. I am trying to create a crossover between two tracks. Has anyone figured out how to use the create crossover between parallel tracks tool?
You aren’t alone, a bit more info here.. https://forums.dovetailgames.com/threads/crossover-tool-not-working.75663/
I got my crossover tool working only problem I have is one track is slightly higher than the other and so there's a big dip where the crossover connects up
I’ve had to level up a few of my junctions by carefully tweaking nearby nodes until there was no step in the crossover rails. Then working outwards away from those nodes so there were no sudden changes in gradients in adjacent ribbons. Generally if I know two tracks are going to be linked with a crossover or other junction, I now try to aim to keep them as close to the same height as possible and have similar gradients to avoid this problem.