PC Ruhr Sieg Nord

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by Pinguinie, Aug 8, 2021.

  1. Pinguinie

    Pinguinie Active Member

    Oct 20, 2020
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    DoveTailGames and its delaying tactics.

    In the description of "Ruhr-Sieg Nord" on Steam, it says that you have the opportunity to drive chapters.

    This is a lie. Why does Steam allow this? Why does Steam allow DTG to spread lies about DLC's? What's the matter? In JANUARY of this year I reported a massive bug that prevents the DLC from playing and makes it impossible.

    "Posted on: Jan 15, 2021 9:15 p.m." (Ticket-System, OQK-546-49718)
    Then DTG replied that it would be taken care of.

    It is 08.08.2021 today and NOTHING has happened.
    Absolutely nothing. You still can't play the chapters because in the second task, first chapter, the distant signal stays red, no matter how long you wait. You pay for DLCs and DTG goes by the rear.

    An impudence. Taking 7 months to fix a signal bug borders on ....

    You are offering a product whose content does not work. Remedy? The idiot buyers will accept it.

    And the funniest thing is yes, DTG closes the ticket immediately after answering, true to the motto "We don't care. Questions are not wanted."

    And I had already proposed several times now to look for active players 8 weeks in advance for new DLCs, who then receive a code that is valid for 2 weeks in order to find out the grossest bugs. Require them to A) make a video B) write down bugs in their native language. (Then DTG can translate for itself, fix bugs for 6 weeks, especially those that are decisive for the game) and that would not happen. I don't want DTG.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
  2. Slemcer

    Slemcer Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2020
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    First of all, I totally understand how you feel, and it's indeed a really long time without a bugfix.
    I don't want to justify anything DTG does (or doesn't do) either, but things are not that simple.

    A long time they were unable to replicate the bug and requested more info about it.
    Also, this was (by far) not the only DLC that's ridden with bugs.
    All this time, it seems, rushing out new DLCs was the top priority, and these brought new bugs, as you would expect.

    So we can be happy that they've found the reason for this bug in the meantime, but due to other decisions the releases for several bugfixes had to be postponed.
    This is still the case and I think we are entitled to complain about it.
  3. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    If you get to a service that can’t be completed for any reason, just skip it and move on to the next one. It is a sad truth that a lot of these issues don’t get fixed and it can be frustrating but it is possible to carry on with the chapters if one service doesn’t work. Not everything that is reported will be fixed.
  4. Pinguinie

    Pinguinie Active Member

    Oct 20, 2020
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    Na ja, ich kenne keinen Weg zum "Überpringen" von Kapiteln. Das ist ja das "freche" an der Untätigkeit.

    Wenn es mal Bugs in den freien 24Stunden Plänen sind - Okay - kann man melden und nächste Schicht. Geht bei Kapiteln nicht. Und diese Bugs wurden in Steam-Bewertungen sogar noch viel früher gemacht als meine Meldung. Und es ist absolut nichts passiert.

    Ich biete mich immernoch als Kurzzeit-Tester an, wenn DTG jemals die Qualität der bevorstehenden Strecken testen will.

    Denn dieser Bug ist nichts was Weltbewegend lange dauern würde zu fixen. Einfach ein Befehl hinzufügen, dass, wenn man das Stellwerk anruft, diese eben freigeben, fertig. Da muss man nichtmal im Zeitplan etwas ändern, weil in 10 Minuten nur ein einziger Zug vorbei fährt, und dieser ist dazu noch auf einem ganz anderen Gleis. Heißt man würde mit dem einfachen Befehl des Stellwerk nichts anderes, wenns denn keine andere eingebauten Bugs gibt, stören oder beeinflussen.

    Das ist ein Bug den man nicht mit "haben keine Zeit" sich herausreden kann. Das ist eine sehr schnelle zu behebene Sache.

    Das man das Produkt nicht einfach zurücknimmt, also auf "Pause" setzt, bei Steam, verstehe wer will. Es ist verbuggt und nicht spielbar. LOVE happens auf Soundprobleme der Lok, es ist einfach unverschämt DLCs zu verkaufen die spieltechnisch Defekt sind.
    Wenns darum gehen würde, dass irgendwo Gras auf den Schienen, oder sonstetwas wäre - Okay. Dies ist jedoch ein Spielentscheidener Bug.

    Und ob die weiteren Kapitel genauso katerstrophal verbuggt sind, kann ja niemand testen.

