Feature Making Use Of Playstations Features.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Trainiac, Jan 2, 2024.

  1. Trainiac

    Trainiac Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2019
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    This one is specific to the PS5. Making use of the PS5’s adaptive triggers is a good way of taking that immersion one step further beyond simple vibrations.

    For example:
    Trains with notched power & brake handles requiring you to press down with more force to move through each notch similar to pushing and pulling real life e.g. Class 323

    Trains with brake pins or E-brakes beyond full service/step 3 requiring you to press down with full force to move it. E.g. Class 31

    This applies to PS4 &5:
    I think we could get more use out of the track pad, being able to bring up the timetable and map is fine but what if the cursor from the classic controls could be accessed by using the track pad? Now it might have to be quite sensitive and the movement range would have to be scaled but I think it’s a good idea being able to access certain controls without moving the camera as much.

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  2. Folup1372#8582

    Folup1372#8582 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2023
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    Ps5 Adaptive Triggers? HELL YEAH? But I don't know about the track pad
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  3. lucasfor49

    lucasfor49 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2021
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    Make it toggerlerable.

    Some people with hand issues get damaged from adaptive triggers, I know from freinds and family.
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