Rapid Transit Dlc - Db Br 1 442 Talent 2 Nach Update Falsche Zugart In Der Pzb

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Paskoc, Aug 23, 2021.

  1. Paskoc

    Paskoc New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    Ein herzliches Hallo aus Wien!

    The English version of this text is at the end of my post!

    Nach langem Suchen in diesem und anderen Foren nach einer Lösung meines Problems, möchte ich nun doch meine Frage hier ins Forum stellen.

    Seit dem letzten Update (Rush Hour) habe ich im DLC Rapid Transit mit der Baureihe DB BR 1 442 Talent 2 ein Problem:

    Es wird die falsche Zugart im DB BR 1 442 Talent 2 automatisch aktiviert, nämlich die untere. Wenn ich also vor Fahrtantritt den Zug aufrüste, und die PZB aktiviere, steht im HUD und auf dem mittleren Monitor im Führerstand die Zahl 55 statt 85, wo 85 korrekt währe. Jetzt kann man ja bei anderem Rollmaterial die Zugart ändern, aber beim Talent 2 finde ich da keine Einstellmöglichkeit. Auch ist es so, das keine Töne ausgegeben werden, wenn ich eine der PZB-Tasten drücke und die erlaubte Geschwindigkeit kann ich auf der Strecke nicht voll ausfahren, da ja die Höchstgeschwindigkeit der unteren Zugart weit unter den 160 km/h liegt, die auf der Strecke erlaubt sind.

    Wenn mir bei dem Problem jemand helfen könnte, oder der eine oder andere eine Idee hat, wie das Problem vielleicht zu lösen ist, wäre ich sehr dankbar.

    So danke ich Euch schon jetzt recht herzlich für Eure Mühe!

    Mit besten Wünschen


    English-Version of my Text Computer Translateted:

    A warm hello from Vienna!

    After a long search in this and other forums for a solution to my problem, I would now like to put my question here in the forum.

    Since the last update (rush hour) I have had a problem in the DLC Rapid Transit with the DB BR 1 442 Talent 2 series:

    The wrong type of train is automatically activated in DB BR 1 442 Talent 2, namely the lower one. So if I upgrade the train before starting the journey and activate the PZB, the number 55 instead of 85 is displayed in the HUD and on the middle monitor in the driver's cab, where 85 would be correct. Now you can change the type of train with other rolling stock, but with Talent 2 I can't find any setting options. It is also the case that no sounds are emitted when I press one of the PZB buttons and I cannot fully extend the permitted speed on the route, since the maximum speed of the lower type of train is well below the 160 km / h on are allowed on the route.

    If someone could help me with the problem, or if one or the other has an idea how to solve the problem, I would be very grateful.

    So I thank you already very much for your effort!

    With best wishes

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  2. hyperlord

    hyperlord Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2019
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    I tried two MSB runs this weekend and PZB was always set to "U" whenever I just activated it.
    Maybe it's the new default setting for PZB? Can only speculate here
  3. Paskoc

    Paskoc New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    But in Talent 2 I can't change the move type from "U" to "O"
  4. Cramnor

    Cramnor Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    I came across that as well. I haven't found a switch to change the mode either, another user commented on my fault report that once you pass the magnet it will show the 85 (have not tested it myself) - so it could be just a visual bug in the display, but a bug nonetheless. Actually, they seemed to have done something to the MFD, since for some trains the door indicator for example no longer works (BR146 for example), so I could imagine this being another side effect of the changes (intentional or not).
    And the PZB buttons not making any sounds is for sure a bug as is that the passenger light button does not work either. All of this worked before the "update". I fear we'll have to wait and hope it will get fixed :(
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  5. Paskoc

    Paskoc New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    Many thanks for your response. What would be important for me to know is whether the Train Sim World 2 team already knows this problem, and whether this problem is already included in the repair plan?
  6. Clumsy Pacer

    Clumsy Pacer Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    I've noticed the PZB buttons in the Dostos (at least the MSB ones) play the sound twice, and if you keep holding it down it doesn't loop as a single continuous sound, it plays the sound, then stops as if its reached the end of the file, and then plays it again. I've noticed similar with AWS in the Class 31 - it plays twice, although does loop properly.
  7. Cramnor

    Cramnor Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    I filed a technical report about it. If that means it get's on their list, don't know. If that means it will be fix, even less certain about that.

    Yepp, experienced the same. It is really disheartening to see the bugs on new routes, and now even more bugs pop-up on older routes that were previously fine :(
    Btw, the Hamburg-Lübeck one does the same as the MSB one.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2021
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  8. Paskoc

    Paskoc New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    I saw this as soon as the big update came out: the older a track is, the more problems it has with it. The new routes could probably be taken over - as they are - without major reprogramming.

    I have now also forwarded my forum post, which I posted here, in a slightly different form as a ticket to the DTG Suppoert. We'll see if I get an answer to that. I really hope so.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2021

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