Perspective On The Capabilities Of Tsw Scenery

Discussion in 'Creators Club' started by pschlik, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. pschlik

    pschlik Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    If you are around any of the same things as me, you'll be used to hearing things about TSW not looking right. Whether that's underwhelming draw distance, flickering anti-aliasing, pop-in of everything, "PS2" textures, or the whole 'being dumbed down for consoles''s pretty known that the default range of options doesn't really push things hard enough for a bunch of people. That's not to say its impossible though. Take a look at this thing.

    So if you are one of those random folk worried about graphics on something that is already about great graphics (like come on) then go ahead and have the darn motivation to go in all Hackerman and make the game look like you want.
    After all, it's not the game's fault, it's the settings menu. Don't ask for better graphics, ask for the option to literally turn stuff up to 11. Or 15, why not?
    Normal settings

    Hackerman settings
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