Lloydbahn Rostock - Neustrelitz

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by seblay1608, Mar 14, 2021.

  1. good idea

    10 vote(s)
  2. for sale

    0 vote(s)
  3. bad idea

    0 vote(s)
  4. only if the route via Güstrow is included

    1 vote(s)
  5. only if more routes (like suggested) are included

    0 vote(s)
  1. seblay1608

    seblay1608 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    Between Rostock and Berlin are two routes: the Lloydbahn Warnemünde - Neustrelitz and the Berliner Nordbahn Stralsund - Neustrelitz - Berlin. Lots of trains don't drive on the full line from the Lloydbahn, instead they drive via Güstrow. Look at this map:
    2021-03-11 (3).png

    There are the Lloydbahn Warnemünde - Laage(Meckl) - Waren(Müritz) - Neustrelitz with 127 km, the route from Plaaz to Priemerburg with 10 km, the route from Lalendorf East via Güstrow to Rostock with 51 km and the route from Kavelstorf to Rostock Seehafen with 11 km length. That all would be very long, so I suggest not everything (if you want, you may build all routes lol :D). The route from Waren(Müritz) to Rostock Hbf has a length of 77 km. The route from Lalendorf East via Güstrow to Rostock has 51 km, the route from Plaaz to Priemerburg 10 km, in conclusion are that ~130 km - yes, that is very long. For comparing it, I wouldn't suggest new rolling stuff coming with this route. But first, look on the traffic:
    2021-03-11 (4).png
    There are the S1 (only if you build to Warnemünde), the S2 to Güstrow via Schwaan and the S3 to Güstrow via Laage(Meckl). They drive with 5-car Talent 2 from the DB Regio Nordost, that are 442 337 to 442 359. 442 349 has the baptism name "Hanse- und Universitätsstadt Rostock" and 442 354 is advertising for the VVW (Verkehrsverbund Warnow)

    I tried to repaint the Talent 2 from SKA to the 442 354, but it was very hard and isn't 100% realistic:

    The RE1 would be a AI train to Schwaan with the BR 182 and 5 Dostos, a BR 112 isn't that unrealistic. There is the RE4, but there is no rolling stock in TSW2 yet. The IC drives with the IC2, the BR 4110:
    This train I suggest for an additional Loco-DLC. The IC17 drives via Laage and not via Güstrow.

    The RE5 drives with a BR 112 and 4-5 Dostos. The Dostos are modernized. The all cars except the 1./2. Class car are Dosto03.

    The 1./2. Class car is this:

    not this:
    The TSW picture is a Dosto07, the picture above is a Dosto97.

    The RE5 is also operating with the BR 445 Twindexx Vario, but I suggest this train more for a future DLC.

    There are some freight trains, which use mostly the route via Laage instead the route via Güstrow. For freight, I suggest the BR 185.2 from RSN (with substitution for every other freight loco, especially for the BR 232, 143 and 155).

    My suggestion for the DLC Lloydbahn:
    77 km long route Rostock Hbf - Waren(Müritz)
    Optional: 51 km long route Rostock Hbf - Güstrow - Lalendorf Ost
    Optional: 10 km long route Priemerburg - Plaaz
    Optional: 14 km long route Rostock Hbf - Warnemünde
    Optional: 35 km long route Waren(Müritz) - Neustrelitz Hbf
    Optional: 11 km long route Kavelstorf - Rostock Seehafen Süd (Dierkow)
    BR 112.1
    modernized DABpbza 757.4
    modernized DBpza 780.5
    modernized DBpbzfa 766.1
    BR 185.2
    freight cars
    BR 442.3

    Future Loco-DLCs for this route:
    BR 445 Twindexx
    BR 4110 KISS
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  2. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Really excellent ideas and speaking of DB BR112 basically the same locomotive as DB BR143 RSN RRO HRR push pull locomotives and can be used on Main Spessart Bahn Aschaffenburg-Gemünden substituted for DB BR146.2. Own this one then get BR 445 Twindexx train DLC you should be able to use it on other German routes HMA HRR RRO RSN & Main Spessart Bahn Aschaffenburg-Gemünden.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
  3. seblay1608

    seblay1608 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    Yes, the 445 could also be used on MSB. On MSB, the RE54/55 operates only with the Twindexx, while the RE5 operates with the Twindexx and Dostos of the 4. Generation with a BR 112/114. I don't know if a 5 car EMU can substitute a Loco with 5 cars.
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