Dovetail Games How To Report A Bug

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by DTG-Chris, Sep 13, 2023.

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  1. DTG-Chris

    DTG-Chris Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Some bugs and issues can make for an unenjoyable experience. However, many bugs have a relatively minor impact on gameplay. Either way, we want to know about it so we can improve everyone's experience. Therefore, we would like to ensure that there is a structured process for reporting and prioritising bugs.

    Urgent Issues
    An urgent issue would be something that prevents access to content, or stops the player from completing something. In this case, we would recommend that players aware of such an issue submit a support ticket with further details. This will allow us to assess the situation and respond to issues as they develop.

    Useful Links:
    Bug Reporting
    Firstly, if you notice an issue of any shape, size or priority, please report it by submitting a support ticket. Every bit of player feedback helps us improve the game, and this process will get the bug logged on our internal bug tracking system. Submitting a ticket allows us to get all the necessary details our QA team may need to investigate an issue by having a one-on-one discussion with the bug reporter. We realise that it may take a few replies to get everything we need to know, but you can aid the process by ensuring that you...
    • Fill out all the fields in the bug reporting form.
    • Provide a detailed and accurate description of the issue.
    • Explain how the issue can be recreated (bullet pointed steps).
    • Provide examples in the form of screenshots or videos.
    I found an issue with the platform at Duddeston Station on Birmingham Cross City. The platform is the wrong shade of grey! You can see this for yourself by following my instructions.
    1. To The Trains > Choose a Route > Birmingham Cross City > Timetable
    2. Explore on Foot > Duddeston Station
    3. Spawn in and look at platform 4, the gravel is the wrong shade of grey.
    I think it should be this shade of grey and you can see how it looks in-game for comparison."

    Minor Issues & Troubleshooting

    We love to see our community sharing knowledge and helping each other out. Therefore, if you have a non-urgent issue or question, please feel free to create a thread and other community members or admins will help out where they can. However, we would recommend that you use the search box in the top right of the forums before you do so. We often see duplicate threads, the answer you are looking for may already be out there. We also have many answers to frequently asked questions on the Dovetail Support Knowledge Base.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2024
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