So with the BNSF news on the TS side of things, it does open the window for more BNSF specific routes to be added to TSW2 in the future. So one route Im gonna re-propose is Cajon Pass. I original made a proposal for just the Palmdale Cutoff only about a year ago, but this one will primarily feature BNSF. Maximum Route Proposal (San Bernadino/West Colton to Dagget/Yermo) So with Cajon Pass hosting both BNSF and Union Pacific trains in the modern era, its best to represent both railroads by having both of their respected yards on each end of the route. With BNSF's yard in San Bernardino, and Union Pacific's yard in West Colton as western terminus', while BNSF's line to the east would end at Barstow, but have the mainline until Daggett, where the UP line splits to their own yard in Yermo, CA. Granted, this is an ambitious proposal, especially trying to model 2 major railyards in the SoCal area. This line is 93 miles alone from San Bernadino to Daggett, not counting the extra miles from UP's Palmdale Cutoff from West Colton and the 5 miles from Daggett to UP's Yermo Yard. Minimum Route Proposal (San Bernadino to Oro Grande) At minimum the route would start at BNSF's yard in San Bernardino, and run up Cajon to as far as Oro Grande, just North of Victorville This is about 55 miles, a much more reasonable length. Union Pacific's Palmdale Cutoff would only be modeled around Cajon and no West Colton would be included in the route. This shorter route unfortunately would cut a potential Amtrak DLC to 2 stops instead of 3. But one possible addition is Cemex's branch line from Victorville to Black Mountain Quarry. A shorter route could also add in BNSF local services around San Bernardino as well, breaking up the A-B runs on the mainline. (BNSF maintains a small yard in Fontana to serve the local industries) -East End of Union Pacific's West Colton Yard -BNSF San Bernardino Sullivan's Curve Memorial site (Feb 2nd, 1996 Derailment) Hill 582 Frost Flyover Mojave River Bridge (North of Victorville) BNSF Barstow Locomotives With Dovetails recent track record of only including 1 new loco with each new release and 2 loco's maximum, I think the route should come with only 2 BNSF locos, with Union Pacific trains being subbable from Sherman Hill at least. BNSF's roster would be 1 Mainline loco, and 1 yard loco. I wont focus on paint schemes ATM. Mainline Locos BNSF is a major user of GE locos so the 2 most likely candidates for their locos would either be the older C44-9W, which BNSF owns over 1500's examples of the model (Compared to barely 100+ AC44's) or the GEVO, which BNSF owns 3 variations of, 685 ES44AC's, 721 ES44DC's, and 1280 ES44C4's. -ES44AC -ES44DC -ES44C4 GE C44-9W Local/Yard Locos For yard locos, there is about 3 major candidates. The good old SD40-2, the GP60 (+Varients) or the former mainline loco rebuilt the B40-8W. All 3 can be seen working BNSF yards around the US. SD40-2 SD40-2 + GP60B's GP60 + GP60M B40-8W
For BNSF you can also make DLC SD70Ace p4 technical details is in Progress Rail Site these are the 8500s in BNSF Fleet roster built-in 2014 Yard work Gensets Code S Hybrid locomotive like my RRO RSN HRR merger line Bochum-Hagen/Dortmund DB BR280.5 for Hagen Vorhalle. Does Colton Yard work like Cumberland Yard SPG & Cheyenne, WY Sherman Hill manual switching or dispatcher operated like Hagen Gbf RSN including my suggestions Hagen Vorhalle Wien Kledering Salzburg Gignl
Keep looking forward for this! Would be great if Cajon Pass comes to TSW2. ES44C4 would be awesome, because that, or Dash 9-44CW as well.
With TSW's current trend of bringing TS routes to the game and the recent announcement of BNSF branding being released wroldwide, a remastered version of Cajon Pass, this time with BNSF trains, is exactly what came to my mind. Great suggestion, I only have one thing to add: You mentioned subbing in UP content from Sherman Hill, why not add the AC44 from Cane Creek as well? Add some more variety to the UP side of you have the other DLCs.
