In this scenario, the very first signal starts showing lights that are explained in the manual as "proceed at signal speed". Signal speed at that station is 35kph - which is also the speed shown in HUD - but if you pass it at any speed, PZB kicks Zwangsbremsung in. Is this a known bug, or am I doing something wrong? I did a search but could not find anything. P.S. The embed seems to not work for me, but it does open on YouTube.
Same thing seems to also be happening in 'Passengers for Slovenia' scenario, after a signal indicating 40 kmh limit.
NOT a bug. Commiee, what seems to be a bug is correct PZB behaviour. The signal you are referring to is a combination signal - it acts as a main and a distant signal - you can identify this by the sign at the bottom (in Germany it is called "Ne2") - the big "X". This needs acknowledgement by pressing "PZB Acknowledge" (PgDn) if not green - at the start it displays green/yellow - which is a speed restriction and needs PZB acknowledgment. Hope to have cleared that up for you. Btw, when you get rolling and the blue "85" light starts blinking, press the "End" key for release from the PZB restrictive startup program (only if signal ahead is not displaying red aspect - else you would get a Zwangsbremsung passing the then active 500Hz magnet - that would be an "unerlaubte Befreiung".) Cheers.
That makes sense - I did read the manual before playing, but did not combine the two signals (that were explained there on separate pages) in my mind when passing the post. Thank you for clearing this up!