    Also DTG, lasst eure Spiele vorher von aktiven Leuten testen.

    Strecke fertig erstellen
    Aktive Leute raussuchen (In Muttersprache Bugs schreiben lassen, selbst Übersetzen --> mehr Vielfalt und keine großen Übersetzungsfehler)
    --> Code für 2 / 3 Wochen Spielzeit
    ---> 5-6 Wochen zur Bugbeseitigungen nehmen
    Veröffentlichung des DLC

    Damit könnte man auch ziemlich genau datieren, wann etwas veröffentlicht wird, und müsste nicht immer ausreden finden "Keine Ahnung wann."

    Und wenn innerhalb der 2/3 Wochen massive Bugs gabs, die eine zurückstellung des DLC benötigen, dann wird dies eben kommuniziert und alle Käufer sind glücklich, weil sie wissen, woran sie sind.

    Aber DLCs zu veröffentlichen und dann nichtmal den Mut zu haben, einen Hotfix oder Feedback zu geben wann, das ist schon peinlich.

    Well, I don't know of any way to "skip" chapters. That's the "cheeky" thing about inaction. If there are bugs in the free 24-hour plans - okay - you can report and the next shift. Doesn't work with chapters (?).

    And these bugs were made in Steam reviews even much earlier than my reporting. And absolutely nothing happened.

    I still offer myself as a short-term tester if DTG ever wants to test the quality of the upcoming routes.

    Because this bug is not something that would take a long time to fix. Simply add a command that, when you call the signal box, they will release it, done. You don't even have to change anything in the schedule because only one train passes by in 10 minutes, and it is on a completely different track. Does that mean nothing else with the simple command of the signal box, if there are no other built-in bugs, disturb or influence.

    This is a bug that you can't talk yourself out of with "don't have time". This is a very quick thing to fix. That you don't just take the product back, that is, put it on "pause", on Steam, whoever wants to understand.

    It's bugged and not playable.

    LOVE happens on the locomotive's sound problems, it's just outrageous to sell DLCs that are technically defective. If it was about grass somewhere on the rails or something - okay. However, this is a game-changing bug.

    And no one can test whether the other chapters are just as catastrophic.

    So DTG, let active people test your games beforehand.

    Complete the route Pick
    out active people (let them write bugs in their mother tongue, translate them yourself -> more diversity and no major translation errors)
    -> Code for 2/3 weeks of playtime
    -> Take 5-6 weeks to fix bugs
    Release of the DLC

    This would also allow you to pretty much date when something is going to be published, and you wouldn’t always have to find an excuse to say "I don’t know when."

    And if there were massive bugs within the 2/3 weeks that require the DLC to be postponed, then this will be communicated and all buyers are happy because they know where they are.

    But to publish DLCs and then not even have the courage to give a hotfix or feedback when, that's embarrassing.

    Oh yes, since it was mentioned: Please set that you can skip an episode within a chapter. Then you still have a completely bugged product, but at least you don't have to wait 2 years for a hotfix.


    Your Pinguinie
  5. Lamplight

    Lamplight Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Geht sehr wohl. Anstatt beim Journey Modus (weiß nicht, wie es in der deutschen Version heißt) auf fortsetzen zu drücken, muss man nur in die Kapitelauswahl selbst gehen und dann eben das fehlerhafte Szenario überspringen. Klar sollten solche Probleme behoben werden, aber es ist echt kein Hexenwerk was fehlerhaftes zu überspringen.

    And now for everyone:
    You can easily skip bugged scenarios or services even in journey mode. Instead of pressing continue journey, move to the manual chapter selection and select the service/scenario after the bugged one. Of course, these issues should be fixed, but it‘s hardly difficult to skip past these services/scenarios.
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  6. Slemcer

    Slemcer Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2020
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    Well, I won't continue the habit of mixed language posts in this thread ...

    It should be mentioned that there's an option in the settings to turn off the automatic selection of the next service in journey mode.
    (Besides, the closest name for journey mode in German would be Reise-Modus, but there's no title in TSW2 as it is in TSW2020).
    But it's not only the journey chapter which cannot be completed, also one of the trophies/achievements (to complete all scenarios) cannot be unlocked. So this bug can indeed be called game breaking.
  7. L89

    L89 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    It is not long now until the updates will be out for all routes (sometime before Rush Hour release). This should have the Freight Exchange fix I believe.

    You can bypass the red signals at very slow speeds to complete the scenario until then.

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