Accessibility Ps5 Controller Mapping (sifa, Pzb)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Kamaratko, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. Kamaratko

    Kamaratko Active Member

    Mar 12, 2024
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    :|After experiencing annoying problem in MSB and RSN routes, maybe it’s on all older German DLCs, (on newer DLCs like EMU 4024 in Vorarlberg route, Linke Rheinstrecke, BR 193, etc. this is not the thing, it works the way that Circle button just hits SIFA all the time, not SIFA+PZB automaicaly, anyway when PZB needs to be hit due passing magnet, then Circle do hit PZB) when you play with safety systems turned on, everytime you hit Circle to Acknowledge SIFA, it turns on the PZB acknowledge button in same time, resulting in hearing loud “beeepbeeep” or “zugbeinflussung” every 30seconds, instead you should hear just silent click of SIFA button and enjoy sounds of the train. Or, just not turning SIFA in RSN and MSB to operation, resulting in worse simulation experience and saddnes of simdriver :/

    I’m suggesting and wishing developers to bring us an easy fix of this problem on older routes, also inhancing experience on newer DLCs, and update or give possibility to have the PS5 controls to much more useful and enjoyable way:
    Circle button only acknowledging SIFA alerter
    and in left-to-right order just like in cab these PZB buttons:
    Square+Left : PZB override
    Square+Up : PZB release
    Square+Right : PZB acknowledge

    Please give us possibility to have Dualsense controller scheme with those three buttons alligned to Square+D-pad buttons.

    Last edited: Apr 2, 2024
  2. Kamaratko

    Kamaratko Active Member

    Mar 12, 2024
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    Main post with suggestion edited, simplified, added picture, and updated the fact that this problem with hearing annoying PZB sounds every 30secs while acknowledging SIFA is happening in older DLC’s like MSB or RSN. On newer DLCs trains like 4024 or BR 193 the usage of Circle button is automatizated and triggers the PZB acknowledge just when it needs to be.

    Anway it would be nice to have all three PZB buttons maped on D-Pad and use Circle just for SIFA acknowledging. Or even better, give us option to choose the PS5 controller buttons mapping.
  3. Kamaratko

    Kamaratko Active Member

    Mar 12, 2024
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    Update: same problem with DLC DB BR 101 , also DB BR 187 both on Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruh, even with ICE3M on Schnellfahrstrecke Koln-Aachen . Everytime I press Circle, it turns even SIFA button but also PZB Acknowledge button, which makes annoying every 30seconds hearing of Zugbeinflussung instead of kust SIFA silent click.

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