Mainly for rolling stock reasons, as Sherman Hills content can easily support a UP timetable in Cajon Pass with its variety. I'm also assuming the AC44 will be subbable as a drivable loco for SH at some point, so it should sub in here as well. Of course rolling stock subbing could be fixed if the Oakville way of subbing freight cars was ever implemented on a larger scale...
The 3GS-21B Genset Switcher and ET44C4 are possibilities as well. I'd also like to suggest the new BNSF SD70ACeP4-T4 and rebuilt AC44C4M (C44-9Ws rebuilt as AC4400CWs with GEVO cabs and the trucks of the ES44C4 and ET44C4).
JGRudnick, great news about BNSF has released the brand worldwide! Where exactly this was mentioned? I checked their website about "News" and could not found anything about it! Despite of that I hopes this finally happens! One route I mentioned last year I would like to be available is the "Racetrack": Chicago to Aurora. (38 miles) There it is triple main track, with a both passenger Metra, Amtrak and BNSF freights trains. Including several passenger stations (26) , and two freight yards one on each extreme of the route. This will be a very interesting one!
Now the BNSF issue is sorted there must be a better than even chance of getting Cajon at some point. The Run 8 rendition is quite good and imagine that but with UE4 graphics. However as with the route proposals for Tehachapi, please also include the various spurs and industry tracks to support running local traffic.
It would be awesome to see DTG go all out with a massive multi railroad route like this and include big yards at each end of the route. I grew up around this area and am very family with the route and operations and it would be very fun to see it recreated. Assuming that one day the Amtrak P42 will be in the game, that would be a fun sub as well. Really hope DTG starts expanding their horizons with routes like this.
Barstow Yard is necessary for a Cajon Pass route. Every previous version of Cajon Pass in train simulator games has included the yard.
I think this route would be cool if it was set in the early 90s. I personally would love to see the Santa Fe's B40-8W/C40-8W Warbonnets with hotshot intermodals and massive SP trains with 5 or 6 SD45s and SD45T-2s slugging a mixed freight up to summit.
Only 2 real issues with that. 1. DTG's current track record of using only 2 locos per route, meaning we would be stuck with most likely 2 mainline diesels and no local services. (With DTG most likely rebuilding the CSX C40-8W for an ATSF C40-8W and the SP being most likely a SD40T-2/SD45T-2). 2. Southern Pacific would only be stuck to Cajon only, since they only ran from West Colton to the Palmdale Cutoff, meaning on the full length proposal of the route, they would only be seen on about half of it. However, if DTG could give us proper subbing, then the pass would see ATSF, SP, and UP proper, with the SD40-2 from Sherman Hill being subbable onto Cajon, as its paint would fit into the 90's era.
The Hump Yard for BNSF it's only seen in Cumberland CSX Sand Patch Grade. If DTG adds one for BNSF Hump Yard then Deutsche Bahn Hump Yard which will be Hagen Vorhalle RRO RSN or Dresden Friedrichstadt Riesa-Dresden. When Austrian routes arrive then Hall in Tyrol Brenner Bahn Karawanken Bahn Villach Süd Salzburg Gnigl & Wien Kledering Westbahn Salzburg Wien. My question is BNSF Barstow Yard operated manually or automatic like Deutsche Bahn Hagen Vorhalle Dresden Friedrichstadt ÖBB Salzburg Gnigl & Wien Kledering
With the new 85 mile route being teased possibly being Cajon, thought I would bring this thread back up. If there is one thing that should be done IF the route is set in the modern era, is have the Norfolk Southern GEVO from Horseshoe curve be subbed into certain BNSF trains, as they often do come on around certain BNSF trains due to thru and interchange trains.
Barstow to San Bernardino is 82 miles. Players would also get the Amtrak stations at Barstow, San Bernardino, and Victorville. However, the Amtrak Southwest Chief arrives in Barstow at night (actually, early in the morning), so the SW Chief with Amtrak P42DCs might not be included, but it could be cool to handle early morning passenger runs down to SB.
JD and Matt Spoiler: They have announced Cajon Pass Base route TSW3 That means if you actually get the game you get this route as a base package. If you have Sherman Hill Horseshoe curve then those locomotives spawn in Cajon Pass and the new Training center tutorial level